Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 8 Cultivation

Chapter 8 Cultivation

The young man uttered these words as a matter of course.

It seems to be saying a common sense that everyone knows.

It turns out that it can't be done.

Looking at the girl sitting on the bed in a daze, Gui Chen let out a breath, he felt that his tone was already strong enough, no matter what kind of background this strange girl had, he should understand this point.

He also felt a little unreasonable at one time, but as he grew up, he felt that this ban was more and more okay.

After all, women should be where women should be.

Even if they are not for evil, those special women themselves are the source of disaster.

After all, as long as a witch is born, it is enough to destroy a country. Who can bear such consequences?
Women should not be allowed in special areas.

For example, the imperial court, for example... close to the realm of the gods.

"I see."

Looking at the disgusted but determined eyes of the young man in front of him, Ying Baoyue spoke lightly.

The practice system established by the talented and generous Emperor Taizu back then was actually not perfect.It leaves a hole.

That is, it leaves the only possibility for women to be officials.

The imperial examination established by Emperor Taizu for the general official selection system strictly stipulates that women are not allowed to participate, but in addition to civil and military officials, Qin also has another official system.

The Ministry of Prayer, the Ministry of Rites, and the Immortal Official.

That is the Immortal Official System.

The immortal official system is closely related to the level of the practitioner, as long as the practitioner's level is high enough, there is a possibility of becoming an immortal official.

The level of practitioners has nothing to do with gender.

As long as the female cultivator's level is high enough, the court cannot ignore her existence.

This is a loophole.

But it was a loophole that Emperor Ying had enough energy to spare.

Because back then when he was alive, he was the pinnacle of the immortal officials, the emperor who prayed to the provincial magistrate, and the national teacher who made great contributions to the Great Qin Empire was a woman.

Commander-in-Chief, Lin Shubai.



"Anyway, it's good that you know, the world is chaotic enough now, women can't become practitioners anyway, so stop thinking about it..." Gui Chen's words rang in Ying Baoyue's ears again, but the boy's words stopped in the next moment. up.

Because the girl sitting on the bed raised her head and looked at him quietly.

Under those crystal-clear eyes, a chill suddenly appeared on the boy's back. The next moment, the girl sitting on the bed looked at him and spoke quietly.

"It's not that you can't become a practitioner, is it that you are not allowed to become a practitioner?"


Gui Chen stared at the girl who had a quiet voice but gave him an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"After all, His Royal Highness is a woman, isn't he?" Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen and smiled, "Then it seems that women cannot practice cultivation."

It's not that you can't practice, but that you are not allowed to practice.

The existence that originally encouraged women to become fairy officials has become what people call witches. Such a reason completely blocks the possibility of women becoming fairy officials.

This is the way things are now.

real world.

"That one is different." Unexpectedly, it was Mrs. Mu who spoke this time, the kind woman bit her lips, "That empress is the reincarnation of God Nuwa, she is special, no other woman can be her ..."

The reincarnation of the snail god?
Is she playing games?

How come she has no such memory.She didn't remember that unscrupulous master told her that she still had such a miraculous life experience.

Ying Baoyue looked at Mu Shi in astonishment, and the next moment Gui Chen stood in front of her mother, "Don't listen to mother's nonsense, mother is also old, and she still believes in the command of the master, anyway, that man-god and other women It's different, if you still want to live in this country, don't mention her."

Demon girl and human god?

It doesn't sound like a person.

Such layers of hats are buttoned down to cover up a woman's identity and gender, so that she is no longer her and no longer a human being.

No woman dares to follow suit.

If it is a normal woman in this world.

Ying Baoyue lowered her head slightly, looked at her tightly clenched wrist, and said lightly, "I just want to know about the previous practitioner system, maybe it can help me recover some memories."

In the current world, if a woman wants to become a practitioner, it seems that she has to fight against the whole world.

If they didn't want to die, probably not many women would try it.

What she needs now is to restore physical strength and memory first, too many mysteries exist in her heart.

"Really?" Looking at Ying Baoyue who seemed to be sitting on the head of the bed, Gui Chen said dubiously, "Well, I can tell you, but I don't know everything."

Practitioners are extremely mysterious existences in this continent, and the relevant information is priceless, and the cultivation methods are even more closely guarded.

"Ordinary people can only know the elementary level. As for the middle stage and the unreachable high-level, you can only know when you go up."

The boy frowned.

Ying Baoyue nodded.

"The cultivator system has ten levels in total, but it's ten levels, but the tenth level is just a threshold for entry." Gui Chen took a deep breath and said.

This threshold is the distance between ordinary people and practitioners.

And he was stuck on this threshold.

"The tenth to seventh ranks are elementary ranks, also known as human ranks, the sixth to fourth ranks are intermediate ranks, also known as earth ranks, and the third to first ranks..."

The young Guichen's eyes were tinged with reverence, "It is the upper rank, also known as the heavenly rank."

Heaven, earth and man are very logically divided.

Ying Baoyue continued to nod.

Gui Chen glanced at her and continued to speak.

"The tenth level is called a miracle doctor."

Oh, doctor.

So it turns out that you have to become a doctor first, this way of practice is really unique.Ying Baoyue said heartily.

No wonder Guichen wants to test her medicine.This boy is stuck here.

"Ninth level, named Divine Beast."

The boy glanced at Ying Baoyue and explained, "The main purpose is to tame the beasts."

Oh breeder.

Fortunately, it wasn't a man who turned into a beast... Ying Baoyue felt more and more weird in his heart, and always felt that there was something wrong with this way of cultivation?

