The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 990 Chu Zilan Improves Potential

Chapter 990 Chu Zilan Improves Potential

"Ahem, cough, everyone sees it through and doesn't say it. He has a sea fleet and hunts sea beasts every day. What kind of people with great perseverance and courage can be hunted down? The direct descendant Youxianwei controlled by our land commander, there are talents in it That's more than one." Chu Ziyan said immediately.

"No, are the guys in the Youxian Guard human? They are all lunatics and perverts. Usually, if the commander doesn't restrain them, if you pull them out and try, they will definitely drive you crazy." Chu Zixian declined at this time .

"By the way, what have those guys been up to lately?" Chu Xinjia asked suddenly.

"Ahem, I don't know the details. I know that the team consumes various resources every month, which is completely five or six times that of other teams. I heard that people there rarely send out missions, and basically no grass grows when they do missions. There are also some people who have simply practiced some evil skills." Chu Ziyan said.

"Yeah, I've heard about this too. It's said that it's because the exercises are more evil, so it's hard to control yourself and bloodthirsty. That's why the commander-in-chief doesn't call them out to do things." Chu Zixian said.

"After all, this team is composed of people-eating mobs, desperadoes, defectors carrying their lives on their backs, and a large number of desperadoes who don't know how to do their exercises." Chu Xinjia said, he knew that team very well. The foundation of the team.Back then they were extremely black!

They are the old team first formed by Chu Shinian, with a solid core.Many of them, looking relatively normal, have been promoted to high-ranking officials in various places in the family army.It's really not normal to stay in the old camp.

In a valley near Changyang.

Chu Shinian attached great importance to them, and gave them all kinds of good things without money.

"Then does this team need to give them some pills?" Chu Ziyan asked with a frown.

"Need it?" Chu Zilan asked guiltily.

"The commander-in-chief is not here, so it's not good to lose their share." Chu Ziyan said.

"Then give them [-] pills, how many of us will share the other [-]?" Chu Xinjia said.

"Why are you so generous, three hundred pills as soon as you open your mouth?" Chu Zilan immediately complained about him.

"Then how much do you say, are you willing to export one hundred pills? Two hundred pills is not very auspicious. There are only three hundred pills." Chu Xinjia said.

"It's still two hundred pills. Anyway, those people don't care about auspiciousness or inauspiciousness. Qianniuwei must share a hundred pills, otherwise, the old Wei of Qianniu will come to kill him immediately. I can't deal with him." Chu Zixian said. As soon as the words came out, everyone was shivering.

"Okay, let's just divide it like this, there are six hundred and sixty, everyone hold tight, but let the loyal subordinates continue to give it." Chu Xinjia said.

Everyone thought about it, and made up their minds in private, before finally agreeing to Chu Xinjia's proposal.

Chu Xinjia: A bunch of bastards who want to throw me away right now! ! !Don't think that I don't know what you guys are trading in private... Hmph.

The elixir was quickly sent over by the miniature teleportation array on the battleship side.

Just like that, hundreds of spirit stones collapsed and turned into dust around the teleportation array.

Using the teleportation array so frequently means that no one would be willing to change to an indigenous family or force for the sake of their spirit stone reserves being considered Zerg.

After the big box was opened, there were small flat boxes inside, and there were ten pills in a small flat box that looked like living things.A total of 960 eight capsules.

"What's going on here, there are eight extra pills that have gotten fatter?" Chu Xinjia asked with a strange expression after opening the small wooden box.

The little pill didn't want to fly away immediately, but he snapped it in again with a click.

"Wait, let me take a look at the owner's handwriting that came with the box. Ah, those eight unlucky people ate the pill, and then failed to subdue the demon fire in the pill. They were burned to death, and the essence of the last body was made into a small pill .

These little fat pills are more effective than ordinary little pills, but they must be used by monks with stronger perseverance. "

"It can still be like this, this kind of elixir is really evil." Chu Xinjia said in surprise.

"I'm not afraid of evil, but I'm afraid it won't work." Chu Zilan took out a small pill from a flat box, and swallowed it without saying a word.

Puff, puff, red flames flew out of his body immediately.

Chu Zilan immediately threw the flat box in her hand to Chu Ziyan.Then he let the demon fire in his body burn blazingly, even if his skin was about to be burned, he still laughed loudly.The more the demon fire burned, the more crazy it became, and the flames exploded into a huge fireball, burning crazily around Chu Zilan.

But Chu Zilan was still standing upright, still laughing wildly.

Chu Xinjia said speechlessly, "I'm afraid this kind of pill is not that simple, and it may have changed Zilan a lot. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to smile so happily."

Chu Zixian: "Is this called happiness?"

Chu Ziyan was also very speechless.

However, the demon fire on Chu Zilan's body did not burn for a quarter of an hour, but went out after only half an hour.

Chu Zilan, whose whole body had been reshaped, stepped on the ashes, laughing even crazier.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes, anyway, you are a man of honor." Chu Ziyan complained speechlessly.

Only then did Chu Zilan put on her clothes again, and said happily, "This pill can really improve my potential. I feel that it can help me get rid of the false and preserve the true, and remove some unnecessary impurities in my body. This time, whether it is bone marrow, Both the meridians and internal organs have been greatly tempered and improved."

"Good food." Chu Ziyan wanted to eat one himself.But it was stopped by Chu Xinjia's eyes.One lunatic is fine, but if there are a bunch of lunatics, who else will work?
"I want to go back and do it myself. Anyway, if anyone's pill is missing, we won't be missing. The owner said in the handwriting that this kind of pill can only be taken once in the first three realms. Question. You don’t want to be human or demonic, right?” Chu Xinjia said.

Everyone nodded immediately.

"So you all go back and eat by yourself. If you want to continue to eat after eating, you should quickly practice the fourth realm of Taoism. You can also take an upgraded version of this elixir in the fourth, fifth and sixth realms." Chu Xinjia wrote in the book tell them the content.

The first three realms, Tongmai, Shentai, and Zifu are the apex of monks now.Jin Dan has not been let go by the will of the world.Obviously, the will of the world feels that it is not enough to carry a large number of Jindan monks.However, as the concentration of aura in the world increases steadily, this time point should also arrive in the not-too-distant future.

"Okay, then let's share the pill quickly," Chu Zilan said. "I'm in charge of sending two hundred pills to the team of the Grand Commander's direct line."

"You go to send Qianniuwei off, I'll go to the old camp." Chu Ziyan said.

"That's fine too. Let's split up the rest quickly, so that some guys won't come here to complain when they get the letter." Chu Zilan said.

"Yes, yes. Divide quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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