Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 3 Ying Baoyue

Chapter 3 Ying Baoyue

Ying Baoyue?
Although I don't know whether the writing is the same, but Lin Baoyue thinks it should be those two words.

Hug the moon.

The same name as myself.

Different last name, same first name.

Ying Baoyue.

The moment Lin Baoyue heard this name, her head ached sharply, and the next moment an old voice rang in her ears.

"Hao'er came to report yesterday that she gave birth to a daughter, and the widow has a granddaughter."

"The widow gave her the same name as you. If the widow can't get you, at least you must keep your name, and see if she can grow into a woman like you..."

The old voice lingered in Lin Baoyue's ears like a mantra, but she could only listen to all this in a daze.

Because she knew it was a memory from her previous life.

The memories of her previous life are like sand sleeping under the surface of the water, some have no signs of recovery at all, but some can be pried, and only need a stimulating point to recover part of it.

Ying Baoyue's name was a stimulus, which allowed her to recover part of her memory.

Although she had never seen this child, this girl who was given the same name as her previous life was indeed someone she knew.

Lin Baoyue has always been called Lin Baoyue.When she was still in this world in her previous life, she was also called Lin Baoyue when she was the Commander-in-Chief.

This world is called the Mountain Sea Continent.

The old man who spoke in her ear just now, the grandfather of Princess Ying Baoyue, was the one who changed this continent.

This continent was originally in chaos, evil spirits were rampant, the people were struggling to survive, and heroes emerged in troubled times. A young man named Emperor Ying appeared in this chaos.He went to the north and south to search for the gods, and established a practice system to communicate with the gods, and finally found the eight gods in this continent, and got the help of the eight gods. Unified the mainland and established a huge Qin Empire across the continent.

This is the legendary story of Emperor Ying, the first overlord in the Shanhai Continent.

And Ying Baoyue is the granddaughter of this overlord, the second daughter of Emperor Ying's youngest son Ying Hao.

Lin Baoyue's restored memory is over.

And the murder of the princess of the empire by the two voices in her ear, one high and one low, is still going on.

"Quick! Quick! The effect of the drug is about to pass, hurry up and set up the magic circle!" the screaming man shouted in panic.

"It will be ready soon! Just use the spirit fire to ignite this piece of paper and aim it at Her Royal Highness's body!" The man with a rough voice trembled and shouted.

"The spiritual fire given by Mr. Xu... the spiritual fire..."

Listening to the conversation outside, Lin Baoyue's eyes in the coffin became colder and colder.

Just outside her coffin, someone was killing people.

She didn't know what happened to Daqin, Ying Baoyue, who was a princess, would end up like this, and she even had to be pulled out to make a marriage. She didn't know how many years she had been in the coffin, but since she wanted to make a marriage, the The little princess in her memory was no more than a teenager at best.

With a teenage girl being murdered beside her, she just couldn't stand it any longer.

Lin Baoyue took a deep breath and moved her body desperately.

Instead of sitting in the airtight coffin and waiting to die, she at least had to change the status quo, even if she couldn't save the girl outside, she had to do something.

Although she hasn't figured out who she is yet, there is one thing she knows very well.

She didn't want to see the princess die.

However, the two people outside the coffin didn't know if the ceremony had reached a critical step, and they didn't respond to Lin Baoyue's movements.

Lin Baoyue tightly grasped the ruby ​​in her palm, closed her eyes, raised her still-moving head, and slammed it hard against the coffin!

Like the sound of blisters being punctured, Lin Baoyue, who had been awakened from a bumped head, lightened all over, and opened her eyes in a daze.

Pupils shrink.

The expected severe pain did not come, but her body was no longer as heavy as lead. More importantly, she no longer saw the cramped coffin, but a world so vast and mysterious that people could not speak.

Mercury is the sea, and the stars are the sky.

She... came out?

Lin Baoyue lowered her head in a daze, looking at the black coffin with a familiar pattern on the ground.

The red light of the patterns on the surface of the black coffin seems to have dimmed a bit, but the top cover is still tightly closed...

Wait... Shut up?
Lin Baoyue looked at her hand in astonishment, then looked at the translucent arm in astonishment and was speechless.

