Chapter 6

If there is no major event that overturns the destiny of the country, the name of the country cannot be changed. What is all this...

Just when Ying Baoyue was immersed in her thoughts, her left wrist suddenly felt severe pain. She bit her lips and held her wrist tightly.

"What's wrong with you? Is there any pain?" A middle-aged woman's worried voice came from beside her ear, no, maybe it should be called Mother Gui now.

I haven't seen the boy's father until now, combined with the words and deeds of the indifferent girl, Ying Baoyue thinks it's better for her not to call this woman Mrs. Gui.

Just when Ying Baoyue was hesitant to address her, the woman showed a kind smile and introduced herself, "I am Guichen's mother, former Qin Da Sima's official wife Mu Shi."

Da Sima's main wife and eldest son...

Da Sima is the apex of a country's military position, his rank is higher than that of the general, and he is a real first-rank minister.

If the young man who claimed to be Gui Chen hadn't lied to her, even if something went wrong in the empire, he should still be a noble son with a very high status.There is no need to wear straw sandals to go to the deep mountains and old forests, and he and his mother and sister should not live in it...

Ying Baoyue looked around the empty room named Kuo Lang, and fully understood the meaning of what sister Gui Chen said just now, "I was driven to this place".

The environment in which this woman and her children lived did not match their identities.

Keeping her guess in her heart, Ying Baoyue shook her head at Mrs. Mu, "Please trouble Madam, my daughter is fine."

"That's good," Mu patted his chest in fear, "You've been in a coma for two days, and you won't wake up no matter how Chen'er feeds you medicine."

Feed the medicine... so that's the reason for the strange smell in her mouth...

Mrs. Mu looked at Ying Baoyue with pity, "By the way, your little girl Jiajia, why did you fall down in such a place alone?"

It would be a long story to say why...

The scar on Ying Baoyue's wrist ached again. She held her wrist and frowned, looking as if she was trying to think hard.

"What? Don't you remember?" Seeing the girl whose face turned pale suddenly, Mu Shi hurriedly said.

Ying Baoyue looked at her worried eyes, smiled wryly and nodded.

This is not a lie.

If you want to find out why she is in that place, you have to find out why she was locked in that black coffin as a young commander in her previous life, but she really can't remember this matter.

"Have you lost your memory?" Gui Chen frowned upon hearing this.

"I just remember being hit in the head from behind, and I woke up here." Ying Baoyue thought for a while and said slowly.

This sentence is not a lie, it is the personal experience of the little princess with this body.

"That's it..." The pity in Mu's eyes became even more pity, and he sighed, "It's all because of the unbalanced world... If that lord is still here..."

"The current world is not peaceful because of our princess's reluctance to get married. What does it have to do with that demon girl?"

The girl with a icy voice reappeared at the door and spoke coldly.



Ying Baoyue's heart skipped a beat when she heard this, and the next moment, the word "witch" in the girl's mouth made her frown even more.

"Li'er!" No matter how good Mu's temper was, Mu's tone suddenly became severe, "What are you talking about, I told you not to believe rumors outside!"

The girl snorted coldly and turned her head away without speaking.

"This is my younger sister Gui Li. She is 13 years old and still naive, with a weird personality," Gui Chen said expressionlessly, and handed the medicine bowl in Ying Baoyue's hand.

Go away?The name is a bit...

"What? Am I wrong?" Hearing her brother's introduction, the girl named Guili said coldly, "It's been rumored that Princess He disappeared. It was our former Qin who betrayed the marriage contract. Don't talk about forming an alliance now." Now, Nanchu happens to have a reason to declare war on us!"

The princess of the former Qin Dynasty.

It turned out to be the case.

The two people who murdered the princess clamored for selling their sisters and kissing Qiurong, did they refer to this marriage contract?

But things should not be that simple.

A certain concubine princess was sitting on the bed, staring at the dark edge of the bowl of medicinal liquid, thinking silently.

"So don't talk nonsense if you don't understand." Gui Chen turned around and stared at his younger sister coldly, "This matter is not that simple."

Oh, sure enough, there is something hidden.

"The one who betrayed the marriage contract first is obviously from Southern Chu," the young man said loudly with a ray of anger in his eyes.

"Although our Great Qin was defeated and became the former Qin Dynasty, Her Royal Highness is the granddaughter of His Majesty Taizu. Even if His Majesty orders her to marry her relatives, she is marrying the royal family of Nan Chu. Nan Chu betrayed his promise and pushed the marriage contract to a courtier, so hurtful How can you say that my former Qin Xian betrayed the marriage contract?!"

Come, hurt the country.

This is also what the two men in black shouted when they killed the little princess.

