The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 972 On the Road

Chapter 972 On the Road
"What is the most common water-defending formation? Feng Yanyuan, don't pretend to be an outsider there. The water-defying formation has always been portrayed in a responsible manner. The shipbuilders and master craftsmen in other industries, basically no one can remember whether it is good or not."

A girl who didn't make much noise and was silently calculating something in the corner looked up at them and retorted.

"Yes, yes, I am an amateur." Feng Yanyuan was not angry at all.She said in a very skillful tone, "Our great formation mage is an expert. I made double copies of all the talisman papers you asked me to sell, and you can draw all the talismans I asked you to draw when you have time.

We don't ask you to draw good quality talismans, as long as the quantity is sufficient and the power is sufficient. "

"Tsk, what? You prepared double copies of talisman paper? Although low-level talisman is easier to draw, but it still needs a stroke, no matter how many talisman papers you prepare, I still have time to draw them."

The girl said helplessly.

"Rongrong, I really have to ask you this time. You know that we have a tight schedule and heavy tasks this time, and we must ensure the safety of the Patriarch. Therefore, we must do a lot of preparations, and we must make sufficient preparations. I think I'm afraid it will be difficult for the cultivation of us people to improve quickly, but the talisman can quickly increase everyone's combat power, and it can be regarded as a not weak life-saving skill. So, please." Feng Yanyuan said .

"I said, why don't you go to the Patriarch to prepare more things that can enhance our combat power. For example, high-level talismans, you need hundreds or thousands of them first. When it's time for us to use them, these talismans alone can Reduced our casualties."

"I want it, I want [-] third-level to fifth-level talismans."

"Ah, have you robbed our family's talisman library?" the girl named Rongrong asked in horror.

"No, I heard it was ordered directly from the upper realm." Feng Yanyuan said.

"Can this be ordered from the upper realm?" Rongrong asked speechlessly.

"Yes, we can't make the fifth-order talisman by ourselves, so we can only order it. I want a total of two hundred pieces." Feng Yanyuan said with a smile. "Fortunately, I followed the Patriarch. If it were someone else, we would not be able to order such a high-level talisman."

"You have so many high-level talismans, why do you want me to draw talismans?" Rong Rong asked puzzled. "Aren't my hands hands? Won't my hands hurt if I draw too many talismans?"

"I'm not thinking that we have enough high-level talismans for the time being, but low-level talismans are not enough, so make more spares." Feng Yanyuan said.

"Go away, don't draw." Rongrong directly rejected her angrily.To put it bluntly, I just wanted to order her to draw a lot of talismans for nothing.

The question is what to do with the spare talisman?

It's okay to take up space.

"Don't go, Rongrong, Rongrong..." Feng Yanyuan still refused to give up and chased after Chu Rongrong.The two chased and fled, and left the main cabin directly.

Even if Feng Yanyuan leaves, the girls still have to stay here.

"We can't leave, you have nothing to do, just go out and choose a cabin to practice. I will call you when you are on duty."

The girls who didn't need to be on duty nodded and left one after another.

After Taohua entered her exclusive cabin, she began to tidy up the remains of Yucocoon.

One by one, the secrets of the exercises, as well as various refining tools, alchemy techniques, materials for refining tools, side door alchemy recipes, etc., were all put into blank jade cocoons by her through the divine consciousness talisman paper.This kind of jade cocoon can read people's limitations, and the spiritual power she integrated into the jade cocoon completely dissipates, and the jade cocoon can no longer be used.

She didn't have much energy left behind, enough for about a dozen people to read it.

These jade cocoons will eventually be transformed into books and placed in the family library.Now, in order to save time, she uses the jade cocoon to copy the contents of various sorted ancient books.

During their expedition, Zhuang Zihan really did a lot of work. This big box of jade cocoon wreckage has sorted out a total of 970 volumes of exercises, secret skills, and various knowledge of self-cultivation and juggling.

This must be a small library somewhere in Digging City.

Sending all the original jade cocoons to the secret storage in the Taiyin Stone Pagoda, and making copies of the other jade cocoons, Taohua summoned Feng Yanyuan and asked her to find someone to send them back.

Feng Yanyuan had never encountered this kind of request before, and his embarrassed face immediately changed.

"Haha, you don't have to be in trouble. You are sending out an emergency contact signal, and there will naturally be escorts to contact you." Taohua smiled and said, "You don't think that the Patriarch is going out, and I will take you people with you? Don't worry. , the large fleet is still following behind us."

Only then did Feng Yanyuan suddenly realize.No wonder his boss put the heavy responsibility of protecting the Patriarch on his weak shoulders so lightly.It turned out not to be, they were just one of them.

A large number of newly made jade cocoons were quickly delivered to Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian took out one of the jade cocoons and put it on his forehead for a look, and he knew that Taohua took the time to make it.

"Send it to Zangshu Pavilion and let them copy all these jade cocoons into books."

The hidden guard who obeyed the order directly took away a large box of jade cocoons.

"Zangshuge is going to cry again this time." Chu Zilan gloated beside him.The Patriarch usually sorts out all kinds of secret books, and when he is happy and has time, he writes the books by himself.When I was busy, I sorted out the jade cocoons and threw them to Zangshuge to copy books.

The old people in Zangshu Pavilion are most displeased with copying books.

The key is that it is very tiring and error-prone.The most important thing is that you have to write brilliantly and copy beautifully.Otherwise, it will be slammed by borrowers who have long been made a fool of by the owner and colleagues who write in other fonts.

The guy who was yelled at by many book readers because of his unattractive handwriting finally left Zangshu Pavilion in despair.

Therefore, Zangshu Pavilion has always been known as a concentration camp for family calligraphy.

Listen, only Shu Sheng can enter there.

Zangshuge has recently been unable to recruit newcomers.

"They have fewer and fewer people who are responsible for copying books. Every time copying books, there is a long delay before the new books can be released to the tribe for borrowing." Chu Shinian said with some dissatisfaction.

"There are fewer and fewer people who write well and are loyal and reliable." Chu Zilan laughed.

"Then you go and find out who among the hidden guards and the rookies who are about to leave the teacher has a particularly good handwriting, and arrange them to enter the library."

"Hahaha, Commander-in-Chief, I don't want to accept this task. Isn't that ruining his future? That secret guard and rookie boy are willing to spend his whole life in that place of Zangshuge?" Chu Zilan refused to agree.

"Then what do you say?" Chu Shinian looked at him with a headache, "Copying books in Zangshuge is getting slower and slower, how to solve this problem?"

"I think Qian Niuwei's whole family will arrange a group of people who are innocent and have good handwriting. They can be directly accepted into the family as guest officials, or they can simply become in-laws of the family. Then they can be placed in the Library Pavilion to be used.
It shouldn't be a problem to let them copy some books on entertainment, right? "

(End of this chapter)

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