The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 969 Little White Mouse Statue

Chapter 969 Little White Mouse Statue
"Anyway, it's just a secret investigation mission." It's just that no one knows what's going on with those places and forces on the bottom of the sea, and if others go down, they may not find anything.

Taohua thought about it carefully, and she was the most suitable person to lead the team.

After all, she has the adventure experience of going out to find various resources in her previous life.

No matter what Chu Shinian thought, he felt that something was wrong.

"Let me go with you, and leave the family affairs to Chu Xinjia and Wei Fanyu for the time being."

Taohua is speechless: "The two of them can indeed take charge of the overall situation. The problem is that their cultivation is not good. Compared with the seal monks of other forces, the two of them are almost vulnerable. And your identity is not like you from the Guanghan Sword Sect. It's precious enough. Don't look at the arrogance of the forces secretly eyeing us, it seems that Guanghan Jianzong is completely ignored. They dare to attack us right under their noses.

But what they resorted to was some shady means, which showed that they were actually afraid of Guanghan Jianzong's real face-to-face and large-scale fight with them. "

Chu Shinian had to agree that his wife was right.

"Besides, I'm not completely helpless when I go down." Taohua took out a statue of a little white mouse from her Taiyin Stone Pagoda. "This is a summoning statue that I got by accident, it can summon a big demon to make a contract with me.

After the contract, I can get its help within ten days. As long as it can use the gains we have gained together, at least half of it will be given to it.If it doesn't work, it's all mine. "

"Is there any danger?" Chu Shinian asked first.

"Probably not, this is just a cooperation contract. The place is not a big monster in this world, and it is just a win-win deal to be summoned to cooperate with humans. Either of us can terminate the contract in advance. With this little There are restrictions on the mouse statue, so I don't have to worry about the big monster's distraction harming me. As long as I touch the formation above, the big monster's distraction will be sent back directly.

If it's really inappropriate, or the other party is harmful to my mind, it's fine if Wu doesn't summon it the next time I choose. "Peach Blossom said with a smile.

"I didn't expect such a thing to exist?" Chu Shinian picked up the statue of the little white mouse in amazement.

This statue looks chubby pink and cute.

However, all over the statue are extremely small bird-shaped seals that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, which look ancient and mysterious.

"It seems that I really underestimated the monks in the world. I didn't expect that a monk could refine such a powerful magic weapon so long ago."

"This should be a magic weapon, but for some reason, it has dropped down and become a magic weapon. But even if it is a magic weapon, it is at least a magic weapon of the fourth rank or higher." Taohua laughed.

She went out so many times in her previous life, and she gained so much each time, which is also related to her contracting a particularly powerful big demon sister in her previous life.

However, because of the reintegration of Tier [-] and his return, the original contract has completely dissipated.This time she might not be able to recruit that sister again.

"Well, this time you lead the team first. If you encounter any accident, you must protect yourself first. If something happens, you must believe that I will definitely go to you. Don't give up hope , you must persist until I come." Chu Shinian said solemnly while hugging her. "I can not lose you."

"Well, I know." Taohua smiled and kissed her husband's cheek.

Chu Shinian is not satisfied, why should I be treated the same as Brother Chun.

He insisted on pulling his wife to study acting husband and wife.

Ahem, having a child is definitely the justice of justice.

When Zhuang Zihan came back, half of his figure was gone.

"Patriarch and Chu Shinian, what are you all doing? What do you mean by letting me go? Could it be that I can't go back this time?"

Zhuang Zihan felt very bad, but he couldn't find anyone, so he was very annoyed.

In the end, he was really afraid of something. Early the next morning, Chu Ziyan told him with a serious face, "You really can't leave. At least you can't leave until Zixiang and Ziyan come back."

"Why, the Patriarch said yesterday that I can leave after handing over the affairs of Jincheng."

"You really can't leave." Chu Ziyan said sympathetically, "Yesterday, Tong Rui from the Guanghan Sword Sect sent a letter, asking us to go to the deep sea to investigate the news of the entrance of another relic of the beginning. In order to ensure the completion of the task, and for the family to be guarded No trouble. The head of the family has decided to lead the team down and let Chu Shinian guard the family. So you continue to support Jincheng."

"It's too bad." Zhuang Zihan was dumbfounded when he heard that.What the hell is going on here?How could such an accident happen?
"Whether it's a trick or not, you have to do what you should do." Chu Ziyan said.

"Have we decided to join Guanghan Sword Sect?" Zhuang Zihan lowered his voice and frowned.

Chu Ziyan shook his head, "So far, we have relied on Guanghan Jianzong to obtain greater benefits."

Zhuang Zihan understood immediately.

"Actually, several major forces that are making waves in the sea, especially the Taichu Sword Sect have also sent people to contact me. Judging from that, they seem to be more interested in our Chu family."

"Then be careful with your words and deeds. I think they want to deliberately use us to slap Guanghan Jianzong in the face. They don't have good intentions. If they really intend to cooperate with the family, they should at least send someone directly to contact the Patriarch. Not contacting you."

Zhuang Zihan was shocked by Chu Ziyan's words.This is indeed the reason, he probably will be away, and he has been dealing with various matters independently for too long, forgetting that the only person who can make decisions about the affairs is the head of the family, even Chu Shinian can't really represent the family.

"You have been a big official in the frontier for a long time, and your thoughts are free. I don't want to lock up your deity one day." Chu Ziyan told him angrily.

"As expected, you kid has been in the dark guard for a long time, and you can associate plots and fights with everything you hear. You are much smarter than when you first became a teacher." Zhuang Zihan sighed.

"I just want to remind you, be careful and don't make mistakes. In the past few years, I have killed many of my former colleagues." Chu Ziyan said.

Those who are secret guards and are reused by the family have too much power, and people are easy to become confused.

It is too easy for a secret guard to seek personal gain, just like a family official seeking personal gain.

"You have nothing to beat and beat Ling Yanshu. That guy seems to follow the rules, but we all know that he is not a law-abiding person. Zixian and Zilan have told me more than once that he has too many petty tricks in private. Could it be that he is someone else? Can't you see it? Don't think that we don't know that he bought the property in the Beiming Continent."

(End of this chapter)

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