Ying Baoyue quickly sorted out this relationship.

It is true that the marriage between countries is generally with the royal family, but there seems to be a problem with the object of Princess Ying's marriage.

Make peace with your courtiers?
What kind of marriage is this?
Facing Guichen's anger, Guili was much calmer.

The girl dismissed her brother's anger, "Although the marriage partner has changed, I don't know what our Princess Highness is dissatisfied with being able to marry Chunhua Jun, one of the six sons of the Warring States Period."

The Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period?Mr. Chunhua?
Ying Baoyue on the bed narrowed her eyes.

A name I've never heard of.Of course it could be that she doesn't remember.

It can be seen that Guichen, the younger sister, has a good impression of this Chunhua Jun.

Gui Li smiled sarcastically, "His Royal Highness the Princess still clings to her status even after she has come to such a field, and she escaped from the marriage contract with Lord Chunhua? Why can't the son of Nan Chu Guoshi be inferior to the son of the King of Nan Chu?"

It seems that this Chunhua Jun is the son of the Southern Chu State Teacher.

It is indeed strange that the marriage partner is not the prince but the son of the national teacher.


I think the reason for the princess you said to escape from marriage may not be because of status...

She simply encountered force majeure.

Ying Baoyue on the bed silently stared at the bickering siblings.

"You women know Chunhuajun Chunhuajun, no matter how good he is, he is not a child of the royal family! Her Royal Highness is marrying on behalf of the country. It is not a question of who to marry, it is a question of dignity!"

Gui Chen spoke excitedly, this time he looked more energetic and energetic than before, but more like a 15-year-old boy.

"Mr. Chunhua is the most outstanding young man in Southern Chu! In fact, our princess is not good enough for him!"

In the face of Guichen's anger, Guili did not show any weakness. The two argued like this, and the topic became farther and farther away. It gradually changed from the marriage contract between the two countries to the mate selection concept of men and women, and then changed to the general trend of the world...

Should it be said that they are the children of Da Sima? This brother and sister really have no taboos when talking.

Looking at the brothers and sisters who were quarreling constantly citing scriptures, Ying Baoyue had to sigh that the relationship between brothers and sisters was really real.

However, as she listened, her eyes became darker.

Because, from their argument, combined with the memory of her previous life and the memory of the original owner's body, she finally learned the truth of this world.

That is, the Great Qin Empire that once unified the entire continent no longer exists.

Eight years have passed since Emperor Taizu Emperor Ying died, since she was sealed in the Mausoleum of Emperor Zu Emperor as a young minister in her previous life, and since she left this world.

But these eight years have been turned upside down.

The emperor of the Qin Empire, the second generation is the last.

Less than two years after Taizu's death, and seven years ago, Ying Hao, the youngest son of Emperor Taizu's successor, died unexpectedly. The scale of the vassal states became the former Qin Dynasty.

The five vassal states entrusted by Emperor Taizu became independent, together with the collapsed former Qin and Xirong outside the Great Wall of Yongye, forming seven states.

Eastern Wu, Southern Chu, Xirong, Northern Wei, Former Qin, Later Liao, Middle Tang.

The Seven Kingdoms fought in chaos, and troubled times came again.

The history of the entire mountain, sea and continent regressed and re-entered the Warring States Period.

This is the world today.

The fuse of everything began on the day when the second emperor Ying Hao died on the Great Wall.

And the cause of all this is the accidental death of the Second Emperor Ying Hao.

"Stop arguing, both of you, and let this girl see a joke!" Clan Mu interrupted the quarreling brothers and sisters, and looked at Ying Baoyue, "Bless the empress, you are finally awake..."

"Mother!" Gui Li looked at his mother in disbelief, "When is it, and you still mention that witch?"

The girl's voice hit Ying Baoyue's heart like a heavy stone.


With this title, memories flooded her like a flood.


This is the name of God, but it refers to a person in this world.

He was the first person to ascend to the realm of gods as a human being, an existence that all Qin people admire.

It was also the mentor who brought up Shao Siming Lin Baoyue, who was taught and taught, and was the most admired existence in her heart.

her master.

Commander-in-Chief, Lin Shubai.



However, today when she returns to this world.

"It's all because of that demon girl that the current chaotic world exists!"

The girl's sharp shout made Ying Baoyue feel like being struck by lightning.

People who are alive now tell her.

The death of the second generation of Qin Dynasty was because the last emperor was bewitched by the demon girl Da Siming, set fire to play on the Great Wall of Eternal Night that was built, and was finally shot to death by the Xirong cavalry outside the Great Wall.

All because of that woman.

(End of this chapter)

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