Chapter 2

The fact that a living person is nailed to death in a coffin is already terrifying enough, but the sound of footsteps coming from the infinitely silent underground is enough to scare people to death.

That's right, underground.

Although she just woke up not long ago, Lin Baoyue has already made a judgment on the surrounding environment.

She is now in a coffin, and this coffin is likely to be buried underground or in an underground palace.

Lin Baoyue believes that the latter is more likely. She is unlikely to be buried in the soil because she did not smell the soil.

She has been very sensitive to the surrounding environment since she was very young. Although the smell told her that she was not buried in the soil, thanks to this sensitivity, a bad premonition arose in her heart.

Lin Baoyue didn't know how a normal person would react when she found herself nailed in a coffin. After all, she was told that she didn't look like a normal person when she was a child.

But even if she is not a normal person, she knows that the current situation is very abnormal.

The footsteps coming from her ears were very soft. If her hearing was not damaged, then the footsteps were still relatively far away from her.

From this, it can also be deduced how big the space she is in is.

Unusually vast.

But unfortunately, although the distance was far away, it was enough to judge that the owner of the footsteps was coming in her direction.

It sounded like two people, and they seemed to be carrying some heavy object. The footsteps of those two people were unusually light. If it wasn't for the heavy object, she might not have even noticed it.

As if he was worried about something, the footsteps stopped and went.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Sneaky footsteps.

Such a voice came from the originally mysterious and dead underground, Lin Baoyue really found it hard to believe that these two people came to save her.

Unable to judge the good and evil of the comer, then she can only find a way to save herself.

If you want to save yourself, you must start by understanding the current situation.Lin Baoyue took a deep breath, and tried to rub the ruby ​​in her hand again.

Just now when she was thinking about the current situation, she tried to move her body, and she found that although she couldn't sit up, she could still move her hands, ankles and neck.

But only the parts below the wrists and ankles and above the shoulders can move.

To put it bluntly, you can only move your fingers, toes and head.The other parts are tightly attached to the bottom of the coffin as if filled with lead.

Since she can feel other parts of her body, it means that the body itself has not lost consciousness. The reason why she can't move is because...

Lin Baoyue suddenly had a bold idea.

Accompanied by her guess, the top of the coffin, which was originally pitch black, glowed with a faint red light.

Lin Baoyue opened her eyes wide, watching the strange light like blood flowing, and countless vine-like lines spread out in front of her eyes.

"This is... a formation?"

Lin Baoyue herself was taken aback when these words appeared in her mind.

Why would she know this?
She had never seen these patterns before the college entrance examination, but she instinctively said the answer in her heart just for a moment.

She still had an indescribable feeling that the answer that emerged from the bottom of her heart was the truth.

These patterns echoed her previous conjectures.

Her physical body was firmly bound in this coffin by some kind of formation.

But why?Lin Baoyue frowned and rubbed the red jade on her fingertips. It's not that she doesn't believe in the mysterious power in this world, but she doesn't understand why this power moved her into a coffin.

That's right, transport.

Modern children who read a lot of online articles may think that they have encountered time travel or adventure, or at least supernatural phenomena such as teleportation.But in Lin Baoyue's opinion, what she encountered was not even teleportation.

One second she crashed into the coffin the next second she woke up in the coffin. It sounds mysterious, but people can't feel time when they are in a coma. As long as she is moved to this coffin and closed when she is knocked unconscious, it will be It can create this effect without anyone noticing.

Whether it's time travel or teleportation, it's impossible for everyone to meet her. She is just an ordinary prospective college student who has no parents to rely on the support of the orphanage to qualify for the college entrance examination. She is not even eligible for kidnapping. What an accident...


Ying Baoyue suddenly opened her eyes wide after she was thinking calmly.

It gets bigger and bigger.

dong dong dong.

Her heart suddenly beat violently, and the sound even overwhelmed the sound of distant footsteps.

For her who was praised by her classmates as inhumanly calm, this was the most intense beating in her life.

Because when the crimson pattern on the coffin became brighter and brighter, Lin Baoyue saw her face.

No, to be more precise, it was the disintegrated face that was originally exactly the same as hers.

