Chapter 978

Feng Yanyuan and the others felt what it was like to be trapped in the enemy's camp. No matter where they went, there was a tingling shuddering feeling, and everything they passed by was a target that they needed to be on guard against.

It was a physical and mental challenge.

Even if they just stood beside the Patriarch and listened to her confrontation with each other, the sense of trembling continued to deepen.

The fat old man was not at all surprised that Patriarch Chu heard his own voice.The Patriarch of the Chu family has always been known in the world with the wisdom of a monster. If she put on a foolish posture that she doesn't understand, then the fat old man should test and question the authenticity of this person.However, according to his contacts, the possibility that the other party is the head of the Chu family is very high.

Otherwise, who could bring a large formation of warships to the Deep Sea Bone City?
"This is here, Sea Rose Garden. Those who can stay here are all distinguished guests of our Transformation Clan. How does Patriarch Chu think this place is built?" The fat old man led Taohua and others into a high-strength mansion.

Outside is the bustling market, but as soon as you look at the gate, what you see is a garden style with a deep sea alien atmosphere and an extremely honorable style.The colorful deep-sea flowers and spirit trees, whether they are flowers or branches, float in the sea so loosely and leisurely.

The entire courtyard is also decorated like the fairyland of the sect in the fairy sect.

On all kinds of grotesque deep-sea rockeries, there are still many small deep-sea animals crouching, as well as small fish, shrimps, conchs, etc. of different colors, crawling aimlessly among them, or swimming in the cracks Inside.

"Is that a flower maw snail?" A palm-sized small conch with various small round dots on its back dangled on a small rockery.Probably because he has never been caught before, so no matter what he sees, he is not afraid.

Even if Peach Blossom walks in and pinches its shell, people are just shrinking themselves in.

Taohua sent the little thing back to the distance again. "It is said that eating a small thing can save the avalanche mother of our human race from danger. I thought it was extinct. I didn't expect it to exist here?"

"There are many ancient little things in our sea area. If Patriarch Chu likes them, I will ask my fellow clan to catch some and give them to you." The fat old man said generously.

Taohua shook her head, "It is said that this kind of little thing is not easy to raise, and it is easy to die. The dead flower maw snails are poisonous."

"Hahaha, then there is no other way." In fact, they didn't intend to give it to you in their hearts.The fat old man went straight down the donkey.

"You old man is not real, and your words are always more false." Tao Hua laughed.

"Don't you humans like this? To you, this is wisdom." The fat old man laughed.

The courtyard where Taohua and the others were placed is really nice, not too big, but the scenery is pretty good.Although it is in the deep sea, it is full of aura.There should be a very large and ancient spirit vein under his feet.

As soon as Taohua sat down, she vaguely heard a cry of pain.

The Peach Blossom Man paused for a moment, then returned to his natural state.

After the fat old man arranged things for Taohua and the others, and arranged for a new deformed brother to provide services for them, he left.

After seeing off the fat old man, the deformed brother also retreated to a small yard in the front yard.That's where they, the shapeshifters, stay. "If you need my help, just come to me." The little brother hurried back to practice after finishing speaking.

This little brother is not the same as the last one, especially silent.

When he also left, Feng Yanyuan asked in puzzlement, "How come these deformed octopuses have turned into human appearances? I see that many deep-sea races on the street have all sorts of strange shapes. But since we entered the city, , so the deformed octopus seems to have the appearance of a human being?"

"The Transformation Chapter has a shortcoming, that is, it is particularly vengeful. Regardless of whether they have the ability to transform, they all like to stare at their enemies' skins and walk around."

Ah poof.

Feng Yanyuan was dumbfounded when he heard this, and after a while he said, "Their enemies are all human beings?"

"Didn't you hear what they said, a tribe of seabed humans once perished. These skins should be the skins of the strong people who survived from eating humans at that time."

Hearing this, Feng Yanyuan suddenly felt the hairs stand on end. "It's becoming more and more terrifying to be here."

"Not all races in the deep sea have good intentions towards humans. Even for races that have good intentions towards humans, it's not that humans have never done anything to exterminate other tribes in order to safeguard their own interests. Therefore, there is basically a relationship between humans and alien races. Only interests are involved, no feelings.

When you get along with other races in the future, don't involve your feelings in it.Otherwise, you will suffer a big loss later. "Taohua warned them, as for whether they really heard it in their hearts, Taohua didn't care.

Anyway, if you are disobedient, don't blame her if you suffer a loss.

"Patriarch, what should we do next?" Feng Yanyuan asked.

"Wait, wait for them to send the information, let's analyze again, how to find a new breakthrough." Taohua said. "I'll go back to practice for a while, and you all go to rest, remember not to leave this yard."

Feng Yanyuan nodded immediately.

Taohua returned to her residence, and after opening the protective array, she took out the statue of the little white mouse.There are many alien races in Remnant Bone City, and the situation is complicated, and she leads a small number of tribesmen to hang out of the territory alone, which makes Taohua decide to invite foreign aid out now.

Under the pedestal of the little white mouse statue, there is a line of extremely small characters, which says Biyou Palace System.

This Biyou Palace is the power of the golden-eyed mouse-mutated sister Treasure Hunting Mouse that Taohua knew in her previous life.According to the treasure hunter, Biyou Palace is one of the most powerful forces in their world.

Taohua restarted Fa Jue, and she hoped that this time she could still find the young lady who had suddenly lost contact with her in her previous life.

The little white mouse slightly released a faint white glow after she entered the Jue.

After a while, the space around the statue of the little white mouse finally fluctuated.Then it stood up, and a childish little voice came out of its mouth, "Where is this place? I'm like lying down and earning milk powder money. How did I send my consciousness here?"

As soon as Taohua heard it, she knew that this was not the young lady she knew in her previous life, it was broken, please kill the mouse.

"Then can you go back? I'm begging the mouse."

"Ahem, cough, who do you think you wanted to invite?" The little mouse opened a small hand, and let out a miniature throne.Then the mouse leaned back and half-lyed into the small throne.

"I originally planned to invite a treasure hunting mouse lady who was originally mutated from a golden-eyed mouse. Her name is Xi Wanwan."

(End of this chapter)

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