Chapter 973

Chu Shinian glanced at Chu Zilan, "You gave me this idea. If there is any problem in the future, I will come to you. You can go down and arrange to find it."

Chu Zilan's face collapsed! !

Damn, Chu Shinian is becoming more and more despicable as a tyrant.

Let's see how other people use it to lure people! !
How long has it been since we've been separated from my wife, this guy immediately went berserk.He was also unlucky and ran into this guy's hand directly.

"Okay." Chu Zilan quickly resigned and left, and he also went out to hide. As long as the Patriarch doesn't come back, he won't come back! ! !
Seeing Chu Zilan flying out as if fleeing famine, Chu Shinian then immersed himself in processing the official documents gathered from everywhere.

"Daddy, Daddy..."

Chu Shinian smiled and raised his head immediately after a stack of daddies exited.My eldest son asked someone to bring him over again.Ever since he found out that his parents were not at home, they might be somewhere outside. When he woke up and couldn't see his parents, he was asked to carry him over.

What an elf.

After hugging the eldest son and kissing him, Chu Shinian simply gave up and continued to bury his head in official documents, and took his son out to play.

Seeing that his son was interested in something in the market, he immediately bought it for Brother Chun.Brother Chun was very happy now, jumping up and down in his father's arms.When his son was tired from playing and fell asleep in his arms, Chu Shinian happily carried the little guy back to the backyard.

"Brother Chun will be spoiled by you sooner or later." Chu Xinjia, who saw everything, directly complained about him.

"It's okay, if his mother is strict, I can relax in my hands." Chu Shinian said bluntly.

"They are strict fathers and loving mothers, so they changed when they came to your house." Chu Xinjia teased him.

"I can't do it." Chu Shinian sneered.

a ha ha ha……

Chu Xinjia was very amused when she heard this. "Your brother Chun is only so young, why are you reluctant to discipline him?"

"It's because he's too young that he can't bear it. Whenever I see him crying because he doesn't want me to go out, or coquettishly pulling me around, I get worried." Chu Shinian said with a frown.

"Hahaha, since I partnered with you, I have never seen you worry about anything. Chu Shinian, Chu Shinian, I have waited until the time to see some popularity in you." Chu Xin Jia continued to laugh wildly.

Chu Shinian gave him an angry look.

"You don't even know. When I first met you back then, you were like... no, you didn't look like a human being. Do you know? Back then, you were like a ghost in human form. You have no feelings, and you Amazing talent.

At that time, no one wanted to train you.People who think you are very deeply afraid.

Except for the owner!

She fell in love with you right away.

After that, I will devote all my efforts to training, find the best teacher for you, find out which teacher is not good for you, and immediately replace it secretly.

At that time, I didn't know how many people were jealous of you behind your back.

I don’t know if you’ve heard of it, but behind their backs they say that you are the child’s foster husband raised by the head of the family. "

Cough, Chu Shinian is a little embarrassed, and he doesn't know whether it is better to say that he has heard it secretly or that he has never heard it.

Isn't this revealing all the thoughts of my youth, how embarrassing!

"However, as the Patriarch became more and more powerful, we didn't dare to say such things anymore. At that time, some people felt that it was a pity for you. It is impossible for such a Patriarch to marry you."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian remained silent.

He once thought carefully that it was almost impossible for him and the Patriarch.

He also once thought about giving up all his thoughts, and silently just wanted to protect her by her side.

After all, I am not reconciled.

Especially after the Patriarch made such a decision.

"Thinking about it now, if the Patriarch hadn't made up his mind to get rid of those elders of the direct line with the help of those stupid guys from the Chu family, there would be no chance for the two of you to be together at all. Even if those old guys tried their best to remonstrate, they wouldn't let it go." You wish."

"So they should go down first." Chu Shinian said lightly.

"I know that you have always disliked them. Before the Patriarch made a decision, in those years I was worried that you would directly kill them because of the secret conflict with them. Of course, I would have known at that time that you had a crush on the Patriarch. With that kind of thought, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep every night because of worry."

"If that's her wish, I will try my best to do it for her. If it's not her opinion, I will try my best to turn a blind eye to it." He had just taken over the seal of the commander of the Dark Guard back then, and he had warned himself Yes, don't have a will of his own, he's just an extension of the Patriarch's will.

It was Chu Xi who once discovered his thoughts and scolded him.

He remembered that she once said that a commander of the dark guards is equivalent to her deputy brain. If he doesn't have his own will, how can he complete the important task she entrusted to him?
The more he has his own style and the more powerful he is, the better he can assist her in controlling the entire family.

To put it bluntly, Chu Shinian's previous management experience was honed by Chu Xi himself.

Chu Xi is his real teacher!Lead the way!

Although he is no longer that worried and confused young man.

However, he is still willing to spend his time planning his future and actions according to her will.

Moreover, his little patriarch has always been so gentle (if Taohua heard this, he must think: I am afraid there is some kind of fog!), so considerate (if Taohua heard this, he would probably be shocked: he is so wise and close to the demon) It always makes people feel very comfortable, as long as she is willing to think about it.), and gave it back to the most precious baby, brother Chun!

The son can be regarded as a lifetime achievement award, and this Peach Blossom deserves it!

"But at that time, I obviously found that you seemed to be unable to hold back?" Chu Xinjia directly pierced the indifference on Chu Shinian's face.

"It's all over, isn't it?" Chu Shinian said.

Chu Xinjia directly compared you with a powerful gesture.

"How on earth did you get the Patriarch to agree to marry you?" Chu Xinjia asked very puzzled. "I always thought that the Patriarch didn't have little love for Xiaojia in his heart, but only family love."

Chu Shinian's mouth twitched.

He has been with the Patriarch all year round, and he has never felt that the little Patriarch is the kind of person Chu Xinjia imagined!

Even if every decision she made was for the good of the family, for the future development of the family.But I have to say that the head of the family is really powerful. While seeking benefits for the family, she can always make her life more comfortable.

This is also a skill, isn't it?

He still remembers the young Patriarch, in order to be able to wear cool gauze clothes in the summer, he went to the weaver's place himself, and after four months of working from dawn to dusk, finally made the ice cream that became popular in the black market of the whole mainland!
(End of this chapter)

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