The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 977 So what did your tribe inherit?

Chapter 977 So what did your tribe inherit?
"As a monster clan with a heritage, I can tell you, little prince, that not all the innate gods and demons of our ancestors can't beat the void species, and many of them even use hunting as the void species' food.

We are far inferior to our ancestors, and the more our blood is multiplied, the thinner it has a lot to do with it. "The general said with a troubled expression on his face.

"But we are all intermarriages of the same race. Why does the blood become more and more thin and inferior to our ancestors?" The little prince asked again.

"Because of resources. When the king was still growing up, he ate all kinds of spiritual objects and other races' high-level monster meat accumulated in the palace every day. But when you were born as a prince, the accumulated meat in the palace It was already exhausted.

This can cause you to almost starve to death when you are young. "

The little prince looked at the general speechlessly, as if asking, is what you said true?
The general nodded helplessly. "When your elder brothers were born, there was still a spiritual spring in the palace for them to quench their bodies. When your mother and sister were born, the last portion of the spiritual spring was given to her. So when you were born, there was still nothing. gone."

The little prince seems to be scolding, why is there nothing left when he arrives at my place?

"Who made you the latest to be born?" The general thought for a while, and then simply said the truth: "At the beginning, the princess didn't want to have you. The king said, give birth, and you can always be fed. If it doesn't work, grow up." Some are thinner than my brothers and sisters, as long as I live, there will always be opportunities in the future."

Hearing this, the little prince looked directly at the sky, but in your heart you were slandering: Rather than bet on whether there is a chance in the future, it would be better not to let me be born and suffer.

"The king also loves the little prince, otherwise how can he persuade the princess to keep you?"

The little prince said in his heart that I don't want to say thank you at all.

"The king loves you." After the general made a final summary, he returned to the topic of the Chu family. "The Chu family is even more good at refining all kinds of huge formations that spread across the entire seabed spiritual veins and sea islands.

Their formations are all layer upon layer, one on top of the other. Our fellow tribes have also learned human formations, and even deciphered some formations.But just now we thought we had cracked their big formation.They cast spells again, linking up the remaining formations one by one to form a new large formation.

As a last resort, we can only continue to break the formation, but the human race is not idle. They use various suggested formations and so on, and repair and transform new formations on the basis of the original broken formations.

The formation was repeated one after another, and it was modified on the spot.The transformed new formation made our formation mages completely at a loss as to how to continue to crack it.In addition, the formation of the human race is often a combination of offense and defense, which is amazingly powerful.As long as the formation continues, no matter how many monster clan colleagues we launch to attack them, it will be of no use at all.It is also possible that they will be wiped out layer by layer by using various puppets and large attacking equipment.

That kind of nightmarish battle is simply unbearable to look back on.

We once fought against the Chu family on the original White Crab Island, which is now Jinkui Island.At that time, both sides invested hundreds of thousands of troops every year to fight in the deep sea, offshore, and islands.The wreckage of the battle dead was trampled into a pulp by the latecomers.The blood has completely dyed the sea red. "The general said with a headache and fear.

The little prince was numb when he heard this.

Just horrible.

"The Chu family is really that strong? They even resisted the beast tide launched by our monster clan?"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the fact that the Chu family is so powerful, how could they dare to claim to be the overlord of the sea in our demon clan's sea? Chu's prestige in the sea was all created by stepping on the bones of our monster clan."

The Chu family has slaughtered too many monster tribes and main force of the monster clan. The prestige established in this way is the real reason why many deep sea clans and deep sea monsters are not willing to provoke them.

Too much killing has its own evil spirit!

The fat old man brought peach blossoms and they entered a bright new area.

There is a street market here, where all kinds of hawkers sell their products.The gorgeous pavilions everywhere are more like the human squares outside.Perhaps it was built according to the human market.

All the darkness, obscurity, fishy smell, and greed are far away from here.

Here, everyone tries to maintain this human appearance as much as possible, and talking big is also a human language.It's just that the accent is a bit like an ancient pronunciation, and Taohua immediately recognized that it was the ancient Su Mo language.

In fact, the lingua franca they speak today also evolved from the oldest Sumo language.

Sumo language is said to be the language of the earliest human ancient country in Shenting.Later, with the conquest and conquest of human beings, it spread to all races.

It wasn't until later that the human race took control of the Great World of Shenting that this language became a common language similar to today's mainland.

It's just that human beings control the world of God's Court and are not always strong. In the long time, human beings have been divided and declined several times, and sometimes they have become slaves of thousands of races.

"Did you learn and master this language by devouring the local seabed humans?" Taohua asked the fat old man beside him.

"Yes. Otherwise, how would we master human language? Your language is too difficult to learn. Before I mastered this language, I couldn't imagine how difficult it is to learn it."

"But I heard that the dragon chapters and phoenix seals of your demon clan seem to be more difficult to explain?" Tao Hua asked curiously.

The fat old man froze straight away, and then said awkwardly, "The problem is that neither the dragon seal nor the phoenix seal can be inherited by a small tribe like ours?"

"Then what is your tribe's inheritance? Yunzhuan? Void spirit ancient talisman? Yin talisman, yang talisman?" Taohua continued to ask with a smile. "Or big and small imaginary patterns?" Yunzhuan and ancient imaginary talismans are all ancient law-like runes inherited by both human and monster races.

In the oldest time, both human and monster races used them as language to communicate.

Words follow the law are legends handed down from that era.

The yin and yang talismans are runes that are often used by the gods and native monks like them today.The large and small imaginary lines are inherited from the outer space void species.Among the void species, there are also stalwarts with high intelligence.They also occasionally transmit their power through the large and small imaginary lines to the creatures in the various worlds where they are all lower life forms.

"No, no, we learned some yin talisman drawing methods from the human race, and because the talent is not good, the learned skills are not good, and the drawn talismans are often incomplete. The formation method is also not good. I heard that as long as the human race monks pass the ninth level, You can use the more powerful yang talisman to draw talismans and arrange formations. It's really enviable."

It's enviable, haha, it's not human, so it's not enviable at all, right?

Tao Hua felt very happy after hearing this.

So he just laughed out loud. "There is nothing wiser than you."

(End of this chapter)

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