Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 7 Prohibition

Chapter 7 Prohibition
"There is no conclusion on the matter on the Great Wall," Gui Chen's words interrupted Ying Baoyue's thoughts, he frowned and looked at his younger sister, and said in a mature manner, "Don't just believe the one-sided words of those immortal officials in the court. "

Immortal official.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes.

She still remembered that this was another official system that once existed in the Qin Empire.

An official system for practitioners.

And the pilgrims...

"Anyway, no matter whether it's a one-sided story or not, that woman died on the Great Wall of Eternal Night with the first emperor," Gui Li said coldly, and dealt a fatal blow to Ying Baoyue who was trying to remember.

Master... is dead?
That master who is so powerful that he can do anything and help Emperor Ying to unify the whole land together with the eight gods, is dead?
Even though the memory hadn't been fully recovered, and she couldn't even remember the past with her master, Ying Baoyue felt a biting pain from the depths of her soul.

Heartbroken and irreversible.

"What's wrong with you?" Gui Chen's voice sounded beside Ying Baoyue who was unconscious.

Ying Baoyue held her wrists tightly, held back the sweetness in her throat and raised her head, showing a pale smile at the young man.

"I am fine."

Gui Chen frowned, "If you're uncomfortable, don't laugh, it makes people look uncomfortable."

He looked distressed.

Ying Baoyue was startled, then quietly lowered her head while holding the bowl, looking at her own face reflected in the liquid medicine.

"Hurry up and drink the medicine while it's hot." Gui Chen continued coldly.

"En." Ying Baoyue stared at the bowl for three seconds, then pressed her lips to the edge of the bowl.

"Hey, brother, what medicine did you make? Is it okay for people to drink this way?" I never thought that Gui Li's voice suddenly came from beside me.

Ying Baoyue, who was drinking the concoction, turned her head in surprise, and saw a hint of worry in the girl's eyes.

It seems that she knows her brother's craft very well.

Tasting the concoction in her mouth, Ying Baoyue laughed from the bottom of her heart.

That's it, a child who isn't that bad by nature.

"I cooked it strictly according to the formula in the Pharmacopoeia, how could there be a problem?" Facing his sister's questioning, Gui Chen said unconvinced.


Ying Baoyue put down the empty empty bowl, and there was another familiar name.

The origin of practitioners, the first guide book, "Pharmacopia".

"How do you feel after drinking it?" Looking at the empty bowl in the girl's hand, Gui Chen's eyes sparkled like a beast seeing its prey, "How effective is my medicine?"

"Hmm..." Ying Baoyue turned her head and looked at the expectant young man. For the safety of more people, she finally decided to tell the truth.

"not so good."

Ying Baoyue thought for a while and said honestly, "If you put a little more Uncaria in this medicine, you can poison me to death."

Gui Chen and Mu Shi were stunned.

And Gui Li on the side covered his eyes as if he had expected it.

"How do you know? Wait, why are you still drinking?"

It took the boy a long time to react, and the next moment he suddenly remembered something even more terrifying, and asked in amazement.

There is indeed Uncaria in this medicine, and he has studied it for a long time when concocting it, but what is more frightening is not that the girl drank it in one gulp, but that she drank it clearly without any psychological barrier?
Who is this?
Facing the boy's dumbfounded questions, the girl sitting on the bed was very calm.

"It can't be cured, but it's still possible to get angry." Ying Baoyue said nonchalantly.

The prescriptions in the "Pharmacopia", except for some that require rare treasures, she remembered that most of them were Taifangzi.

In other words, it is something that fools laymen, and generally neither can kill a person nor cure a person.

Of course, this young man's preparation method was extremely bad, and one could tell that he was self-study without receiving special guidance.

But also a good intention.

"Anyway, it won't kill anyone, so just drink it as tea." Ying Baoyue looked at the boy Guichen who was frozen into a statue in front of him and said.

Gui Li, who had been ignoring her all this time, opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

"What kind of woman is this..." Gui Li frowned, looked at Ying Baoyue who was sitting on the bed, and sighed.

Little sister, don't speak in this tone at your age...

Ying Baoyue glanced at her speechlessly, put the empty bowl back on the bedside, looked at Gui Chen who was standing stiffly by the bed, sat up straight, and made a formal salute.

Gui Chen trembled slightly.

"Thank you again for saving me," said the girl sitting on the bed with a pale complexion, but her movements were unimaginably graceful.

