Chapter 5
Sometimes consciousness seems to be soaked in warm water, sometimes it seems to be buried in viscous mercury, and finally everything is burned by fire, turning into a sharp pain between the wrists.

It broke our hearts.

There is only one sentence left in my ear, one obsession.

"You have to climb out of the abyss and live like a human being."

The sleeping girl clenched her wrist tightly and opened her eyes suddenly.


The tip of the nose is no longer the smell of rotting leaves, birds and beasts in the mountains and forests, it is full of pungent smell mixed with medicinal herbs. The reason why it is called pungent is because Lin Baoyue, who has become Ying Baoyue, was directly choked by this smell from the coma Gotta cough up.


Along with her cough, a woman's surprised voice came from not far away.

"Chen'er! Come here! She's awake!"

Lin Baoyue, who had changed her name to Ying Baoyue, opened her eyes and heard the sound, and a middle-aged woman's face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

She was lying on a bed in the corner of a room, and the woman was standing beside her bed.

The woman's eyes are gentle and loving, and her dignified actions reveal a good background, but the drooping corners of her eyes and fine lines reveal some sadness.

Seeing that Ying Baoyue woke up, the woman seemed to be relieved, and stepped forward to help her up, but the next moment came a cold boy's voice from behind.

"Mom, you rest, I'll come."

Ying Baoyue rolled her eyes, and saw a tall and thin young man coming from behind the woman. He was dressed in short brown hair, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. Seems full of worries.

The boy held a bowl in his hand, and the bad smell came from it.Ying Baoyue found that she also had the same taste in her mouth.

This is really...

The young man looked at Ying Baoyue who had woken up, but his eyes were not as happy as his mother's. He put the bowl on the bedside table and looked at the weak girl on the bed. Taking a breath, he stretched out his hand reluctantly...

Then it was empty.

The woman opened her eyes wide, and was stunned when she saw the girl sitting up by herself on the bed.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Ying Baoyue looked at the young man's hands in mid-air and was also a little embarrassed.

The speed at which she sat up seemed a little too fast...

After a pause, the boy quickly withdrew his hand, turned around and continued to pick up the bowl, and frowned at the girl who was sitting up.

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, and looked up at the strange mother and child.

This time the boy and the woman were startled.

While Ying Baoyue was looking at them, the boy and the woman were also looking at her.

Although I saw the face of the girl for two days, the feeling of the girl with her eyes closed is completely different from that with her eyes open.

The boy in short brown clothes frowned.

The moment she looked over, his heart skipped a beat.

It was like unsheathing a peerless famous sword.

The girl sitting on the bed had clear eyes reminiscent of forests and lakes.After waking up, she was surrounded by a very special atmosphere.

"You..." The young man hesitated for a moment looking at Ying Baoyue.

But before he could speak, the girl sitting on the head of the bed smiled at him first.

"Thank you for saving me."

The boy narrowed his eyes, "How do you know that I saved you?"

Would it be such a reaction for a normal person to wake up from a coma and find himself in an unfamiliar environment?

"You carried me back from the forest, right?" Ying Baoyue smiled and looked down at the boy's feet, "The dirt on your feet is very similar to the color of where I fell."

The boy was startled, he raised his feet as if they were scalded, and stared at the mud on the heels of the straw sandals with wide eyes.

The next moment, he put his feet down heavily, and quickly frowned at the girl leaning on the bed.What he didn't even realize himself, the girl who had just woken up with a weak complexion could see it at a glance.

The boy narrowed his eyes and held the bowl tightly in his hand.

"That's why I said before, bro, don't pick things up and go home," a cold female voice came from behind the boy.Ying Baoyue raised her head, only to see a young girl who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old standing at the door, her voice was shrill like a thorn, "Sure enough, I picked up a trouble and came back."

"Li'er! What are you talking about?" The woman was stunned when she heard the words and quickly turned her head and scolded, "I don't remember Mother ever teaching you not to save yourself from death!"

The girl snorted coldly and turned her head away, "Mom, what can you teach us?"

She looked around the simply furnished room sarcastically, "It's because of your soft heart, mother, that we were driven to this place, right?"

I don't know where the girl's words hit the woman. The woman was stunned, with regret, anger and disappointment mixed in her eyes. The corners of her eyes were red, but she seemed to be concerned about the stranger behind her, and she tried her best to restrain her emotions.

The girl at the door saw her mother's sad look, a trace of remorse flashed in her big eyes, and she reached forward with her hand beside her, but she became angry again when she saw her mother's weak look that just wanted to wipe away her tears, and finally she stomped her feet and turned around Ran.


The middle-aged woman stretched out her hand, but didn't grab anything.

Ying Baoyue, who just woke up and watched a family dispute, was puzzled, but the boy in front of her turned around as if she had seen it all.

"Mother, don't worry about her," the young man only glanced at the door lightly, "You're such an adult, you can't care about her anymore."

The middle-aged woman sighed deeply, looked at Ying Baoyue on the bed and said apologetically, "The little girl has a bad personality, I made this little lady laugh."

Ying Baoyue shook his head, "I want to thank this son for his righteousness."

After all, not everyone has the guts to bring back the girl who passed out alone in the mountains.

She looked up at the young man, "The kindness of saving my life is unforgettable, may I ask your benefactor's name?"

"It's not a life-saving favor," the young man gently shook the bowl of medicine in his mouth and said lightly, "Everyone is not a fool, I should have understood earlier, you..."

He stared deeply at the girl on the bed, then turned his head to look in another direction and said coldly, "It's not so easy for a person like you to die, right?"

Ying Baoyue followed his gaze, and a familiar piece of clothing draped over the back of a chair came into her eyes.

It was the dress she pulled out from the funeral objects when she walked out of the mausoleum.

Ying Baoyue silently looked down at her chest in another pajamas.

The boy was stunned when he realized something, and then he said as if he had been burned, "My mother changed it for you!"

He didn't change her clothes!

Ying Baoyue looked up at him in surprise, "I didn't mean to ask this."

This...was different from what the boy expected when he questioned the screaming girl.

He took a deep breath and calmed down, "In short, your clothes are not something ordinary people can wear."

The young man's indifferent eyes seemed to be looking into Ying Baoyue's heart.

"I am Guichen, the eldest son of Guichang, the former Great Sima of the Qin Dynasty," he said his name expressionlessly, looking into Ying Baoyue's eyes.

"I ask you, who are you?"



The boy's question echoed in the empty room, but Ying Baoyue sat on the bed in a daze.

Because she heard nothing but those two words first.

Former Qin?

The Qin in her memory, the Qin that unified the whole continent, has only one word, not two.

The name of the country changed from Qin... to Former Qin?

Empire, what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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