Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1 Imperial Mausoleum

Chapter 1 Imperial Mausoleum
It was a sea of ​​stars under the dark sky.

Mercury is the sea, and the stars are the sky.

An incomparably grand palace.

Giant pillars rise from the sky, and countless palaces are lined up, more luxurious than all the palaces in the world.

However, such a magnificent palace is actually located underground.

This is an underground palace.

This is the grave.

A magnificent mausoleum with countless funerary objects.Looking down at the imperial mausoleum from a height, it seems to be looking at the most luxurious miracle in human history.

Because in this palace, there are mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars.

With mercury as the rivers and oceans, it is instilled organically, with astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom.Use mermaid ointment as a candle, and it will last for a long time.

On the zenith inlaid with countless gemstones, 28 constellations are dazzling.Obsidian laid out the territory of a huge empire on the ground, and two-person tall giant candles made of whale blubber were burning and juxtaposed on both sides of the Golden Avenue.

At the end of the avenue, there is a sea of ​​mercury.

There is a high platform in the middle of the Mercury Sea, on which stands a huge bronze coffin like a house.

Everything is as it was when the mausoleum was first established. The owner of this tomb will gain eternal life in this underground world.

However, there was something that did not exist in the drawing, and suddenly appeared beside the bronze coffin.

It was a path paved with white jade, and two peasant husbands were walking along this path with fear on their faces.

Quicksilver engulfed their back with every step they took, carrying a pair of black coffins in their hands.

The material of this coffin is unknown, it is extremely dark, and the strangest thing is that there are dark red patterns flowing on the surface of the jet-black coffin.

Spread over the entire surface of the coffin like vines.

In this way, the two peasants carried the coffin to the huge bronze coffin in the middle of the Mercury Sea.

"Do you really want her to be buried with her?"

At this moment, an old voice sounded from above, and two people, one black and one white, stood at the only opening of the dome.

Watching the civilian husband tremblingly place the small black coffin next to the huge bronze coffin, the old man in white slowly opened his mouth.

Another middle-aged man in black looked down at the huge and profound underground palace, his gaze was as deep as ink.

"This is the last sentence of the king before his death."

He stared at the black coffin covered with dark red spells, and said in a low voice.

"Only in this way can she stay here."

The terrified roar of the civilian husband came from the ground, and the moment the black coffin was put on the ground, the mercury on the ground suddenly began to rise.

The man in black and the man in white took a step back, stood back on the top of the mountain and raised their hands. Under the desperate eyes of the peasants, the only opening on the dome was slowly closed by an invisible force.

Looking at the black coffin that was being swallowed by mercury gradually disappearing into the gap, the man in black squirmed his lips and said softly.


"Eternal Goddess."

With the last scream of the two civilian husbands, mercury flooded the sky and covered everything, drowning everything.

The closed underground fell into dead silence.



For a long time, time passed.

I do not know how long it has been.

In the quiet and deep underground palace.

The flame of the eternal mermaid candle suddenly flickered.

The tide of mercury receded quietly as if being pulled by a force, revealing the trail of white jade.

There is no one at the end of the trail, and a black shadow quietly emerges from the water.

A black coffin emerged from the sea of ​​mercury, and everything around it was corroded. Only this coffin remained unchanged, as if time had frozen forever.

And the next moment, the dark red pattern on the surface of the black coffin suddenly lit up.

Flashing and flashing, the eerie red light flickered.

At this time, a voice sounded in the eternally sealed and static underground world.

Waves appeared on the surface of the Mercury Sea, and the flame of the mermaid candle became more and more hot and flickering, setting off the sudden voice.

Voices from the coffin.

"who am I?"

The sound of wheezing and wheezing rang in the girl's ears. The suffocation feeling like the deep sea made her want to grab her own throat. In the endless pain, "she" had endless questions circling in her mind.

"where am I?"

Countless noisy voices rang in her ears, stirring her vague memory.

"A woman who is a god must disturb the way of heaven!"

"Yue'er, live well..."

"You bastard who has ruined the country and the people!"

"go to hell!"

The crazy face under the sacrificial pillar, countless shadows flashed in front of her eyes, before the shadows could be seen clearly, viscous quicksilver flooded towards her overwhelmingly, drowning her.


In the darkness, Lin Baoyue suddenly opened her eyes.

She gasped, and instinctively wanted to sit up, but the next moment she found that she couldn't control her body!
How is this going?This is where?She remembered that she seemed to have...


After taking three deep breaths, the vortex in Lin Baoyue's brain and auditory hallucinations finally stopped.

She stared blankly at the infinite darkness, always felt that she had seen something horrific just now, but once she woke up, she couldn't remember anything.

The only thing she can remember is that she was obviously just hit by a speeding truck on the road at the last moment.

Today is the day when Lin Baoyue finished her college entrance examination, but when she was crossing the road on her way home after the examination, a truck ran through a red light.

What is even more frightening is that a child has already stepped onto the road.

Lin Baoyue's last memory is when she pushed the child away and crashed into the truck.

Then there is no more.

Lin Baoyue twirled her fingers slightly, and opened her eyes wide in the darkness.

That thing is still there.

When the car crashed, she touched a piece of red jade inlaid on the front rail of the car for some reason, and then disappeared into the world.

At this moment, the fingertips felt that ruby ​​was still in her palm!
I don't know if it was because of the twisting, but the red jade suddenly emitted a slight light, slightly illuminating the darkness.Lin Baoyue twisted her head vigorously, trying to see where she had been sent flying, but the next moment when she saw everything around her clearly, she felt like she was in an ice cellar.

She is in a secret space, and the size of this space seems to be tailor-made for her, just like...

A coffin.

Lin Baoyue restrained the ups and downs of her chest, resumed lying down, and stared blankly ahead.

She was actually... lying in a coffin at this very moment.

No, she was crucified in a coffin.

This shocking fact made Lin Baoyue's mind go blank, but it's not over yet.

The next moment, footsteps suddenly came from her ears.

In a dark space.

There were footsteps.

With a sharp murderous look.



 New book release, Happy Qixi Festival!
  "Using mercury as the rivers and seas of hundreds of rivers, instilled with the machine, with astronomy on the top and geography on the bottom. With mermaid ointment as a candle, those who are immortal will last for a long time." - Han Sima Qian "Historical Records Qin Shihuang Ben Ji"

(End of this chapter)

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