The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 976 The Prestige of the Overlord of the Sea

Chapter 976 The Prestige of the Overlord of the Sea

Taohua took a deep look at the other party, and then said leisurely, "Don't think I can't kill you, I just need to blow up the bottom of this city and near the city, and the hot magma below can be swallowed up in a few breaths." Your family."

"Patriarch Chu, the child is ignorant, so don't pay attention to him. The king didn't send me here to make amends for you." A chubby old man appeared directly in front of Taohua and the others. "The villain's surname is Zhan, Zhan Xie."

"It seems that you guys have a certain understanding of our Chu family?" Tao Hua nodded lightly to him.

The fat old man moved closer, squeezing away the deformed brother who greeted Taohua and the others before.

"Go, go, I don't know anything. This is the head of the Chu family among the overlords of the sea. If he is malicious, just point the crossbows of the [-] magic weapon warships on the sea to us, then Haven't we destroyed the city and the family?"

Taohua smiled when she heard this, "I know you are angry that I threatened you with warships. But you are too unfriendly to humans. I feel that my dignity as the overlord of the sea has been challenged. According to what you Yaozu said, we will score Competing, confirm the order of seating?!"

The fat old man suddenly looked embarrassed.

"We don't need to do that anymore. After all, we belong to the two tribes, and there are not small differences in customs and habits."

In fact, it can't be beaten.

The Chu family's reputation as the overlord of the sea is not for nothing.Since the Chu clan established the clan and developed two road-level golden air routes, many monster clans and monster tribes wanted to make trouble for them.But who became it?Even the giant beasts of the deep sea are afraid of thousands of battleship formations.

Facing this terrifying opponent, the quantitative change has led to a qualitative change, and the weaker races and tribes take the initiative to avoid them and not be tough with them.Those head irons and corpses were dragged away and ground into grain and bone meal.

Under the background that all parts of the deep sea are continuously infiltrated by the masters of the Absolute Sword Sect, which seriously hinders the high-end combat power of all races, these weak forces, without the leadership of the snake head, have no way to form a super-large beast horde, and jointly attack and destroy them. The Chu family's sea power.

So the overlord is the real overlord!

"We need a quiet place with few unsightly things. We need to fix it up, and then you should know why we came here. We need clues to the entrance and exit of the Ruins of Absolute Beginning." Taohua immediately changed her tone, and directly ordered domineeringly and sharply.

"No problem, no problem, I will take you to a place where you can rest. As for the entrance and exit of the ruins of the beginning, it is said to be in the depths of the Dizang Sea, and the information I got is also very vague." The fat old man's tone and The attitude is more humble, very flattering way.

"Sort up all the relevant news and send it to me." Taohua continued to say forcefully.

"Okay, okay, Patriarch Chu, please go this way." The fat old man bowed and took the initiative to lead the way for Taohua.

Taohua raised her heels and followed the guidance of the fat old man, followed by another nineteen hidden guards.

The deformed little brother watched in astonishment as Taohua and the person next to her were taken away by the fat old man.

"Prime Minister why... why is his attitude so good?" He didn't have the guts to say why the old Prime Minister was so flattering and humble.

"Because the Chu family is the overlord of the sea." A tall, skinny man with an unusually sharp aura suddenly stood beside him.

"General." The deformed brother turned his head in surprise. "Sea Overlord?"

"You stay in the city all the year round, and if you don't swim in the sea areas controlled by the Chu family, you will not realize the prestige of the Chu family at sea. It is not a joke that when the Chu family stomps their feet in certain sea areas, the sea will tremble three times. "

The deformed boy looked at the skinny man in shock.

"The Chu family now has a full [-] huge warships on the sea. Most of them can shoot through the deep sea strata with a deep sea bursting crossbow without using the main guns of warships and warships. The violent and hot magma erupted under our city, completely submerging our city and clan.

So you can treat the weaker deep sea forces as food at will, but not the Chu family.

Little prince, people who see the Chu family try not to provoke them in the future.

You can think of them as those big forces in the upper world, and we are all the same. "

The skinny man said in a bitter tone, his hand was still on the saber on his waist.They are still too weak, if they are those powerful void species, even if there are only hundreds of thousands of clan members, no force would dare to underestimate them.

"We are still really weak. A small human race, the Chu family, can force us to compromise." The deformed brother sighed. "Father really worked hard."

"So, little prince, you have to become stronger and stronger. Do whatever it takes to become stronger!" the skinny man said.

The deformed brother nodded quite seriously.

"General, is there really no underwater human tribe near our tribe? I still think it's better to eat underwater humans. The most obvious thing is that my demon soul grows very fast. It's a bit worse to eat other underwater races."

"Indeed, the human race is still delicious. It's a pity that the human race is not easy to mess with. If we want to destroy a human tribe, we must plan carefully." The general said kindly.

"Couldn't we be hunting a Chu family's territory?" The deformed brother immediately revealed his thoughts.

"Haha, it seems that you have not been hit by the powerful Chu family. But that's okay, I think of the prince of my family now. It's just a pity that any territory of the Chu family has multiple formations. This is not the same as human beings. We are different, and we are not the same as the sea people.

Like us, the seabed humans survive by constantly strengthening themselves.The so-called myriads of mighty forces are concentrated in one's own body.

So our several tribes join forces to have a chance to kill one of their tribes.

But humans at sea are not the same as on land.They followed their ancestors more.Those gods who have transformed from the evolutionary power of the innate avenue.They are single or weak, but they are very good at transforming the world and making various tools such as talismans and magical instruments. "

"The human race actually descended from gods and men? They also have heels?" asked the deformed brother in shock.

"Of course, otherwise, why would he rank alongside our monster clan?" Even faintly bullying them? "We are all descendants of the bloodlines of the first innate gods and demons in the universe's first batch of worlds where creatures were born in ancient times. Weak creatures can't stand the weariness of time, they disappeared long ago."

"I've heard of this before, but I just don't understand. Since we are all descendants of innate gods and demons, why can't we defeat the Void Seed?" The shape-shifting brother asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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