Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 10 Name

Chapter 10 Name

Hearing the young man's question, Ying Baoyue was startled.

It was an inevitable question, but she couldn't answer it truthfully.

No matter which identity she has, it seems impossible to say it now.

The former Qin princess Ying Baoyue is being searched for by the entire former Qin, while the young commander Lin being hunted down by the entire Soochow.

If there is a reward, her current head is probably very valuable...

"What? You don't even remember your own name?" Looking at the silent girl on the bed, Gui Chen's eyes widened in disbelief.

Ying Baoyue apologized in her heart, looked up at him with a wry smile, "I can't say."

She remembered this, but really couldn't say it out loud.

"You really can't even remember your name?" Gui Li looked at Ying Baoyue with even more disgust, and Gui Chen sighed speechlessly, "Don't mention anything else, how do people call you? Do you still remember your last name? ?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head, she thought about it for a while, suddenly smiled and looked at Gui Chen and said, "Since the young master brought me back, then let the young master think of a name for me."

"Ask my brother to name you?" Gui Li's eyes widened all of a sudden, Mu's expression was also a little strange, and Gui Chen froze upon hearing this.

Did she say anything strange?
Ying Baoyue glanced at the boy's red ears, frowned slightly and asked, "Can't you?"

Looking at the girl's clear eyes, Gui Chen was stunned for a moment, raised his hand and coughed and recovered his calm expression, "It's not a big deal."

It's just a title.

After speaking, the young boy put his hand on his chin and began to think seriously.

Ying Baoyue looked at him with great interest, she was quite curious about what kind of name this young man who just met today would give her.

"You..." Gui Chen looked up in deep thought, but just in time to see that girl quietly staring at him under the moonlight.

Tranquil, but with an indescribable gaze.

She seems to be there looking at you all the time, but she seems to leave in the next second.

"Mingyue..." Gui Chen suddenly spoke out of nowhere.

"What?" Ying Baoyue was stunned, then asked with a smile.

Gui Li and Mu Shi were also taken aback when they heard the words, but then they showed thoughtful eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are sometimes like the moon?" Gui Chen stared at Ying Baoyue and said.


Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, but the hearty laughter of a woman from a long time ago rang in her ears.

"Holding you is like hugging the moon, let me tell you to hug the moon!"

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, then clenched her left wrist, smiled and raised her head.

"Really," the girl said softly, "I can't remember."

"So," Gui Chen looked at her eyes and frowned, and soon his brows relaxed.

"Anyway, let's call you Mingyue."

"Mingyue?" Ying Baoyue repeated.

"Yes, Mingyue," the boy nodded heavily, "I will call you Mingyue from now on."

"Okay." Ying Baoyue nodded.

Mrs. Mu also smiled approvingly, and the atmosphere in the room was very harmonious for a while, but Gui Li's sharp voice broke the calm again.

The little girl looked suspiciously at Ying Baoyue and Gui Chen, her head turned so that Ying Baoyue was worried about her neck, and the next moment, Gui Li glared at Ying Baoyue and spoke.

"Brother, you don't really intend to keep this woman of unknown origin at home, do you?"

Gui Chen was stunned when he heard the words, and Gui Li looked at Ying Baoyue with increasingly unfriendly eyes, and asked loudly, "Didn't you say that the good person will let her go when she wakes up?"

"Li'er!" Mu looked at her disapprovingly, "Miss Mingyue will wake up, and her memory will..."

"I thought she would be able to find out about her family when she woke up, but who knows that this guy doesn't remember anything," Gui Chen interrupted Mu's voice, "But I definitely won't let her stay here forever."

The boy looked up at his mother, "Mother, I know you are kind, it would be fine if it was in the past, but we are not in a situation where we can just take in anyone."

Gui Chen raised his head, and pointed his chin to the east for some reason, "The people over there are probably coming soon."


The boy's voice was deep and heavy, which didn't match his age.

Ying Baoyue raised her head slightly, and looked at the young man with the familiar cold and unwilling expression in his eyes again.


Mu's body was shocked when she heard her son's words, and the wrinkles under the corners of her originally distressed eyes deepened. She sighed deeply, and said in pain and struggle, "But I can't..."

But you can't throw out such an unarmed and unarmed girl, can you?
Gui Chen knew what his mother wanted to say, and looked at the girl on the bed with frowning.

"Hmph, who told you that you don't want to be clear, you picked up a useless woman back!"

Gui Li snorted coldly when he saw his brother upset, and said with folded hands.

Gui Chen's forehead was on fire when he heard the words, "You girl..."

"That..." Just as the two siblings were about to quarrel, a calm voice sounded.

"What?" The two siblings turned their heads at the same time.

I saw the girl sitting on the bed who was being discussed whether to stay or not raised her hand with a calm expression.

"I said, I don't live in vain." Ying Baoyue, who was sitting on the bed, looked at the two siblings who were staring at her and laughed softly.

"Not for nothing?" Gui Li laughed sarcastically, "Can you still give me money?"

She does know.The woman my brother brought back from the deep mountains and old forests is penniless. Although the clothes are well-made, the special clothes and jewelry are the most troublesome things.

Although she is only 13 years old, the world has already taught her a lot.

in an extremely cruel way.

Otherwise, she and her brother and mother would not have fallen to this point.

"I really have no money," Ying Baoyue smiled.

Gui Li sneered, "Then you still..."

But before she could speak harshly, Ying Baoyue looked at the broken bowl in Guichen's hand and smiled slightly.

"But I can test the medicine for your brother."

"Huh?" Gui Chen was blocked when he was about to speak, and looked at the immobile girl with a shock in his heart.

"I think, for your brother, this is an opportunity that money can't buy." Ying Baoyue smiled.

That's right.

Gui Chen clenched the porcelain in his hand, almost piercing his flesh.

If you want to be a genius doctor, you can't live without patients.But those neighbors who know his details have been tried by him, and his skills are well known to every household.

Not to mention that someone would come to him for medical treatment, even the poorest people who are most in need of money, he pays for people to test drugs, and no one does it.

But, how did she know?

Gui Chen stared closely at this woman who just woke up today, but found her pain point extremely accurately, speechless.

"Okay." Without waiting for his sister to interrupt, Gui Chen suddenly waved his hand.

"elder brother!"

"But it's only temporary," Gui Chen ignored Gui Li's resistance, and stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "When your physical strength is almost recovered, leave quickly!"

Ying Baoyue nodded.

But, where else could she go?

Looking at the Gui brothers and sisters with thin faces, she still had a question in her mind.

"Our family can't afford idlers!"

Gui Li's shouts echoed in her ears.

The descendants of the first ministers of the Qin Dynasty were reduced to such a situation.

What kind of secrets does this country, this home, hold?
(End of this chapter)

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