Chapter 967

Chu Dashan was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "You can arrange it, and leave more money for them in the end."

Sending them away is also a form of protection. In case those outside forces come back and find the third and fourth wives and their children to threaten them to do bad things, wouldn't the whole family have to take the risk?
At the same time, Chu Laosi, who was captured by the secret guards for interrogation, also confessed some people and a rather special news.It's just that since Chu Laosan disappeared for two months a year ago and came back, he seems to be a different person.

Even Mrs. Chu San said that although her man's body is still the same, his temperament has changed drastically.

From an ordinary mortal, he directly became a low-level monk with a cultivation base.

It is obvious that Chu Laosan was either taken away by someone, or someone used the secret method of the soul, which combined some soul fragments of cultivation and special memory.So much so that the temperament changed drastically.

"The possibility of seizing the house is higher, and low-level ghosts and disciples who practice ghosts can do it. Using the secret method of the soul to remelt some soul fragments into the soul is not something that ordinary ghosts and soul monks can do. .And it is more troublesome to do so. First of all, it is more difficult to find enough soul fragments suitable for use.

It's just to develop a spy. I don't think people may be willing to pay such a high price. "

Chu Ziyan said.

"Although a person is a family member, none of his family members found anything unusual and wanted to report it to the family. Not being greedy is not innocent. Let's leave the family directly." Chu Zilan said.

Chu Shinian also nodded, and Tao Hua agreed.

"In addition, by following the vine, we caught 65 low-level messengers in the periphery of this organization. The industry is everywhere." Chu Ziyanhui reported.

"How to deal with it." Taohua said.

When Chu Zheng went back to the village to visit his father again, he found that the whole village was half empty.

As soon as the rest of the villagers saw and recognized him, they immediately closed their doors to avoid the plague.

When Chu Zheng walked into his father's mansion, it was also very quiet inside, as if there was no one there.As soon as he entered the main room, he saw his father lying silently on the recliner with his eyes closed.When his mother saw him, her eyes turned red.

"Xiao Wu, you're back."

"What's wrong?" Chu Zheng asked immediately.

"Your third brother and fourth brother are nothing. The people who made friends with them in the village were either developed into peripheral spies of some organization, or they collected money and ran errands to earn black-hearted money. Those families who turned into spies were all arrested. The whole family was locked away. The errand runners were also fined to do three years of hard labor in the mines. For nothing!!

And it's still a mine, so people may not be able to come back.

Nowadays, people in the village who have an accident with a man hate us to death. "

"It's okay, even if they hate us to death, they don't dare to do anything." Chu Changyuan said coldly. "As long as your grandson-in-law is still the chief commander of the Chu family, they won't dare to do anything to us? No matter how much they hate us, they have to support us well."

"Father, it's better for you not to say a few words." Chu Zheng said speechlessly.

"Why did Dad support you to study and let you become an official since you were a child? Isn't it so that one day, you can protect our family like your niece and son-in-law?"

Chu Zheng was even more speechless after hearing this, "When I learn it, what's the use of being an official? The capital of the Great Song Dynasty is already in the kingdom."

"Then you can't learn in vain."

"I didn't learn in vain. I now have two workshops myself. In a year or two, maybe there will be a third workshop."

"What's the use of having a workshop? Can money alone prevent you from being exiled from the clan?" Chu Changyuan questioned him angrily.

Chu Zheng: Why should I be cast out of the clan?I did not collude with external forces to murder my tribe.

"Go, you go back and let your wife take care of your workshop, or your brother-in-law can take care of it. You go to the Qianniuwei exam." Chu Changyuan said.

"What?" Chu Zheng's eyes widened.Although his small workshop is not big, it is all created by his hard work.And both built two.How could he be willing?
"Look at your second brother. There are several children in the family who work in the family. Although most of them are at the bottom now, but step by step, they will naturally become important officials of the family in a few years. And you, in a few years, you It's still the family peddler who can be called around by the family's small officials.

How does this compare?
Are you willing?

Don't you have talent?Why can they do things for the family, but you can't. "


"Chu Zheng, your third brother died, but he died well. Although he did something wrong in the end, his thoughts were good. Only unwillingness and hard work can achieve success. Your eyes can no longer continue Look down, you should look up.

Your third and fourth brothers have been sent away, and now you are the only one by my side.Whether your father can enter the coffin with peace of mind in the end depends on you. "

Chu Zheng: Old man, you bought half of your legs into the coffin, why are you so ambitious?

"Just say you're going to Qianniuwei?"

Chu Zheng had a headache, "Father, your proposal was too sudden, let me think about it."

"There's nothing to think about, you just go. Your surname is Chu, and your root is Hongmiao Zizheng. Are you a son-in-law or Chu Shinian. It should be reasonable for you to enter Qianniuwei." Chu Changyuan said.

"Father, let me think about it, let alone the wind and the rain, okay?"

"Waste snacks, even meals can't keep up with hot ones." Hearing this, the little old man Chu Changyuan stood up from the reclining chair angrily, and walked away with his little hands behind his back.

"Don't pay attention to what your father said, you can do whatever you want. Your father's trick may not work." Chu Zheng's mother said with a smile. "What's wrong with the workshop? Others can't afford to open it if they want to. You've already done the work in the workshop, and if you suddenly go to Qianniuwei, you may not be able to adapt to the work there. Niuwei is so dangerous. I heard that dark guards often die, let alone Qianniuwei.

To put it aside, I think it is better to continue to do workshops. "

The father seeks merit, and the mother seeks stability.What about himself?

Chu Zheng felt that he really needed to think about it.


On the other side of the table, after dealing with Uncle Chu's affairs, the trivial matters were handed over to the people below.There is no need for her to say goodbye to send someone away.Tao Hua simply transferred with Chu Shinian to deal with Jin Cheng's affairs.

Zhuang Zihan had a slovenly look who hadn't rested for many days, when he saw Chu Shinian and Tao Hua, it was as if he saw a relative he had been looking for for a long time.

"Emma, ​​you two are here."

"Taohua, get Zixiang and Ziyan back." Seeing Zhuang Zihan's appearance, Chu Shinian said without hesitation. "Turn back and put Zi Xiang here, and bring Zi Fanhui Lao Zhuang back to order."

Ah poof.

Zhuang Zihan was immediately overjoyed.

"Yes, yes."

"Don't think about beautiful things. You train your own subordinates yourself. It's enough to assign you Ling Yanshu. There is no second one. Even if Zixiang and Zifan are recruited back, they have to take care of each other." Taohua directly I poured cold water on it.

(End of this chapter)

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