Chapter 999
On the second day, everyone set off again.

Chu Shinian followed Tong Jian's team.He brought Taohua and the eighteen young members of the Chu family with him.

"This time you have changed the people again." Tong Rui came over and joked.

"Isn't this letting the clansmen see the world more?" Chu Shinian said.

"You'd better not manage the family's affairs too much, otherwise your master will be unhappy. After all, the uncle almost devotes his energy to the development of the sect." Tong Feng also brought his younger brother Tong Zao over at this time .

Tong Zao's attitude changed drastically, Leng Ao was gone forever, and he nodded with a smile when he saw Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian looked at him in surprise, which made Tong Zao a little embarrassed.

He was educated by his elder brother Tong Feng last night.

"Master has returned to the Zongmen. I plan to distract myself from managing the family affairs when I am in the lower realm. When I return to the Zongmen, I will hand over the management of the family to my wife. When my boy grows up, I will hand over the family affairs to you. Him." Chu Shinian explained his arrangements.

Tong Feng: "..."

Tong Saw: "..."

Tong Rui: " it amazing to have a son?" He said angrily.

"Having a son can help you do many things." Chu Shinian said with great emotion.

Ah ha ha ha, Lu Meng, Li Yi and Ma Liang, who followed Tong Rui, burst into laughter.

"Yes, sons are very useful." Li Yi said strongly supportively, "They are not married and have no children. I already have two sons and a daughter here."

"Li Yi, can you talk? If you talk like this again, you will have no friends." Tong Rui asked immediately.

Li Yi laughed loudly when he heard this, the intimacy between the two of them can be seen even by fools.

But Chu Shinian remembered that when he first met them, the relationship between Tong Rui and Li Yi was far from as good as it is now.It seems that this is the time, and Tong Rui really got Li Yi into his hands.

"That's right, that's right, you have children, how can you always ask us in front of men who don't have children? Are you bullying?" Tong Feng also laughed.

"Didn't I just think that when you guys get married and have children, maybe my great-grandson will be able to make soy sauce." Li Yi is also sluggish.When he said this, everyone immediately exploded.This wicked.

Didn't he show off that he was married and had children?

"Ahem, although I'm not married, one of my concubines is already pregnant, and I'm going to be a father in a few months." Tong Zao said suddenly.

Tong Feng immediately gave him a speechless look. "Are you mad at me?"


Tong Rui was also very surprised, "When did this happen?"

"It was the two months before I came down." Tong sawed.His expression was very humble and gentle.It's almost like a different person from before.

Not to mention even Tong Rui looked at him in surprise.

What the hell, is it a soul change?

"Tong Zao is still young. If there is anything wrong with what he did before, please don't argue with him for my sake. This kid just needs to be dealt with. If this kid grows out of solid state again in the future, you are welcome. , Tell me directly, I will definitely take care of him."

Although Tong Feng said it harshly, he looked at Tong Zao with very warm eyes.

A serious and responsible look like an older brother.

The key point is that he transformed Tong Saw so frighteningly that it shocked everyone.

Even Lu Meng and Ma Liang were shocked.

Even a big monk standing next to Tong Jianjian praised, "Your Tong Feng really deserves to be called Tong's Shuangbi along with your elder brother's Tong Zheng."

"Praise, he can't bear it. This kid is just a little bit more trained by me. But he is not as good as my kid Tong Zheng." Tong Jian said modestly.

Brother Chang thought speechlessly: Tong Tianxing's son is actually not very good.You still say he can do it.Even Tong Tianxing didn't like his only son very much.If it wasn't for the fact that his son was the only one born by a Taoist couple, Tong Tianxing would have sent that boy to a difficult and dangerous place to hone his skills.

It's a pity that his family's Taoist couple fought hard for the boy who suffered a lot of physical damage, and he doted on him very much since he was a child. If he hadn't been supervised by his own father's other monstrous brothers since he was a child, forcing him to practice kung fu and sharpen his temperament, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to make a living now Gain that great reputation.

It's a pity that Tong Zheng, who was carried forward by many senior brothers, finally had his limit.

Even he could tell that Tong Zheng had reached his limit.He didn't believe that the Tong family and Tong Tianxing couldn't see it.

In the eyes of Chang Daxie, Tong Feng has more potential than Tong Zheng.But he couldn't say it bluntly, after all, when he said it, it seemed that he was trying to provoke the harmonious relationship between the two big monks of the Tong family.

Anyway, they are all boys of the Tong family, and the elders of the Tong family will make arrangements for the future.

"Boy zheng is not bad, too." Brother Chang nodded and smiled.

With the big monks around, it is naturally much easier to pass through the underground magma sea.As soon as the great monk waved his sleeves, countless icy cold airs froze the hot magma around him.

The magma directly turned into a wide and huge stone cave.

The big monks who walked through the cave also nailed a thousand-year-old soul into the wall of the cave.In this way, in a short period of time in the future, this place will no longer be melted by magma.They led the way, walking all the way to solidify the magma, and they also drove many soil-fixing talismans into the structure of the cave.

So the group walked very fast, but when they reached the outside of the stone gate, people from the Absolute Beginning Sword Sect and other forces had already arrived.They have already solidified the original bluestone square.The surrounding magma also completely turned into pieces of rock.

All kinds of gemstones for lighting, orbs are nailed into the rock layers around and above the head like stars in the sky.

It seems that the whole square seems to be shining under the sun.

"Has everyone arrived?" Tong Jian greeted everyone as soon as he arrived.

"I'll just wait for you. You said you found the entrance first, but you were the ones who came late. You are very confident, right?" An old man complained angrily about Tong Jian.He is from the same sect of Guanghan Sword Sect, Qilin Fu Sect.

"Mr. Wu, you are the one leading the team this time?" Tong Jian said in surprise.

"Who else can it be if it's not me?" The old man laughed and said, "The others have been hired by your sect to work. Let me tell you, our Qilin Fumen will follow you later. Don't put us Take it to the ditch. The juniors I bring with me are the essence of the next generation of my Qilin Fumen."

"I still have my elder brother's younger disciple Chu Shinian with me, how could I lead your family's junior into the ditch?" Tong Jian said with a sarcastic smile.

"Is that the body of the Dao?" Mr. Wu suddenly looked at Tong Jianjian in surprise.

"Shinian, come here and give Senior Wu a present." Tong Jian said immediately.

Chu Shinian immediately pulled Tao Hua to stand up with a smile, and picked up old monk Wu respectfully.

"Junior Chu Shinian brought his wife Taohua to visit senior."

The young couple bowed down.

When Lao Wu saw them, he immediately lifted them up gently.

(End of this chapter)

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