She looked around, and then looked down at the two men in black who had unknowingly arranged the magic circle and muttered, feeling mixed feelings for a moment.

She has come out, but it is not her people who come out.

This strange black coffin seems to be absolutely bound to her physical body.

So what came out was her...soul.

So she hit the coffin with all her might and knocked herself out of her body.

Lin Baoyue resisted the urge to cover her forehead and quickly looked at the ground. She didn't forget why her soul came out of her body, that little princess...

"go to hell!"

With a vicious roar, Lin Baoyue was shocked.

It was just a very short moment.

But she didn't catch up.

It's better to say that she is just a soul and can't do anything.

Next to the black coffin that restrained Lin Baoyue's body, there was indeed another open coffin, in which lay a girl in a simple dress.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully, as if she was put into this coffin the moment she went to bed, but her tranquility was compared to the complex and hideous magic circle under the coffin.

This is the killing array.

Standing on the left and right of the killing formation were two masked men in black. These were the owners of the two voices, one sharp and one thick, that Lin Baoyue had heard before.

The screamer has seals on his hands, while the rough-speaker holds a piece of red paper in his hand.

All the ominous breath comes from this red paper.

It's just a piece of paper, but it seems to be soaked in blood, and circles of dark red light lines are constantly wandering around the edge.

It's like being alive.

The moment Lin Baoyue saw that, her heart beat violently, and a voice kept shouting in her heart like an alarm bell.

"It must not be lit!"

However, it was too late, and the moment she saw it, the paper was ignited.

The spirit fire of Laoshizi that the rough-voiced man had chanted countless times was finally ignited.

The red lotus of hell ignited, and an unimaginable breath of death swept across the ground in an instant, and even the Mercury Sea receded in fear!
The rough voice man sifted the chaff all over his body, as if he was afraid of being burned, he threw the burning red paper at the princess in the coffin with all his might!
next moment.

Lin Baoyue closed her eyes.

The curse was activated.

The ominous curse still hit Ying Baoyue in the coffin.

There was a squeaking sound like a branding iron in the air, and Lin Baoyue, who was floating in the air, watched the little princess who had closed her eyes peacefully the moment before, suddenly opened her eyes and widened her eyes in pain!

"Ah, cough..." The princess in the coffin opened her mouth but couldn't make a sound.

The girl's life had come to an end before she realized what was happening.

Fear, astonishment, and despair flowed in her eyes, and her whole body seemed to be bound and smashed by dark red chains, and these chains were quickly eating away at her life.

"Hahaha, it really worked!"

"It hurts, little princess? Don't worry, you're going to die soon!"

Amidst the frenzied laughter of the two men in black beside the coffin, Lin Baoyue stared coldly at the back of their heads.

The breath of this curse is so strong that it is unimaginable, she knows that she is powerless to stop this curse like a red lotus, but at least she will do her best.

However, just when Lin Baoyue was about to do something, suddenly her spirit in the air froze.

Although I don't know if Hun feels it, Lin Baoyue does feel a chill.

Because she felt that someone was looking at her.

Lin Baoyue lowered her head slowly, and met the eyes of the princess lying in the coffin.

The scene was very quiet for a while, only the voices of the two men in black laughing wildly to themselves echoed in the empty underground palace.

Lin Baoyue, who was floating in the air, and Ying Baoyue, who was in the coffin, looked at each other.

Ying Baoyue, the little princess of the Ying family who is about to die, can see her.

This is……

Legend has it that people can see the existence of the soul when they are about to die.

It turned out to be true.

Lin Baoyue stared at the little princess who looked at her as if she was looking for a straw at the last second of her life, and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." Lin Baoyue said to her.

Nothing could be done for her.

Ying Baoyue in the coffin moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something, and the little princess stretched out her hand stiffly in the air, as if she wanted to grab something.

However, she couldn't say a word in the end.

She is dead.

Lin Baoyue stared blankly at the little princess who was raising her hand stiffly in the coffin, her mind went blank.

The child is literally dead.

This child with the same name as her is really like this...

However, at the next moment, a strong force suddenly struck in midair, pulling her into that body!



(End of this chapter)

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