The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 974 Silver Moon Small World and Silver Osmanthus Treasure Tree

Chapter 974 Silver Moon Small World and Silver Osmanthus Treasure Tree
"Maybe she already has me in her heart." Chu Shinian replied narcissistically.

"Thinking too much." Chu Xinjia directly exposed his background. "If the Patriarch had that kind of thought, your son would have been running all over the place."

Chu Shinian: "..."

"It's your appointment as our young Patriarch, or else she'll marry you when she's full?" Chu Xinjia said.

Chu Shinian rolled his eyes angrily.

"But it's better for her to marry you than to marry some abrupt outsiders. To be honest, after I found out about you, I was surprised and very happy. At least she knows everything about marrying you. You shouldn't Bullying her?" Chu Xinjia asked.

These old guards of their lifetime can be said to have watched the birth and growth of the little Patriarch.

For them, the capable and sensible little patriarch is much better than the eldest son of the eldest son of the previous generation.Of course they treated her more deeply.

Different from those elders in the clan who only put righteousness and interests on the patriarch's head, they valued affection more, and naturally hoped that the young patriarch's life would be better in the future.

The Chu family is getting bigger and bigger, and the interests involve more and more.If the head of the family is married, he will definitely not be able to manage the entire family as intimately and without barriers as before.

So if she wants to get married, she must abdicate.Let the Chu family re-select the Patriarch.

The turmoil and undercurrents here, needless to say, are like mountains roaring and tsunami.

Chu Xinjia was unwilling to go to that point in her heart! !
These hidden guards actually don't like raising the butcher's knife to their own people.Although they can do it, but being able to do it doesn't mean they are willing to do it.

I didn't see that the head of the family wanted to get rid of the direct line, but he still relied on the stupid Chu Da and the mob.

"It doesn't matter whether you are happy or not about the matter between the two of us." Chu Shinian said angrily. "Hurry up and go to work. Have you been working efficiently recently? How many official documents have you squeezed and pretended I didn't see them?"

Chu Xinjia's face was embarrassed.


On the other side, after Taohua finished disposing of all the remains of the jade cocoon, she began to clean up the strange things again.

"A fragment of a first-order magic weapon."

"A fragment of a second-order magic weapon."

"A fragment of a first-order magic weapon."

"A fragment of a third-order magic weapon."

"A fragment of a fifth-order magic weapon."


All kinds of things with different shapes that were difficult to identify were identified, Taohua made a fist, and Qi Tianjian gave strength.

"A broken root of a dying high-grade celestial root silver osmanthus tree." When I brushed the last long black object in the basket, the peach blossoms had nothing to do with it, but... when I heard the celestial root She froze immediately.

In fact, the fairy roots she has seen are not rare, and her own Zhaotian Tao and Xue Yutao are still in the small world on Yanbo Island.At the beginning, in order to concentrate on cultivating that small world, Tao Hua even sold the small mining world.

Of course, the main reason she sold the small mineral world was to make room for hatching her own small cave.

But the fairy root silver osmanthus treasure tree is different.

Taohua knew about this thing, and had seen the silver osmanthus tree when it was in full bloom, but it was an illusion.She even got a bequest from others.

"I didn't expect to get your bequest in the previous life, so I have to bear the courage to revive you in this life." Taohua said speechlessly, holding the stump of the silver osmanthus tree that was only one foot long.

Taohua thought about it, and sent the stumped root into the small world on the ninth floor of the Taiyin Stone Pagoda.

The small world here is only about a hundred square meters in size, but everything in it is small.

The game can be said to be a complete miniature world.

The stumped roots of the silver osmanthus tree were directly sent to the central area of ​​the small world by the peach blossoms, where they were planted.With the aura of the sun, the moonlight and precious dew fell on the small stumps one after another.The originally black stumps turned silvery white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Then it regained its vitality and became a small sapling only as tall as a palm.

Cough cough, the stump root actually becomes smaller when it is sent into the small world. It should have been a very tall silver osmanthus tree, and it should have been tall during the sapling period, but now it is only palm-high.

Taohua looked at such a cultivated sapling, and wanted to laugh in every way.


A tiny little girl wearing a small silver-white apron and a silver-white soft hair appeared in front of Taohua.

"Are you the silver osmanthus tree?" Taohua asked.

"Yes, I am the precious silver osmanthus tree. I saw the master when I woke up. It was the master who reborn me. I will listen to the master's words in the future." The little guy said softly and cutely.

Tao Hua's expression was a little complicated when she heard that.

That's right, now she does have the grace of rebirth for the silver osmanthus tree, but I also received your bequest in my previous life and saved my life.

"Then you should grow up well in the future."

"Hmm." The little guy's big silver eyes were particularly clean. "Then master, what is the name of the small world I live in?"

"Isn't it just a small world?" Tao Hua was stunned.

"It said it wanted a name." The little guy blinked his innocent eyes and looked at Taohua.

Peach Blossom was speechless, "Small World itself gave birth to wisdom?"

"It said that the master created it. Although it can't speak yet, it has grown up obediently." The little guy translated the words of the small world.

It is Xiaopang's avatar who controls Xiaodongtian.After the small world was born, Taohua always thought that the Taiyin Stone Pagoda was controlling it.But I didn't expect it to have its own will since its birth.Could it be that the attribute small world has its own consciousness?
"Then tell it, don't worry, grow up slowly. Let me know if there is anything you need. I will try my best to find it for it." Taohua smiled and touched the boundary membrane of the small world.

Although this small world looks miniature, it is an attribute small world after all.

Sure enough, there were various differences from the very beginning.

"Small World said it needs a name, a name that can represent its future." Yingui Baoshu said cutely.

"I didn't know its existence until after you recovered. It seems that you two are very destined, and I also have a relationship with the Taiyin Stone Pagoda. Why don't you call it the Silver Moon Small World."

Buzzing... As soon as Tao Hua finished speaking, the boundary membrane of the entire small world trembled slightly.

Taohua seemed to hear a happy and childish laughter.

Immediately following the small world, the entire boundary membrane underwent inexplicable changes.A ray of silver light completely disappeared in the boundary membrane.

"Silver Moon Small World, that sounds good. It told me that it liked the name. It also told me to thank the master. It will be called Silver Moon from now on." Silver Osmanthus Treasure Tree laughed.

"Okay, then it's called Yinyue, and you can call it Xiaogui."

"I want to be called Yingui, so Yinyue and I will sound close." Yingui Baoshu immediately retorted.

"Okay, then you will be called Yingui." Taohua said kindly.

(End of this chapter)

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