Chapter 989

"Really great?" Someone approached him and asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I can feel the aura around me even on my skin." Lao Miao was overjoyed.He felt like his internal organs had been reshaped.The bones are also constantly itching and should still be growing.


If the admiral was not still there, he might have yelled a long time ago, and it seemed that he could not express his joy without yelling.

"My God, brother Miao, you are really successful, hahaha, congratulations." People who knew him or not started to congratulate him.

On the other side, the flames on the six guys who were finally lying on the ground also gradually disappeared.Along with their bodies disappearing, a scarlet pill slightly larger than before was resuspended in midair.Chu Fangyi walked over and put the pills that wanted to fly away into the box one by one.

While he was waiting, only one of the last three succeeded.The other two also turned into pills not long after.

What the hell, eight out of ten died, and the two survived

It's just too embarrassing for him.

Chu Fangyi deeply felt that his face was hot.What a shame.

"You guys are really good. Out of ten people, two of them succeeded. You guys are amazing. Thanks to your self-proclaimed perseverance and courage." Both those who succeeded and those who hadn't started taking drugs all lowered their faces.

Eight died.There is only a [-]% success rate, which is too scary.

"Miao Gang, tell me why you were able to succeed?"

"Don't stop, don't think about it. Just keep Yuanyi, let go of your mind, and forget about the pain. No matter how painful it is, even if it hurts to death, don't move. Grit your teeth and endure it. Soon the demon fire will be tamed, and then start to help me Reshape the body."

"Gao Songyuan, tell me?" Chu Fangyi asked another person.

"It's the same with me. Anyway, no matter how painful it is, don't go into a coma. I think the brother next to me just passed out from the pain. Once the pain passes out, all the persistence in the past will be over. The demon fire will burn him out directly.

And even though the demon fire was painful, terribly painful, it actually didn't burn my eyes or throat.Just screaming. In the end we didn't have the strength to continue screaming.

So the best way, I think, is to carry on in the demon fire and keep the last sliver of clarity. "

Chu Fangyi understood after hearing it.

It seems that people with great courage and perseverance are really needed.

"Others, leave. Only two out of ten of you survived just now. The Patriarch won't hand over the places to you anymore. Everyone go back."

"Lord Admiral."

"No, Lord Admiral."

"Master Admiral..."

The rest of the monks shouted frantically.But Chu Fangyi didn't stop for them, and left with the pills and the guards.

"What's going on here? This has called us here, why did we just go back like this?"

"The pill is really gone? Is it because those trash didn't subdue the demon fire?"

Everyone was talking about it.All kinds of dissatisfaction.

Miao Gang took the initiative to walk towards the cabin door, and Gao Songyuan quickly followed after seeing it.

"Brother Miao won't stay here anymore?"

"What's the use of barking with a bunch of trash? I have that time, so I might as well practice and experiment with the potential of our new body."

Gao Songyuan laughed when he heard this. "I thought Brother Miao would complain about them too."

"Hmph, a group of cowardly useless people. If you really have the courage, those few people who came out before. Everyone saw that the first wave went out, and they were the most courageous among our group. With just such a little courage, Just squat down below, maybe you can live a few more years."

Gao Songyuan couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing this.

"Big Brother is really insightful."

"I think you are not bad, you are a talented person. If you don't dislike it, we will move around more in the future. Those of us who have taken the demon pill to change our lives against the sky, everyone can communicate. After all, we are different from others. "Miao Gang thought for a while and said.

"This is a good idea. I think so too. Brother Miao, please take care of me in the future. Haha, we are brothers, we should, we should." The two left happily.

Chu Fangyi returned to Taohua in despair.

"What's up?"

Chu Fangyi sent the small box up.

Tao Hua opened the small box and saw the eight pills that had gained a lot of weight. "..."

"Your success rate really surprises me. Is it because the medicine fails, or the person fails?"

"It's not a human being, and the pill is not suitable." Kuang Yi said in shame.

"Not used to it?" Taohua asked strangely.

"It's just that I can't adapt, because they are the first batch of people to test the medicine, and everyone doesn't know how to persevere under the fire of the elixir. Some are powerful, and I don't think they have mastered the strategy of keeping a trace of clarity and suffering to the end. Some people in the early stage It's too tough, and they can only be unconscious in the final stage. Once they are unconscious, the demon fire engulfs them. It's a pity.

There are also some people who seem to have great perseverance and courage.In fact, they were timid and cowardly. As soon as they were really tempered by the fire, they immediately cried and begged for mercy to let me save them.I really lost my old face. "

After hearing what he said, Taohua couldn't help laughing, "I understand, I'll give you another thirty places. You can find someone else to try."

"Thank you Patriarch, thank you Patriarch." Chu Fangyi was immediately happy.

"You have summed up so much experience for me, and I can't give you anything in return." Taohua smiled and threw him three small flat boxes.Then he took away the box of eight pills that got fatter.The Fat Elixir can be given to the best of the dark guards.

Since it can change the aptitude of mortals and those with low cultivation aptitude, it is estimated that people with good cultivation aptitude will be better off taking this medicine.

After Chu Fangyi was sent away, Taohua called someone again, and told the family about the pill, and let Chu Xinjia and the others be responsible for the selection.

After Chu Xinjia and the others got the amazing news, they immediately started fighting.

"No, my subordinates must get three hundred, no, five hundred." Chu Ziyan said immediately.

"What are you thinking, how powerful are the people you brought with you? Are my people not human? I also want five hundred." Chu Zilan said.

"Don't dream, you can only have three hundred per person at most, and Zixiang and Zixiang are the rest." Chu Zixian said.

"Then I can? Should I?" Chu Xinjia said.

"Do you need a quota? None of the people you accept need it?" Chu Ziyan complained immediately. "What kind of medicine do you need to train newcomers?"

"The person in my old camp who was your master can't eat demon pills?" Chu Xinjia quit immediately.

"Then why don't we re-divide the shares. How much did the owner say, one thousand pills?" Chu Ziyan asked.

"I heard that there aren't that many pills. Forty pills were given to Chu Fangyi. Emma, ​​just that kid Chu Fangyi, can the soldiers under him tame the demon pills? I think it's almost enough for the demon pills to tame them? It's a waste." Chu Zilan complained directly.

(End of this chapter)

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