Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 9 Lost God

Chapter 9 Lost God
It's not because Ying Baoyue was confused, but the fact is too big.

There are a total of eight gods who helped Emperor Taizu unify the mountains and seas and establish the Qin Empire.These eight gods are also the eight oldest ancient gods on the Shanhai Continent.

After the unification of the Qin Empire, different vassal states had their own belief totems according to their regions.

Although one of them had a problem in the later stage, which eventually led to the failure of Xirong's unification, but as powerful ancient gods with the same longevity as the sky, these eight totem gods are the most top-level existences in the Shanhai Continent, and they are veritable supreme gods.

The names of the eight gods are Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, Xuanwu, Tengshe, Baigou, Yinglong, and Gouchen, which is Qilin.

Because these eight gods are all beast-shaped totems, they are also called the Eight Beast Gods.They are the real gods of the sky. The so-called eight-person gods are completely different. It is better to say that the so-called eight-person gods are at best the servants of the eight totems in the world.

Under normal circumstances, of course.Ying Baoyue said heartily.

There are accidents in everything, so I won't show them here.

In short, since it is a god believed by a country, it is undoubtedly one of the eight most powerful totem beast gods in the world.

And among the gods, there are also ranks.

This world is so realistic.

Ying Baoyue felt a splitting headache when she thought of the knowledge she had just recalled in her head.

Good God, what are you doing so realistically?

But in any case, in folklore, the level difference between the eight gods does exist.

"Sanfu Huangtu" said: "The blue dragon, white tiger, red bird, and basalt, the four spirits of the sky, use the four directions to make the king rule the palace and palace."

This means that as the four phenomena of the sky, the status and power of the four gods of Qinglong, Suzaku, White Tiger and Xuanwu are higher than that of the other four gods.

Teng Snake, Gou Chen, Bai Dog and Ying Long are juxtaposed, ranking below the Four Elephants.

That is, the second-level god.

However, this is not over yet. The third volume of "Huainanzi" records: "The most noble of the gods is no more precious than the green dragon."

Therefore, Qinglong is the head of the four elephants.

If Ying Baoyue remembers correctly, the gods originally believed in the Soochow Kingdom located in the east of the mainland...

This is the more expensive Qinglong.

And now someone told me that the most powerful and mysterious god in the mainland was lost?
Or because she lost it?
Are you teasing her?
At this moment, Ying Baoyue's outlook on life, world outlook, and values, referred to as "Three Views" for short, were all impacted.

"Are you okay?" Seeing Ying Baoyue sitting on the bed stiff like a statue, Gui Chen frowned and asked.

"I..." Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, she was fine but Shao Si Ming was very busy.

Although she doesn't remember anything, it's strange no matter how she makes this statement. How can a god be lost?
In all her three lives, she has never heard that gods can still be lost. What kind of magical saying is this?

Is this a child?
"It seems that your amnesia is really serious." Gui Chen frowned and looked at her maturely, "I don't have any memory of such a big thing."

"No way, you don't even know about this?" Gui Li looked serious and said, "Then you have to pay attention, otherwise you won't know how to die if you say the wrong thing and touch the taboo."

I really don't know how I died in my previous life...

"Okay, since I don't remember, let's explain it carefully to the girl." In the end, Mrs. Mu came out to smooth things over, but the kind-hearted woman was very serious at this time, and sighed as she looked at Ying Baoyue.

"Girl, I don't know how much you remember about the world," Mu looked at Ying Baoyue worriedly and asked.

"Thinking that Master Azure Dragon God did not reappear 18 years ago, have you heard of this?"

Ying Baoyue clenched her wrists tightly, she seemed to have a little impression of this incident.

Very famous indeed.

After all, it is about the totem god.

After Taizu unified the mainland, it was said that the most powerful Azure Dragon God was consumed too much and no longer showed miracles. The immortal officials of Daqin said that it had entered dormancy.

If something really happened to the most powerful god, there would definitely be a change in the world. Since there was no such thing, everyone accepted this official statement.

