Chapter 993

"Shall I use some means to push him?" Lu Meng asked.

Tong Rui immediately shook his head and said, "My second uncle is famous for his wisdom. I'm afraid he will notice a little trick on my side just now. Maybe he will call me over and reprimand him."

Lu Meng's expression froze when he heard this.

"Although you are quite a calculating person, after all, my second uncle has grown up with you for hundreds of years." Tong Rui said in a more powerful tone that I didn't value you, but my second uncle.

Lu Meng nodded. "There will indeed be some traces when we make a move. But what if someone else makes a move?"

Tong Rui smiled and said, "Then see if Tong Zao is a fool."

When Tong Rui and the others were planning, Tong Jian was also seeing his son Tong Zao.

"Although you are not your eldest brother, I also value you quite a lot. This time your elder brother has something to do and can't come down. If you are replaced, it is actually your father and your elder brother who are more optimistic about your ability."

Tong saw a smile in his eyes.

"After all, the situation here is more complicated. In addition to being untrustworthy, your cousin is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Tong saw nodded immediately.

"As soon as I come down, he will secretly say goodbye to me."

"These are trivial things. Who among you youngsters doesn't want to fight for the first place? I fought for your uncle back then." Tong Jian said.

Tong Zao was a little surprised, "Have you ever argued with my uncle?"

"Naturally, later on, your uncle and I were the main force to seek development in the sect and the development of the family. We partnered with each other and made it to where we are today."

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder the uncle thinks about not caring much about the affairs of the clan, and leaves it to Dad to do it." Tong sawed.

"The main reason is that my talent in cultivation is inferior to that of your uncle. Back then, he was favored by the old lady, but I didn't. That's why we separated and developed independently." Tong Jian said somewhat self-deprecatingly. "But in the younger generation, your uncle's parents and children are a little mediocre in cultivation talent, and so is my own. You guys don't give me face at all."

Tong Zao's face darkened when he said that.

"Uncle's disciples are all terrifying monsters, okay?"

That talent can make people despair.Otherwise, the uncle can secretly devote himself to cultivating his son?
But his big brother worked so hard, but he could barely keep up with the cultivation speed of those monsters in the first echelon.

"So don't offend your uncle's disciple Chu Shinian in the lower realm. This kid is a Dao body. Your uncle is about to be promoted, and it is very likely that this kid will be his last closed disciple. Then you need to try to build a good relationship with him .”

"No way?" Tong Saw asked in surprise. "Closed disciple?"

"Your uncle actually didn't want to accept any more disciples for a long time. The reason for accepting Chu Shinian this time is only because he is too talented, and he has a great physique. Except for that one, there will be no one in the sect who can match his cultivation. The speed is up. And the Dao body is not peaceful in cultivation, as long as you accumulate enough, you can advance.

A hundred years later, maybe you are still wandering around in the fourth or fifth realm, and Chu Shinian has become a great monk in the sixth realm. "

Thinking of that scene, Tong Zao's face turned completely dark.

"In terms of future potential alone, there is no human being in the entire lower world that can match him." Tong Jian praised.

Tong Zao gritted his teeth, "Can the body of Dao be stripped off?"

"If it can be stripped off, someone in the sect has already done it. How can it be your turn?" Tong Jian gave his son a blank look.

"Isn't it okay to ask someone from the Evil Soul Sect to help?" Tong Zao asked again.The Evil Soul Sect is a demon sect that specializes in studying how to successfully strip the blood and aptitude of geniuses.

"The body of the Dao is the Dao's favorite. No matter what world you are in, when have you seen a place where there is no Dao? So the body of the Dao cannot be taken away. You can kill him, but it is difficult to deprive him of the body of the Dao. Because the Dao Not allowed."

"What kind of luck is this, to be able to obtain the Body of the Dao?" Tong saw said sharply and resentfully.

"If you always think like this, then I will send you back to the upper realm. You can't restrain your jealousy and greed?"

Tong Jian's final tone was very serious, and he used strength when speaking.It hit the opponent's soul directly.

Tong Zao's mind was shocked and he came to his senses.Immediately apologized and said, "I'm sorry, Dad, I was wrong."

"Your boy is not as good as Tong Rui in terms of heart? I'm a little disappointed." Tong Jian scolded his son angrily.

"Father." Tong Zao looked at his father miserably.

"Zao'er, anyway, Dad gave you a chance. If you let me down again and again, I can only transfer you to some remote world for a long-term garrison."

Tong saw's face turned pale when he heard this.Going to some remote world for a long-term garrison, isn't this exile in disguise?
"You do it yourself. Well, you go out." Tong Jian looked at his son warningly, and let him go out.

Not long after, Tong Jian received a message from Tong Rui.

Tong Jian laughed out loud after reading the news.

"It seems that luck is in my Guanghan Sword Sect."

Immediately, Tong Jian started a series of operations.After a few more days, he led the team to Taohua's boat.What the Tong family brought this time were all familiar old faces.Those who are transferred by the affiliated forces are all the old people from the beginning.Occasionally there are two new faces, and they act in a low-key manner, not conspicuous.

But the next day, Taohua and their boat received many other great monks of the Guanghan Sword Sect and their affiliated forces.This also includes the small group formed by Tong Zao who came with him.

The few building boats that Taohua and the others had prepared to receive guests were almost full of occupancy.

Fortunately, we got two more boats at the beginning.

Then the service boat of the Chu family shocked everyone again.

It's still possible.Moreover, there are too many products in the building and boat shops everywhere, and many of the products have local characteristics.For example, a Louyan sea stone is excellent for making water attribute arrays.

Even Tong Zao himself bought a batch and hoarded it in his hands, planning to sell it for a high price when he went back.

When he returned to the Chu family to prepare a three-story nested luxury cabin for him, even Tong Zao, who deeply felt that he had seen a lot of worldly things, thought that the Chu family was interesting, and they were especially good at doing business.If it wasn't for the family that Chu Shinian was born in, maybe he could also have the Chu family in his pocket.

"Have you all bought the things here?" Tong Zao sat on the main seat and asked a few old and new confidants.

"I bought some good formation disk materials, and I should be able to refine several sets of usable formation disks later." Someone said.

"I also acquired some rare low-order alloys."

"I bought some unorthodox elixir. Not to mention that Chu's elixir has a lot of varieties, which are more dazzling than the elixir shops in some places in our Upper Realm."

(End of this chapter)

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