Chapter 994 List
"Why does everyone seem to have bought something?" Tong Zao asked strangely.

"The main reason is that the price is on the low side, it's a bargain." Someone said.

"Don't you have a similar source of goods over there?" Tong Zao remembered that the power behind that person was also at the mainland level, and he also had a large commercial market.

"Yes, but similar sources are sold from other places, and the price is generally much higher than here. They have a fish scale armor here, which is very thin and has good defense. The most important thing is constant temperature. You don’t have to worry about long-term combat in arid climates. I fell in love with it at a glance. A set only costs 35 spirit stones, and it still wears a helmet and combat boots. I simply placed an order of [-] sets for our sect.” Then The man said helplessly, "It saves money, looks good, and is practical. It is much better than the various leather armors produced by us. I am not willing to buy it."

"Ah, why don't you want to buy it?" Someone laughed directly.

"It's as if you didn't buy a large amount of synthetic spirit gold? They have synthesized various low-level spirit gold according to their own research formulas, and think that it can greatly increase the power of magic tools produced by your workshop. It will definitely sell well in the future. Congratulations in advance." Another person exposed the old background of the joker.

"The Chu family has created too many new things. I heard that their family has cultivated talents in various ways. It has made it impossible for our family to digest so many talents now." Someone said.

"Then can we recruit some?" Someone's eyes lit up.

"Of course it is possible. Except for the Chu family's technical talents, other people should not be a problem. The key is that the treatment is high. Even if they are members of the Chu family, as long as they are married women or they can swear to leave the Chu family Family members can also be recruited." An old man said with a smile.

"Hey, old Kang, you are amazing. How long has it been since you figured out the Chu family's affairs so clearly?" Someone laughed.

"I have already sent people to Chu's territory, hoping to attract more talents, hahaha." The old man laughed loudly.It is best to draw those skilled talents into one's own forces.Isn't it wonderful that the Chu family trains people and they accept them? !

When the old man said it, the others were also moved.Even Tong Zao had an idea. Anyway, he still had to spend a lot of time in the lower realm. Why not form some direct lineage forces, set up some profitable workshops, and recruit some useful technical talents?
Because it is necessary to wait for Tong Jian to exchange interests with the major forces, it is obvious that there is still a period of preparation for this expedition to the sea.Tong saw simply sent his own people to the Chu family.

But within a few days, the people he sent fed back a lot of complaints to him.

It turned out that those technical talents on the Chu family's site were happy to say that they were very good when they heard that someone was going to hire them.But as soon as he heard that he was going to leave the Chu family with his family, he immediately said goodbye.

Even if they earn less now, they will not leave Chu's territory.

The people Tong saw sent to investigate and found out the reason.Because the Chu family once again increased the treatment of technical personnel of the relevant level.As long as they pass the relevant technical level, even if they just stay at home and do it for themselves, the small workshop they set up for themselves will earn a higher income than other people.

But in contrast, if you leave the Chu family.Then all these benefits will be gone.These are lifelong benefits, and they can enjoy the day they die of old age.Those old craftsmen are not stupid, why are they willing to lose them?
They work for other employers. When they are too old to take care of themselves, will anyone be willing to continue to employ them?

Chu's welfare treatment is equivalent to solving their pension problems in disguise.

The new generation of craftsmen and technical talents are willing to go with themselves.The point is that they are not good enough.The wages paid by Chu's technicians have always been higher than those in other places.The wages of apprentices with the same skills can hire at least two to three apprentices with the same skills in their local area.

Not worth it at all.

Moreover, once technical talents leave the Chu family, they will lose the benefits corresponding to the various talent levels provided by the Chu family, and even their family members will lose the corresponding treatment.So if they want to leave, they must leave with the whole family.

In that case, the cost of moving away a new generation of technical talents will be too high.

"Then is there any way to use some means to take away some old craftsmen and technical talents?" Tong Zao thought for a while and then returned his opinion.

As a result, not long after, his own people left Chu's territory in a state of embarrassment and returned to their side.

"Chu's Qianniuwei is very powerful. Once they find out that we are attacking technical talents, they will expel us immediately."

"I don't believe that the technical talents under Chu's command can't be recruited?" Tong Saw said angrily.

"No, no, we actually managed to win some. It's just that the conditions they put forward are relatively high, so I decided to come back and discuss with you?" the subordinate said.

When Tong saw heard this, he immediately became interested.Then he opened a stack of talent materials organized by his subordinates.

"Hey, even shipwrights?"

"Yes, Chu Ziyan, the deputy commander of the secret guards at the Chu family, heard that you planned to set up some workshops, so he personally sent a list of high-level technical personnel. He also asked us to test it secretly. The ability of those technical talents.

It's really good, much better than the talents we have. "

Cough, cough, Tong Zao almost choked on his own saliva.

"You revealed your identity?"

"No, Qianniuwei didn't know how to find out that I belong to you." The subordinate said aggrievedly.

"Forget it, it's interesting to count their Chu family." Tong sawed. "How much information on senior technical talents did they give you?"

"A total of [-] copies are available from all walks of life." The subordinate said.

"Can we eat them all?" Tong saw thought for a while and asked.

"These technical talents have too many requirements, and their wages are several times higher than our local equivalent talents." The subordinates looked like they were too expensive and reluctant to pay.

Tong Zao said to his subordinates speechlessly, "When our workshop opens, the income will be many times higher than it is now. Who will be short of that wage?"

"Ahem, ahem, it's my thoughts."

"Look here, there are two old craftsmen who are in charge of refining fish scale armor. The Chu family's fish scale armor is basically sold well in Yun'an and Yunzhou mainland. This kind of person, the Chu family left me. Just sell me, what do you mean if I don't accept it? Free money, don't you want it?" Tong Zao asked speechlessly.

At this moment, the subordinate was shocked. "So this is ah."

(End of this chapter)

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