This is not a plot of a novel or a dream, Lin Baoyue took a deep breath and clenched the ruby ​​on her fingertips.

is a mirror.

The coffin lid close to her cheek was inlaid with an extremely smooth polished bronze mirror, and this bronze mirror was covered with red patterns vertically and horizontally, and her face looked disintegrated when reflected in it.

The face is Lin Baoyue's familiar face, even more beautiful than her familiar face, but what made her almost stop breathing just now is the clothes of this body reflected in the full-length mirror.

The girl lying in the coffin was not wearing the blue and white school uniform she was familiar with, but an antique dress with extremely heavy workmanship.

It is not even accurate to say that it is antique, this dress is different from any heroine's dress she has seen in costume dramas, revealing a very special atmosphere.

There is an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

It seems to appear in ancient murals...

Old and stately clothes.

Lin Baoyue opened her eyes wide with this terrible conjecture, because she found lines of seal characters engraved on the top of the bronze mirror.

This is……

"Autumn orchids are filled with moose, Luo Sheng is under the hall. Green leaves are plain flowers, fragrant and beautiful. There is no sorrow, no sorrow, parting, no joy, new acquaintances... long swords, embrace the young Ai, sun alone Yixi is righteous for the people."

There are thirteen lines in total.

This verse seems to be engraved in Lin Baoyue's soul.

She knows what it is.

This is Chu Ci.

"Songs of Chu·Shao Si Ming"

Lesser life.

As this name appeared in her mind, Lin Baoyue felt as if she had been hit in the head, and her heart was overwhelmed. Countless broken pictures appeared in her mind, and at the same time, there was the voice before she woke up.

It turned out that it was not her hallucination, but a fragment of the memory that once belonged to her.

In her previous life, the memories left by the real owner of this body.

Looking at the many crazy faces under the sacrificial pillar in memory, Lin Baoyue finally remembered that she had seen such a scene before.

At this moment, she finally remembered who she was.

She traveled back to her previous life.

And in her previous life, the person who was suppressed in this coffin was.

She is, Shao Siming.

Goddess, Shao Siming.



However, Lin Baoyue couldn't remember other things, how she was locked in this coffin, and just when her headache was splitting, the sneaky footsteps finally reached her side.

"Why is there still a coffin here? It's not the same as the drawing!"

A rough voice sounded from outside the coffin.


Lin Baoyue in the coffin had cold sweat on her forehead. She was only immersed in the shock of her own identity, but a new crisis arose outside!

"Shut up!" Another thin but subdued voice sounded.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Even if there are amulets of adults, the chest cavity will rot after half an hour. We only have a quarter of an hour left! Don't worry about the other things, don't forget what we are here for!"

The man with a rough voice immediately became nervous when he heard the words, "Okay, let's start now!"

The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, the two put down the objects in their hands, and the sharp voice sounded again.

"If it wasn't for that demon girl who protected the descendants of the Ying family, how could we take such a big risk!"

There was only a click, as if the lid of something had been lifted, and the rough voice gasped.

"This is really... really... Her Royal Highness..."

"It's just a surviving orphan girl!" The screaming man scolded, "Her brother didn't even want the national body in order to sell her to marry him for glory, so what's there to be afraid of!"

"But... But this is His Majesty's blood after all..." The man with a rough voice swallowed his saliva, and stammered, "Can using this formation here really... really kill her?"

"It's better to say that you can only try it here," the sharp voice said coldly. "After all, this is the only place in the legend that can isolate the body protection technique of the descendants of the Ying family from humans and gods."


Lin Baoyue, who was in the coffin on one side, felt her heart skip a beat when she heard the words, and felt an inexplicable throbbing at the bottom of her heart for this word.

What is it all about...

But before she could remember what the word meant, Squealer continued.

"This piece of paper was left by that demon girl. I don't know if I can kill Ying Hanri after seven years," the man said triumphantly, "but kill His Majesty's younger sister..."

He paused, and said the name that shocked Lin Baoyue who was in the coffin.

"It's more than enough to kill Ying Baoyue."

Lin Baoyue widened her eyes.

Ying Baoyue?
(End of this chapter)

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