The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 968 Peach Blossom's Suggestion

Chapter 968 Peach Blossom's Suggestion

The secret guards of the Chu clan were especially killed in battle.

There are also great changes between generations. Sometimes a generation, that is, a generation of dark guards, uses the same generation at intervals of more than ten years. There have been embarrassing incidents where father and son have the same generation; The rights of the people have changed, or because of some taboos, they are anxious to change their characters, or they have suffered a serious injury and are eager to cultivate new blood, so it is possible to cultivate a large number of hidden guards in a few years.

The number of dark guards to be trained depends entirely on the financial support of the family at that time.

Although the Chu family has direct descendants and branches, and each of them has their own property, it's not that they have enough money to support a large number of hidden guards in any era.A hidden guard is trained from a very young age until he grows up and can be sent out to do missions.

In the early days, it was completely invested. Let alone other things, it is said that when Chu Xi accepted the Chu family's direct lineage and the dark guard system, a dark guard was selected from the beginning to the training of a master, plus all kinds of medicines and meat in the weekdays, etc. The intake of nutritional items needs to consume 7000 taels, an investment of at least 12 years.

If it weren't for Chu Xi's good financial management, when he first took over as the head of the family, he would have owed countless debts outside, and was often driven crazy by the days when creditors blocked the Chu family's main line to ask for accounts.

At that time, the first great elder of the direct line told Chu Xi directly that if it really didn't work, he should train less hidden guards.Anyway, the dark guard is of no use to the family for the time being.

But Chu Xi didn't think so at all.The first great elder of the direct line did not allow her to practice. If she did not have her own secret guards, she would not feel safe in her own home.In order to live better, she invested all the money she earned in the early days into the training of dark guards.

Facts have also proved that Chu Xi has always been the Patriarch of the Chu family since then, and she stands firmly on her heels, and no one can easily take her down. This has a great connection with her previous efforts to train the hidden guards.

As far as Taohua is concerned, if Zixiang and Zifan are also recruited back, then Zihan, Zigong, Ziyan, Zilan, Zixian, Zixiang and Zifan, Zizi were the eight little rookies at the time, and now they are all inferior. One is still traveling.

There are relatively few old people of the Xin generation who survived, or they are in the care of the elderly, or they are in high positions, such as Wei Fanyu.He is also of the Xinzi generation.

Younger generations also do things outside, whether it is Xiner or younger, they are all managing a lot of things outside, so it is not easy to recall them.But fortunately, these juniors can be counted as talents who can stand on their own.

These eight descendants all stood out during the training of the hidden guards back then, and were favored by the higher-ups.Otherwise, Zhuang Zihan would not have been sent to be a strategist.

However, these eight rookies are not the only ones in the Zizi generation. There are also some people who have grown up extremely quickly after leaving the teacher, and now they have also entered the eyes of the family's senior management.

For example, Zi Bo, such as Chu Moyan.He is also a descendant.

It can be said that the eyes of the senior family members are always focused on the descendants of the dark guard training system.

Because the head of the family looked down on the civil servants trained by the direct line and the inherited vertical warriors and generals who were easily obtained by their families and the flying tiger war cavalry inherited from their families.

In fact, in order to get through the inheritance of the vertical and horizontal scholars on the side of the scribes, the family sent their children to other people's schools to train the vertical and horizontal scholars, but it took several generations of hard work.As for the fact that there were people in the Chu family who went to the court to be officials in the past dynasties later.

It was even more difficult for generals. At that time, the direct line paid five daughters of the direct line, plus a lot of property, and designed to kill some generals who were against them, so they got the training system for generals of Flying Tiger War Cavalry. And matching various battle formations.

It's a pity that the spiritual energy recovered later, and most of the generals and generals' battle formations lost their functions.

The vertical and horizontal scholars on the civil servant's side are not very suitable for the development of the monk family at all.

On the contrary, the seemingly low-end professionals and spying, anti-tracking, intelligence and other professions cultivated by the secret guard system have regained their youth, even monks are very useful.As a result, it has achieved vigorous development in the last ten years.

And the various management professionals trained by the dark guard system are even more popular.

It is against this background that the new generation of Zizidai emerged.

"Hahaha, Patriarch, you really plan to recruit the two of them back." Zhuang Zihan said with a smile. "I haven't seen either of them for a while."

Taohua was speechless, "No one is working, what are you doing if you don't find them?"

"I heard that Patriarch, you have sent a large number of ordinary people out to study and practice?" Zhuang Zihan asked.

"In today's world, it's not safe to send them out. Fortunately, they are all quite skilled, otherwise I wouldn't dare to send them away." Tao Hua said with a melancholy expression.

"No way, if you don't send it out, you won't be able to achieve the purpose of study tour and experience. How can you grow into a talent by squatting at home?" Zhuang Zihan frowned.

"Okay, get yourself cleaned up, let's talk about Jincheng's affairs. Don't you want to go back a long time ago?" Tao Hua said.

"Wait for me." Zhuang Zihan immediately yelled and rushed to the bathroom.

Not long after he left, a secret guard sent an urgent letter.

It was Tong Rui who turned around.Chu Shinian opened the envelope and frowned immediately.

"What's wrong?" Taohua took the letter and looked at it.Immediately speechless, "Go to the sea? I really want to."

"I wrote back to him, did you decline?" Chu Shinian said.

"Wait, let me think about it." Tao Hua said.

"We've been targeted recently. It's really not the right time to go down to the sea to find the entrance to the ruins of the beginning." Chu Shinian said.

"Since Senior Brother Tong of yours has written you a letter, it means that he is quite sure about the news. If we do find the entrance to the Ruins of Absolute Beginning, but no one of us shows up, it won't be a big deal." Tao Hua said. "Relationships all come from each other. You have just joined the Guanghan Sword Sect. It is very important to have a good relationship with Tong Rui."

"But going into the sea at this time..." Chu Shinian was not very happy.

"You stay. I'll go down." Taohua said.

"No, if it's really not possible, I'll go down." Chu Shinian said.

"When you're here, other people don't know that I'm not there. In that case, no matter which way is eyeing us, they won't dare to act rashly. If you go down, I can't come forward directly now, so people will see it I know our house is empty." Tao Hua persuaded Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian frowned.

"On the bright side, the Chu family cannot live without a backbone." Tao Hua said.

"But I don't worry if you go down alone."

"I'll take people down."

"Then I don't worry about it either."

"I'll take people down first, and after I find out the exact news, you can come down with Tong Rui and the others. Anyway, they will call you when they come down. But this time you come down, you have to leave all the deputy commanders of the dark guard behind."

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(End of this chapter)

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