The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 998 Fight without breaking

Chapter 998 Fight without breaking

"Then Lao Gu, come with us, Lao Jiang, you lead the team and go with Lao Jia's people." Tong Jian said.

The veteran monk immediately nodded in agreement.

Everyone re-divided into teams, and the meeting ended.When Chu Shinian returned to his cabin, he saw that all the hidden formations in the cabin had been activated.Taohua is sitting at a small square table playing with a pair of blue miniature dragons.

With a small expression of powerlessness on his face, Xiao Longlong let Taohua play with him.

"This is...?" Chu Shinian looked at Xiao Longlong in surprise and asked.

"This is a complete green dragon spirit." Taohua pinched the little dragon's tail, not letting it run away. "If I don't let it go, after many years, this green dragon spirit can give birth to a congenital green dragon."

hiss!Chu Shinian gasped, "Is this a little green dragon?"

"That's right, this is a little green dragon. The congenital spring dragons are all under this little green dragon. Their origins are different. One is directly the manifestation of the origin of the avenue with the attribute of innate wood. The other is the creature closest to the Yimu avenue." Taohua Road.

"Then isn't this little thing also a great body?" Chu Shinian asked in surprise.

"That's right, it itself is the origin of the Dao. Don't look at it as small, but it is definitely the body of the Dao. It's the same as you." Taohua grabs the little dragon who suddenly struggles to crawl away, trying to escape for his life.

"You little thing is really wicked. I help you condense your real entity, but you always want to escape. Are you worthy of my reinvention?"

Xiaolonglong is struggling to chirp...

It's so hot and unlucky, it slept well in the stone, but was pulled out by this female devil.Also force it to wring out the entity.It's still so weak, what does the condensed entity do?Serving the devil head as a dish?
Chu Shinian smiled.He seemed to be able to understand Xiao Longlong's words.

Even Peach Blossom can't understand it.Tao Hua couldn't hear Xiao Longlong's begging for mercy, she still pinched the opponent's little tail firmly, swishing it like a whip.

Xiaolonglong rolled his eyes directly.

"Is this the fusion you prepared for the promotion of the Five Elements Spirit Vein to the fourth level?" Chu Shinian asked.

"That's right. I've read some ancient books, saying that when the Five Elements Spirit Vessels are promoted to the fourth level, if they are fused with strange spiritual objects, it is possible to accumulate them over a long period of time, and at the same time they will swallow a large number of Earth Vessels and Heaven and Earth at once. Reiki attracts the infusion of the origin of the world.

If there is an infusion from the origin of the world, my family's fourth-order spiritual veins are likely to be able to quickly advance to the fifth-order.

If not, it would be impossible for a spirit vein to advance from the fourth level to the fifth level, even in the lucky time when the spiritual energy is revived, in less than two hundred years. "

"You're thinking too short, at least 500 years. If you are promoted from Tier 500 to Tier 500, it means that the foundation of Tier [-] spirit veins you gathered at the beginning is deep enough. I can also consult you about the promotion of our family's spirit veins." Master, he told me personally that it takes at least [-] years for the fourth level to be promoted to the fifth level, and this depends on our luck. During these [-] years, the family has been developing, and various resources have been continuously poured into the spiritual veins.

And it will take at least 3000 years to advance from the fifth level to the sixth level, and it can be calculated based on the richness of the aura of the Great World of God's Court. "

"Huh?" Tao Hua was taken aback.Before she was reborn back then, this world and the Great World of God Court were ready to start merging.If it is estimated based on how difficult it is to promote the sixth-order spiritual veins, when they first merged, there was no spiritual mountain in the local world?

"What? I got accurate information from Master." Chu Shinian laughed.

"I was surprised. No wonder I read so many ancient books, but none of them mentioned how many years it takes to be promoted to Lingshan. If there is a book that mentions that it takes at least 3000 years to go from the fifth level to the sixth level, probably all the local forces will Have you completely given up cultivating Lingshan yourself?"

"You underestimate the heroes of the world." Chu Shinian suddenly laughed, "You can't cultivate it yourself, but you can steal it from others. As long as you snatch the spiritual veins from other families and directly integrate them into your own spiritual veins, what is 3000 years? 1 If you grab a few more for ten thousand years, you can cross it."

Peach Blossom: "..."

"The essence of a monk is actually plundering. How tiring it is to cultivate yourself, as long as you are strong enough, wouldn't it be nice to snatch someone who has nurtured you?" Chu Shiqing said with a smile stroking his peach blossoms' cheeks.

Tao Hua directly slapped his paw away, "I just like to raise it by myself."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chu Shinian opened his arms and gently wrapped his wife around her.

"Of course, if we meet a suitable spirit vein, we can also grab it." Is Taohua the kind of stubborn person?Certainly not.

ji ji ji ......

Being held in Peach Blossom's hand, the little dragon started barking again.

Chu Shinian frowned, "It's better to seal it in a jade box."

"It can't be sealed. Ordinary jade can't seal it at all. But I have a place to send it." Taohua directly sent Xiaolonglong to Taiyin Stone Pagoda.Anyway, a pair of innate primitive yin and yang essences are sealed in the stone pagoda.

When he was thrown in, Xiaolonglong let out an even more miserable scream.It seemed to be calling Chu Shinian to save it.

Said they are the same.

Chu Shinian was speechless, there are so many bodies of Dao! !He knew three of them as soon as he came into contact with Guanghan Sword Sect.

"Why does the origin of the Dao condense so many bodies of the Dao?"

"I don't understand this either. There must be a need, right?" Tao Hua thought for a while and guessed. "By the way, my sister and Lin Changge went home to visit their parents. I heard that Brother Xian and Brother Chun had a fight. They scratched each other's faces."

"Uh, it's probably because he's been too good-looking since he was a child, and he will definitely be a strong rival in the future! So he plans to wipe out the opponent's face in advance!" Chu Shinian guessed.


Taohua laughed.

"I never thought Brother Chun would be so scheming at such a young age."

"Second Sister finally came back, she won't be angry, right?" Chu Shinian asked worriedly.

"No, my second sister must have laughed like crazy." A pair of babies were pecking at each other before they fought. "However, when my second sister came back, something must have happened in the wilderness, or she had stabilized her power."

"Later, I'll ask someone to collect the news from the Great Northwest Wilderness. I've been focusing too much on the relics of the early days of Laoshizi recently." Chu Shinian reviewed.

"The matter of the entrance to the ruins of the early days is related to the internal struggle of the Guanghan Sword Sect. I am more concerned about it than you." Taohua said with understanding.

"I just think it's weird that the Taichu Sword Sect and the Guanghan Sword Sect are fighting without breaking through." Chu Shinian laughed.

"It's not easy. It must be that the two sides have a bigger common enemy." Taohua said, "You will probably know it later if you try to make a routine."

Chu Shinian suddenly realized that it makes sense.

(End of this chapter)

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