Chapter 988
"Okay, then let's go down immediately to see what's going on. If it's true, let Er Bo and the others come over too." Tong Rui said decisively.

Chu Shinian naturally welcomed it. He and Taohua are always not in the clan, which is not very good.As for the adventure, it is still possible to finish it as soon as possible.

The group left as soon as they said they would, and as soon as they left, Taohua began to deal with the various important family affairs that Chu Shinian had brought over.The husband and wife often deal with all the family affairs, and they cooperate tacitly. Chu Shinian, who needs to explain more, wrote a small note and put it in the official document.

Taohua opened a few books, and they all talked about the fact that the various professions in the clan were trained too much, and the cities everywhere could not afford the relative level of welfare distribution every month.

Taohua thought about it, and felt that the time was ripe, so she wrote down her thoughts.

After she wrote down her thoughts, someone sent them back to Chu Xinjia and the others.

Once this matter is settled, there will not be many other urgent documents.However, Peach Blossom also dealt with some less ideas, and dealt with those that are easy to deal with.In addition, in the eyes of the eyes, the storage of special crystals is stipulated.Special crystals are no longer distributed as benefits.It is no longer used as a substitute for Lingshi.

Among Xiaoyou's promises to use special crystals in exchange for pills, the value of special crystals has increased infinitely in Taohua's heart.

This is a special resource that can be exchanged for pills.

She plans to get a lot of special crystals when trading with foreign races and other forces in the future.

When it was getting dark, Chu Fangyi came again.

"Patriarch, I have already found all the people. I have a written list here."

"I won't read the list now, but I will read the list of survivors." When Tao Hua said this, Chu Fangyi's face turned black.He didn't count in his heart, worried that few people would survive. "Is the pill reliable?"

"Find someone to try it. Let those people have a look at this evil pill. If it works, use it. If it doesn't work, give it up." Tao Hua said.

There has never been a shortage of people with great perseverance and great courage among the human race.But for the people Chu Fangyi selected, Taohua was not sure that they would survive.Taohua took out a small flat box, and Chu Fangyi opened it to see, inside were ten round, living things-like vermilion pills the size of longan's eyes.

If Chu Fangyi hadn't snapped the lid on the box quickly, the little pill might have escaped.

Chu Fangyi looked at the Patriarch, and Taohua gave him an encouraging look.Chu Fangyi went out with the small box speechlessly.

It's terrible! !

In the empty cabin on the lower deck of the flagship, 1000 people waited silently.

Everyone knows that this is a desperate attempt. If you succeed, you will have an infinite future, and if you lose, you will be gone.Some people's nervous palms are sweaty, and some people just sit about their own business indifferently.Some people got together and talked with their fingers on the ground.

Chu Fangyi led the guards into the cabin.

He looked at the solemn candidate monks who stood neatly again.

"I got ten pills in my hand. The main reason is that the owner doesn't know if you really have great perseverance and courage. He is worried that you will not succeed in taking the medicine and ruin yourself. So let me try you with ten pills first. Whoever wants to try first, please come forward."

Everyone stepped forward together.

"I didn't expect you all to be so courageous? But I only have ten pills in my hand, and ten people must come out to take the medicine first. If at least half of you have passed, I can get the next pills from the Patriarch."

A man in the crowd pushed aside his brother and came out.

When he stepped out, the people around him moved away unconsciously.This is a man who is usually very prestigious in the army.He looks to be in his forties, and his two tiger eyes are particularly deep and spirited.Although Sifang's big face is not very handsome, his temperament is unusually mighty and vigorous.

"Master Admiral, everyone is late in contact with cultivation and has no qualifications for cultivation. It's fine if you haven't seen what a monk looks like. You can also be an ordinary person with peace of mind, marry a woman, and have a litter of children. But now Everyone has seen how powerful monks are and how colorful life is. Who would be willing to give up this opportunity.

As for courage and perseverance, everyone has risked their lives, isn't it qualified to take the elixir? "

"That's fine, you're one of them. I hope you don't just talk about your ability."

Ahhh, there was laughter all around.

In addition to him, another came out, and then another... and soon there were ten people together.

Chu Fangyi threw ten active pills to them one by one.

Then ten people took the elixir almost unanimously.

Peng, the demon fire suddenly shot out from them, and then burned blazingly.

That terrible flame, with astonishingly high temperature and heat.

AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhIn the demon fire, someone twisted violently, and someone yelled frantically, "I don't want it anymore, I don't want it anymore, save me, save me." Some people simply sat on the ground, gritted their teeth and persisted.

It was really torn apart, and the smell of meat came out after a while.

At this moment, someone was already lying on the ground, rolling frantically, begging frantically for someone to save him.

But Chu Fangyi didn't speak, no one cared about the six of them.

Chu Fangyi's face was dark at this time, ten people who stood up on their own initiative.Unexpectedly, there were six people with such weak will that they gave up completely after being burned by the demon fire, and wanted him to save others.What a joke, the Patriarch said before that if it doesn't work, then the living people will become the merits of the elixir, which will improve the quality of the elixir, and of course it will make it more difficult to subdue.

In order not to waste this rare pill, Chu Fangyi would not let anyone save them.Besides, it can't be saved, this kind of elixir starts to burn from the inside.After completely burning the person, it will retract a pill again.

About a quarter of an hour passed, and someone let out a cry of surprise.

It turned out that someone's skin was scorched black, and new flesh gradually grew from the tear, and the dead skin was also falling off the body piece by piece.

As if reborn, a new body gradually appeared in front of everyone.

The flames were also gradually extinguished, and when the flames completely disappeared, the first person stood up, and then hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up and get some clothes for your brother."

This voice was so full of vigor that the deck vibrated.

Puff puff puff, hahaha.

Many monks who saw him reborn laughed.Really, it worked.

"Brother Miao, how do you feel?" Someone asked loudly.

As a result, the middle-aged man who walked out of the crowd first put on the clothes sent by his brother laughed. "It feels great."

(End of this chapter)

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