Chapter 996

The first thing Tong Feng said when he said goodbye to his father was to meet Chu Shinian.

When he was in the Upper Realm, he was mentioned by Tong Tianxing's disciples many times. Speaking of which, he was also very interested in him.Before Tong Tianxing retreated, he praised this little disciple very much.As a result, both Tong Tianxing's son and his disciples have a very good attitude towards this junior brother.

Hearing that he descended to the realm, he also asked him to hand over some gifts from them to the younger juniors who had never met.

It was said that even if he was used to seeing good things in the sect, he would inevitably feel greedy after receiving these things.But in the end he resisted the greed in his heart.If he was greedy for things at this time, those people would probably no longer look down on him.

It is even more impossible for the Tong family to have a helm who can't even control himself.

Why his concubine brother was rejected by his old father, I'm afraid that kid hasn't found out until now.

Because he was manipulated by others, because he couldn't control himself.This is the real reason why his father was disappointed in him.


When Chu Shinian heard that Tong Feng was coming, he was a little surprised.Unexpectedly, this person came to see him just after arriving.However, he did not neglect him, and greeted him directly and enthusiastically.

When Tong Feng saw Chu Shinian, he praised the kid a lot.The body of the avenue! !
It's really enviable.

"Before I went down to the realm this time, several brothers and cousins ​​from my uncle's family asked me to bring you gifts. Now, they are all here." Tong Feng directly handed a storage ring to Chu Shinian.Chu Shinian probed with his divine sense, and the storage ring was actually full.

Chu Shinian wanted to laugh immediately.

"Brothers really bothered."

"They each have their own dojos, and there is no shortage of things. If you give it to you, you can just keep it." Tong Feng said to Chu Shinian with a smile. "There are also some I gave you. Thank you for sending more than 5 people."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian immediately understood that Tong Jian had given up on Tong Zao and promoted Tong Feng directly.

"Senior Brother Saw, it seems that he values ​​his subordinate forces too much." Chu Shinian said with a troubled expression.

"Hmph, you don't need to put gold on his face. He was just instigated by others and used as a gun." Tong Feng said. "Uncle has only one son, and he is still a legitimate son. My father only has three sons, and my younger brother is still a five-year-old baby.

The third uncle has more sons, six of them.Tong Rui is the eldest son.But he is not my third uncle's eldest son. My third uncle's eldest son is a concubine born of his concubine.In short, his family's situation is more complicated, that boy Tong Rui has a lot of careful thoughts.Ambitious too.

For the sake of everyone's surname Tong, we have always turned a blind eye to his little tricks, so don't get involved in his affairs.

Although the family can indulge him to make a living, it doesn't mean that he can be used as a stepping stone at any time.

You don't have to worry about him threatening you, I will beat him. "

As soon as Tong Feng came, he looked like a big brother of the same generation.

Chu Shinian understood it all at once.

It turned out that Tong Feng was the child trained by the Tong family as the helm of the next generation.

"The situation in the lower realm is complicated, there are many masters, and you need to seal your cultivation. Normally, you shouldn't come down, Senior Brother Tong. It's too easy to be targeted by some people and forces." Chu Shinian said.

Tong Feng laughed when he heard this. "The Tong family doesn't have a head raised in a greenhouse."

"Then Senior Brother Tong, be careful," Chu Shinian said.

"Don't worry, since I dare to come down, I'm not without cards." Tong Feng said confidently.

It's just that Tong Feng has come down, what about other factions and forces?

Sure enough, after Tong Feng, several small teams came down from the upper realm.It is said that their principals all have background identities.These juniors from the Guanghan Sword Sect integrated the formerly scattered Guanghan Sword Sect lower realm monks and their affiliated forces into six forces.

Including Tong Jian, a total of seven forces represented the support of the seven emperors of the Guanghan Sword Sect.

After being reconciled into seven forces, everyone sat down again, and then distributed the benefits again.

Tong Jian looked at everyone present, all of whom were familiar faces.It feels like returning to Zongmen again.

In fact, people didn't think highly of him. Compared to him, Chu Shinian was obviously not valued by these newcomers.The body of the Dao, Tong Tianxing's disciple.

In the eyes of others, Tong Tianxing, who was more inclined towards the sect than the family, was represented by Chu Shinian, not Tong Jian, who only represented the interests of the Tong family.

But in Zongmen, what everyone is playing is the comprehensive power formed by the twisting of master and apprentice and family power, which is backed by a certain emperor, rather than the interests of a certain family.

"Shinian..." Tong Jian introduced Chu Shinian to everyone with a smile.

Chu Shinian carefully remembered everyone's identity and background.

One of the big bearded monks surnamed Jia was particularly interested in him.I still want to pull him to be by my side.

But Tong Jian immediately stopped it.

"Your lineage already has a Dao body, and you are still staring at what we were doing back then? What do you want to rob someone?"

Hearing Tong Jian's outspoken complaints, the big monks around him also laughed and joked.

"I haven't seen one of these Dao body for many years. The two of you are lucky enough to have one. What's the matter, Lao Jia, you still want to abduct someone to you? The little guy has already apprenticed. You also I'm not afraid that Tong Tianxing will call the door in the end."

"Yes, yes, you all have a body of the great way, and you are still jealous of the body of the great way, what will we guys who don't have the body of the great way do?"

"Old Jia, your little thought didn't work out, someone else found out..."

"Old Jia, isn't it too ruthless? You want to take it all away, why do you think it's so beautiful?"

"Old Jia is not kind."

Everyone scrambled to scold him first, and made Lao Jia laugh angrily, "I'm just a little interested in that kid, and want to get close to him? Why did I become a mouse that everyone shouted at?"

"Don't stare at our house. Otherwise, I'll tell my elder brother to stop retreating. Lao Jia will pry his apprentice away. Do you think my elder brother can come down and chase you?"

Cough cough cough, Lao Jia's face immediately changed.

"I solemnly declare that I didn't mean that. I and Old Tong are like brothers. How could I want to pry his apprentice? Am I such a shameless villain?"

Tong Jianxin said, what do you think?Do you think you are?

Chu Shinian pursed his lips and smiled, but didn't join in.

It looks elegant and elegant, very temperamental.

It just depends on his appearance and his bearing, even if he is not a Dao body, ahem, not a Dao body, a great monk who has seen many sect geniuses, I am afraid that he will not take a second look at him.

(End of this chapter)

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