The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 966 Interrogation

Chapter 966 Interrogation
"My father said that he paid for it, so what else do you have to say, grandpa?" Tao Hua asked again aggressively.

"Then I don't have anything to say." Chu Changyuan didn't know why, once the granddaughter in front of him showed an aggressive attitude, he immediately became three points timid.

"Then I'll have someone take you back." Taohua called the guard over again, intending to send him back.

"But, but... where's the third child's body?" Chu Changyuan managed to come out, he didn't intend to leave, he wanted to stay.Look at the big house where the second child lives. There are hundreds of servants.

My own small dilapidated place is not even comparable to other people's huts.

"The dark guard's investigation is complete, so they will naturally return the body to their family," Tao Hua said.

"But, but... can I not go? You asked your father to tidy up a yard for me, how about I live in it?"

"You go back to your own house, my father doesn't like you, and if you live here, my father will be unhappy." Taohua said.

"I don't care if he is happy or not." Chu Changyuan said angrily.

"Actually, I don't care if you're happy or not, but I'm sure I won't be happy if my father is unhappy." Then he recruited someone to drag Chu Changyuan away.

Chu Changyuan: "..."

The brat is even more vicious than I was back then, and he will turn his back if he says he will.

The problem was that he didn't dare to struggle hard under the drag of the hidden guard, as long as he was dragged away helplessly.

"Take them all, interrogate them separately, and don't let any of your accomplices go." Taohua directly told the secret guards to start arresting people.The women and children of Chu's third and fourth's families, who had been fighting and tearing up, suddenly lost their voices.

"Let us go, wronged, wronged."

"We're not involved in their affairs, help!"

"For the sake of the fact that the children are all from the Chu family, please forgive us."

"Don't grab the kids, don't grab the kids..."

Chu Qi stood aside, and said dejectedly, "If I had known today, why should I have done it before?"

I think that when I found out that my man had abnormalities, I should have asked clearly, and even if there was no problem, I should have made a decision.Otherwise, if it is delayed until today, what can the child do?

Colluding with outsiders, no matter whether it's planning to build a country or assassinate the Patriarch, will not end well.

After dealing with Chu Sanfang and Chu Sifang, Chu Taohua summoned Chu Zheng who had already married and started a business.

The uncle and nephew sat down in the study.

"How much do you know about the third and fourth uncles, fifth uncle?"

"My son is just three years old, and the third and fourth brothers don't have a good relationship with me. How can I take care of their family's affairs?" Chu Zheng said speechlessly. "Besides, apart from going home to visit my father, I basically don't live in the village, so what else can I know?"

"Are you planning to let me order your mother to be arrested and questioned?" Tao Hua asked coldly.

In fact, Chu Dashan's third brother and Taohua's third uncle have basically no impression of Taohua.She hadn't seen Third Uncle several times at all, and she still couldn't tell what the names of the third uncle's children were.

But Chu Wu's mother and father both live in the village, Chu San and Chu Si also live in the village, both of them are in the same village, and the relationship between relatives by blood is so bad, Taohua doesn't want to have trouble over there, Will Chu Changyuan and Chu Wu's mother pay attention?

Chu Wu's mother knew about it, so why didn't Chu Wu know about it?

"Who are you trying to shield?"

Chu Wu was awe-inspiring. "If you don't cover anyone, you really don't know."

"Come here, go and invite Chu Changyuan's wife over here." Tao Hua said.

"Wait." Chu Wu said immediately. "Wait, I really haven't told outsiders what the third brother does, maybe I told the fourth brother, but I haven't heard any rumors in the village. But it's true that the third brother often calls you rich and unkind. He also said that the second brother is vicious, Not being filial, not taking care of one’s own father, etc.”

"Is he jealous of my father's wealth and power?" Taohua asked.

Chu Zheng nodded.

"Then why didn't he work harder? A farmer with an acre or two of land in his family, as long as he worked hard, he could earn a few mu of land a year in the early years, and later he could earn a workshop in two to three years. I remember him The family has ten acres of land."

"Some land is rented out, and some rations are exchanged for a year to get some money. When he has money, he goes out to gamble, and if he loses it all, he pays the bill. So he can't save money every year, and it's good if he doesn't lose money."

Lazy is also involved in gambling, he is really good at it.

"Then who changed him from a bad gambler into a country-building fighter? This is a complete transformation." Taohua asked.

"I don't know, I just know that he disappeared for two months a year ago, and when he came back, it was like a different person." Chu Zheng said.

"Could it be a different person?" Tao Hua was thoughtful.

"Impossible?" Chu Zheng jumped in shock.

"I'll find out after interrogating my third aunt later." Tao Hua said firmly.

"Is there anything else?" Taohua then asked.

"No more." Chu Zheng shook his head.

"No, what's more, you must know who he usually gets in with and who he contacts." Chu Taohua said.

Chu Zheng: "..." Damn this niece is like a monster, why is she looking at me, I feel that something in my heart is not a secret at all?

"A man named Wu Xiazi often walks around the streets, and I don't know what city he went to. But every one or two months, he will return to Ziyang, and then secretly meet with the third brother."

"Dark guard, blind man Wu." Taohua immediately summoned the dark guard, and then said to Chu Zheng, "Describe what this blind man Wu looks like..."

Under the scorching stares of the hidden guards, Chu Zheng stammered a little about the characteristics of blind man Wu.The dark guard came out immediately and the two left in a hurry.

"Is there any more?" Taohua asked again.

"There are still a few people who are very close to the third brother, and have scolded the Chu family..."

"Very well, name and address."

Chu Zheng actually didn't want to get involved in this matter at all, but he was forced to say what he knew in the past.

Taohua got the list and immediately asked the dark guards to catch people.Catch all the young and old, so that the whole family is neat and tidy.

At the same time, Chu Shinian was also conducting an investigation in Xianyang to track down the whereabouts of Chu's third son and those who were close to him.

After sending Chu Zheng away, Chu Dashan asked the girl beside him, "Will this matter implicate us, especially you and Shi Nian?"

Peach shook her head.

"It is said to assassinate the Patriarch, but it is just a trick to catch people. As for the matter of establishing a country, although it is very strict to collude with outsiders or be controlled as a puppet, it has nothing to do with our family. But It's just a matter of Chu's third and fourth families who have already separated."

"Then what about your third and fourth aunts, and the children in the third and fourth bedrooms?"

"Collude with outsiders, it is certain to leave the clan." Tao Hua said. "I'll have someone send them to Yunzhou Continent, and find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers to house them."

(End of this chapter)

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