"Thank you, Guichen."

The boy was stunned again.

Mu Shi was also slightly taken aback when he saw the girl's actions.

"Cough," the next moment, the boy coughed as if to ease the embarrassment, and he said in a deep voice, "You don't have to thank me, this is part of my practice."

Ying Baoyue stared thoughtfully at the young man with a resolute gaze beyond his age.

And Gui Chen's originally stunned eyes became cold again.

He turned back to the cold boy he saw at first sight.

"Whether I save you or feed you medicine, it's all for myself." He said coldly.

"So you don't have to thank me, or even hate me."

He pursed his lips tightly, "After all, I just took you to test the medicine."

"Chen'er!" The Mu family on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and frowned at his awkward eldest son.

Are you testing medicine?

she remembers.

There is such a way of cultivation.

Ying Baoyue looked at the empty bowl beside the bed.

Gui Chen put away the porcelain bowl and closed his eyes, waiting for the girl's anger, fear and scream.

Although what he fed her was the most certain prescription he had so far, it seemed that he was still putting her in danger. From the perspective of a normal woman, he didn't take her life seriously at all.

However, the scream he expected did not come, and a voice as cold as a clear spring came from Gui Chen's ear.

"Then, Mr. Gui, do you want to...become a cultivator?"


The porcelain bowl in Gui Chen's hand fell to the ground.

smashed to pieces.



Mu's mother and daughter stared blankly at the young girl who had just woken up leaning on the bed, and the young girl's eyes were full of guard.

But Gui Chen calmed down at this time.

The boy squatted down to pick up the broken tiles, and spoke softly.

"You said you lost your memory, you really lied, right?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head, "I generally don't lie. I really don't remember many things, but listening to you talk, I gradually remembered something. I seem to have heard people say something about practitioners before."

"Really," the boy stood up and looked at her, "Since this is the case, there is nothing to hide."

"That's right," he nodded calmly, "I want to be a practitioner."

The boy looked around at his sister and mother, his eyes were burning with flames.

"I want to become a practitioner and change my destiny."

"To give my sister and mother a better life."

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the young man in front of him who had expressed his aspirations, and his heart was filled with countless emotions.


The most special existence on the Shanhai Continent.

The story of Emperor Taizu's unification of the mainland actually has a follow-up.

Emperor Ying went to the south and north to search for the gods, established a cultivation system to communicate with the gods, and finally found the eight gods in this continent. With the help of the eight gods, he unified the mainland as Emperor Taizu, the first emperor of Qin Dynasty.

After the unification, Emperor Taizu entrusted five princes and built the Great Wall of Eternal Night to resist nomads. At the same time, under the cultivation system he established, more and more practitioners appeared.

Practitioners can communicate with the world, adjust the climate, and influence wars. The national teachers of each vassal state are served by top practitioners.

Every vassal state has its own gods, and practitioners are unique existences that communicate with the gods and the heavens and the earth.

The top practitioners themselves will be regarded as gods.

For example, Ying Baoyue's mentor, Chief Commander Lin Shubai.

That's why the Mu family, as an old man in the Qin country, blurted out the words that the chief minister ordered the empress to bless her.

Practitioners who are comparable to gods are all cultivated step by step.

Wait, how many levels are there in total in the cultivator system created by Emperor Taizu?

Ying Baoyue frowned while recalling.

Why can't she remember the most critical way to become a practitioner?

There seemed to be some power deep in her mind, preventing her from thinking of these things.

Ying Baoyue pressed her painful temple, looked up at Gui Chen, "Since you want to become a practitioner, you should know the specific hierarchy of practitioners, right? Can you tell me about it?"

"Why are you asking this?" Gui Chen frowned and looked at Ying Baoyue and said coldly, "You may have amnesia and pretend you don't know, but...

Gui Chen spoke so solemnly and coldly, announcing the common sense of people in this world.

"Women do not become practitioners."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, but Guili who was beside Guichen nodded helplessly and in agreement with her brother's words for the first time.

"Female cultivators are the root cause of a country's chaos and out of control." The boy's eyes were gloomy. "It is impossible for the entire mountain and sea continent to accept women as practitioners, even the lowest rank."

"At least after Da Si Ming's accident..."

Gui Chen stared deeply at Ying Baoyue, and spoke every word.

"Women become practitioners."

The boy is decisive.

"It's impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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