But after that, Ying Baoyue's memory was a little blurry, and there seemed to be missing in some places.

"Everyone thinks that Lord Azure Dragon God is just dormant somewhere, and according to the Soochow Immortal Official, he can also feel the breath," Mu continued, what she said was no different from what Ying Baoyue remembered.

But for some reason, Ying Baoyue still felt a sense of disobedience in her heart.

It seemed she had forgotten something crucial.

"However," just as she was desperately remembering, Mu's words changed, and the next moment Gui Chen's icy voice added.

"However, just eight years ago," the boy continued coldly, "Apocalypse suddenly appeared in the sky over the land of the ancestor of the Eastern Wu, and a large cloud of black clouds gathered into a dragon shape."

"The dark clouds turned into thunder, and the lightning tore up the dragon-shaped dark clouds and wiped them out. At the moment when the dragon-shaped clouds dissipated, the immortal officials completely lost the breath of the Azure Dragon God."

The young man's voice was faint and piercingly cold.

"Can you think of it? The last cloud that dissipated actually merged into three words."

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at Gui Chen, listening to him utter the last sentence.

"The three characters of Huicheng are."

"Young Master."

Disappeared gods, totems that were torn apart, and names that seemed to scream out with the last breath.

Accompanied by the young man's low-pitched narration, Ying Baoyue seemed to see the scene of annihilation appearing in front of his eyes.

With such an intense and ominous scene, coupled with the sudden loss of breath of the gods, it is not surprising how it will be interpreted.

Eight years ago.

It was the year she died in her previous life.

"Later, according to the interpretation of the immortal officials of the Eastern Wu Kingdom, Lord Azure Dragon God should have been temporarily lost." Gui Li flashed out from behind her brother, making up the knife with a sarcasm on his face.

It is not so much an interpretation as an excuse to appease the people.Ying Baoyue took a slight breath.

If she is a fairy official, she can only say so.

It cannot be said that the head of the four gods died just like that.

That would shake people's hearts.The national teacher of the Soochow Kingdom could not escape the blame.

"Eastern Wu Kingdom has changed to respect Yinglong, but they have been looking for Lord Azure Dragon God..." Guili narrowed his eyes, "and the murderer who killed it."

The little girl said in disgust, "That young commander."


"Hey, this statement..." Gui Chen looked at her and frowned, "I remember..."

"What do you remember?" Gui Li said disgustedly, "Tianqi is so obvious, what is there to argue? Even if she disappeared more than half a year in advance, hasn't the body been found? Who knows where she hid?"

Well, she is under the Emperor Qin's Mausoleum...

"Among all the practitioners, there is only a certain lady who has denied that the matter of the Qinglong God has nothing to do with Shao Siming," Gui Li said with a bitter smile, "But can you still believe what that demon girl said? Not to mention that Shao Siming His Highness is still her apprentice!"

Master she...

Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, but at the same time, she felt a little warmth.

No matter what happened.

Her master believed her.

Always trust her.

So what is the truth?

Recalling the feeling of disobedience that the memory in his heart seemed to be dug out, Ying Baoyue's eyes sharpened.

Everything happened in the year she died in her previous life.

Is this a coincidence?
The totem god is related to the national destiny of a country, and it is not an ordinary crime to make people in the whole country want to kill her quickly.

"Okay, you two stop arguing! This is not something you two kids can settle here!" Mu's hand stretched out his hand to separate the two siblings who were about to quarrel again.

The woman who had gone through countless vicissitudes sighed faintly.

This is the unsolved mystery of the whole world.

But the person who can untie it should no longer be alive.

"Well, I have nothing to say to you." Gui Li turned his back to his brother, and Gui Chen did not show any weakness, turned around with a swish, and turned his attention to the thoughtful Ying Baoyue on the bed.

"Hi," the discussion on current affairs came to an end, the boy looked at the pretty girl and frowned again, remembering the crucial question.

"You said you lost your memory, so do you remember your name?" The boy's piercing eyes stared at the girl sitting on the bed like arrows.

"What's your name?"

(End of this chapter)

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