"The eighth level is called Shenwu." Infinite yearning appeared in Gui Chen's eyes, "At this stage, it is said that one can grasp the power of the earth's veins through fortune-telling, and thus obtain extremely high martial power."

Uh, finally reached the force value, but this seems to be different from the fortune-telling I know?

"The seventh level, God Star."

The boy in front of him opened up the chatterbox and became eloquent, "It is said that one can obtain the power of the stars through astrology, predict the future and obtain stronger military power!"

It seems that there is still something wrong?
Uh, astrology still has this effect?

"The elementary level is over, that's all I know," Gui Chen regretted, but the next moment the young man eagerly said, "But I know the name of the fifth level of the intermediate level!"

Intermediate level, the fifth level still sounds very powerful.

After all, halfway through the so-called cultivation path is a watershed. The seventh level of the primary level has already gone to the sky to find stars. Ying Baoyue is very curious about what the fifth level of the intermediate level can do.

"What is it?"

"Shen Wu!" Gui Chen said excitedly.

Divine dance?

This is another magical name.

Is it to dance?

Combining the previous divination and astrology, Ying Baoyue suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

Oh, big jump... er, it shouldn't be possible, right?

Ying Baoyue suppressed the scene that popped up in her mind, "What can I do specifically?"

"That's all I don't know." Gui Chen lowered his head in frustration, "Damn it, if I could meet a few practitioners..."

Although the young man was very disappointed, there were some strange images in Ying Baoyue's mind.

To be a doctor, to be a breeder, but also to look at the stars, divination and planting, oh, you can't get into the ground...

According to this trend, she always felt that the middle ranks behind would be those who sell singing and dancing...

"By the way," at this moment, Gui Chen, who was depressed and lowered his head, suddenly raised his head and stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes.

"Although I don't know the middle level, I also know the names of the high level, that is, the second and first level of the heavenly level."

It is better to say that the entire mountain and sea continent knows it no matter whether it is a practitioner or not.This is not the secret of practice but the common sense of the world.

The highest-level practitioner is an existence that is closely related to everyone.

The atmosphere in this room became dignified, and Gui Li and Mu's gazes also became reverent.

"The second level is..."

Gui Chen spoke in a low voice, but Ying Baoyue, who was sitting on the head of the bed, suddenly raised his head.

This one.

she knows.

The next moment, she and Gui Chen spoke at the same time and said the name.

"Son of God."

"You know?" Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue in surprise, and suddenly said, "Yes, after all, no matter how much you lose your memory, you should know the common sense about demigods."

No, not because of common sense.

Because she used to be.

Son of God, also known as a demigod, the pinnacle of practitioners in the present world, the legendary existence of gods, the highest state that only eight people have ever reached in the history of the entire continent.

There are only eight Tier [-]s in the mainland.

According to legend, there are eight gods.

Only the Son of God can act as the national teacher of each vassal state.

As an honor that can only be possessed by the supreme practitioner, once the practitioner reaches the second rank, he can obtain the title.

One of the Eight Gods has such a title.

its name.

Lesser life.

Goddess, Shao Siming.

Originally, there was no such thing as a demigod at this level, it was just called the Son of God, the so-called Son of God.The existence that has passed through the gods, if it is a man, it is naturally called the Son of God.

But once a woman told the world that it is not only the sons of gods who can communicate with gods.

God also has daughters.

That woman broke the domain that originally only existed for men.And after her, a second woman appeared.

Level [-] is no longer the domain of the Son of God.She is the second woman to break this taboo.

Da Si Ming's apprentice, Shao Si Ming, who was only 17 years old and reached the second rank, told the world again.

The power of a goddess in this world.

And as for the first woman who broke the taboo.

Her life is more brilliant and splendid.

Ying Baoyue raised her head, and the moonlight outside the house hit her through the window.

A demigod is not the apex of a practitioner.

There is a special existence among the eight gods, and that is the only rank one.

"And the name of Rank One is..." Gui Chen's voice sounded again, and Ying Baoyue looked at him and said the name.


The so-called eight gods are just a collective term. In fact, there has been only one person in this continent throughout the ages who has truly reached the realm of gods.

There is only one person in this world who has ever reached Tier [-].

That is the head of the eight gods, the pinnacle of the demigods, and the national teacher of the Great Qin Empire.

Human God, Da Si Ming.

Lin Shubai.



"Sure enough, you also remember waiting for rank one," Gui Chen wiped the sweat from his brow after saying all this, and let out a long sigh of relief, "How is it, did you remember anything?"

Ying Baoyue nodded.

She did remember something.

"By the way," she said unintentionally, "I just suddenly remembered that before you said that Da Si Ming is a man and a god, but there seems to be a demigod who is a woman?"

Ying Baoyue just wanted to test it out. After all, the eight gods are also common-sense figures, so it should be fine to talk casually.But the Gui Shi mother and daughter in front of them suddenly opened their eyes wide, as if they heard something terrible.

This unexpected reaction made Ying Baoyue's voice gradually lower.

"What is that young commander..."

The next moment, Mu's scream made Ying Baoyue startled.

what happened?
"You can't mention the Commander-in-Chief!" The originally gentle woman was terrified, "Those who believed in Commander-in-Chief were arrested and never came back!"

But the young girl Guili stared at her with fear in her eyes, "The entire Soochow Kingdom is offering a reward for Shao Siming!"

"Why..." Ying Baoyue asked instinctively.

Gui Li was about to answer when her brother Gui Chen stood in front of her and spoke to Ying Baoyue with a solemn face.

"Because she lost the gods that Soochow Kingdom originally believed in!"

What the hell?
Ying Baoyue was completely dumbfounded.

What does it matter to me if a god is lost?
(End of this chapter)

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