Chapter 995
"Go, get things done, and get everyone to my new big city. Let's go to the teleportation array, so fast." Tong sawed.

"Okay. The villain will do it now."

"Hurry up." Tong Zao kicked him out.

Tong Zao drove away more than 5 people at once, which naturally alarmed Chu Shinian, but he realized that he had obtained the information from his family, so he secretly let go.

But he let go, Tong Rui's expression was not very good when he heard the wind.

Tong Zao came later than him, but he was the second uncle's own son.As soon as he came down, the second uncle gave him a new big city.Originally, this big city had only cities and no people.But Tong Zao didn't know how to do it. In less than a month, he transferred 16 mortals from all over the country to live in the new city.

This time, he was one step ahead of Tong Rui, and unexpectedly took away more than 5 technical talents and their families from the Chu family.

What exactly does Chu Shinian mean?Could it be that he is more optimistic about that bastard Tong Zao?

So he sent Ma Liang to find Chu Shinian.

"I heard that you sent Tong Zao more than 5 technical talents?" Ma Liang asked with a smile.

"You can also put it this way. Tong Zao probably needs technical talents, so he secretly sent people to my family's territory to recruit them with high salaries. I have been taught by Mr. Tong Er recently, so I gave him [-] technical talents secretly without expressing any embarrassment." talents and their families."

When Ma Liang heard it, there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, it was normal for Tong Zao to sell his number to Tong Zao as Chu Shinian right after he came down.

"I haven't seen any technical talents for Tong Rui?" Ma Liang said.

"Hahaha, as long as you have a place to settle, Tong Rui, you, Lu Meng, and Li Yi, I can send you [-] technical talents and their families." Chu Shinian laughed.

Ma Liang was stunned when he heard this, "I heard that your Chu family has cultivated a large number of technical talents, but I didn't think it was true before. Now that you send out ten thousand and ten thousand, I really feel that your Chu family has cultivated talents. Quantity."

"It's not that our Chu family cultivates talents without spending money. It's because of our close relationship that I gave it away. Where can others come from?" Chu Shinian looked embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, we'll find you when we have a suitable place to settle down." Ma Liang walked away.

After hearing Chu Shinian's reply, Tong Rui was not very happy.

Although Chu Shinian was very generous, the key was that he was too generous, he treated himself the same as he treated Tong Zao.

This made him feel uncomfortable.

When Lu Meng saw it, he said, "Actually, what he did also provided us with an opportunity. Those forces under Tong Zao's command knew what Chu Shinian was doing. What do they think?"

Of course there was trouble.

Ever since Tong Zao's affiliated forces learned that Chu Shinian secretly sent more than 5 people to Tong Zao.

All kinds of complaints about Chu Shinian's actions are not authentic.

With so much technology from the Chu family, why give it to Tong Zao? That's not to look down on them.What should be divided into one family?Anyway, that's what it means, it depends on the owner to beat a dog.

Tong Zao thought about it, and it was the same reason.There is no reason to send him away, not to send some of his affiliated forces.

After all, isn't the Chu family also a subsidiary force?

So Tong saw sent a letter to Chu Shinian.The letter finally reached Taohua's hands.The meaning of the letter was to hope that Chu Shinian would send more talents to his forces.

This is a bit of a slap in the face, Chu Shinian is close to being Tong Tianxing's disciple.

Even though the Chu family is also a subsidiary force of Guanghan Sword Sect, their ranking is much higher than the forces around Tong Zao.

"Write a letter and tell Tong Zao that it's ok, but let them pay for it according to one hundred times the training fee for a talent."

"A hundred times?" Chu Shinian was astonished.

"Naturally, it is a hundred times. The talents we have cultivated can at least make contributions to the family for decades. The older they are, the higher the value, and the stronger the technical level. Once we have cultivated these technologies, then our future generations Don't we need to make up for the loss of ten years? Let us train people for nothing, and in the end they use it to make this kind of cheap, so they have the nerve to take it?

You just say that you are Tong Tianxing's disciple anyway, if this kind of slap in the face got into the ears of the master, or the ears of fellow seniors, what would they think? "

Chu Shinian laughed immediately.

"Yes, just write it like this."

When Tong saw received the letter, he tore it up immediately, and later scolded those who suggested him to ask for help.

It’s really raining at night in the property market, Tong Jian knew about this and called Tong Zao over, “Are you stupid, you do whatever your subordinates tell you to do? You are a log, a puppet, How do you move when people push you?"


"Don't call me Daddy, you're such an idiot. I've told you everything, try to befriend Chu Shinian, and I think Chu Shinian is also willing to befriend you. He was taught by your father, and he was secretly betrayed by others. For you. More than 5 people have been sent to you.

This matter was left to the sect to discuss, and no one challenged Chu Shinian's reasoning.He also said that Chu Shinian knows how to do things and thinks of his master.

But how about you, you were able to be instigated by subordinate forces to slap him in the face. "

"Father, it's clearly Chu Shinian who didn't give me face this time. I just asked him for some technical talents. With so many technical talents in his family, why can't he give me some more..."

Before Tong Zao could finish speaking, Tong Jian slapped his son's face.

"Sure enough, he's a bastard, but it's just not worth it." Tong Jian looked at Tong Zao disappointedly, "I'll let your elder brother come down as soon as possible, and you give An Sheng a little bit." Then he directly grounded Tong Zao.

As for the affiliated forces he recruited, Tong Jian did not summon any of them again, and only waited for his own son to come down.

Tong Jian prevented them from seeing Tong Zao, and did not summon these affiliated forces, so that everyone who was involved in these forces was in a constant state of panic.

Within a few days, Tong Jian's eldest son, Tong Feng, came down with his small group.

Tong Jian handed over Xincheng and more than 5 technology and family members to Tong Feng.

"Tong Saw still can't stand on his own, he has become a puppet of a subsidiary force, which disappoints me."

Tong Feng laughed, "It's just that he hasn't exercised, doesn't know the world, and doesn't know how to control his subordinates. It's because our family protected him too well."

After hearing this, Tong Jian took it for granted.

"After you arrive, I will be able to make more layouts and arrangements with peace of mind. Now Yun'an Continent is the battlefield where I compete with other great monks. Without you coming to be my helper, I am really worried that there may be omissions."

"Father, don't worry, I will do well." Tong Feng said seriously.

"We must have a good relationship with Chu Shinian. Your uncle's heirs are all focused on the interests of the sect, and so are his disciples. No one will interfere with the affairs of our Tong family. Chu Shinian should be your assistant in the future." interests, not adversaries."

"Father, I'm not Tong Zao, I'm not that stupid."

(End of this chapter)

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