Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1000 Promise

Chapter 1000 Promise
When sinking into the sea, Ying Baoyue had a long-lost dream.

After returning to this world, she rarely dreamed.

She has been very busy and doesn't have much time to sleep.

When I fall asleep, I seldom see the past.

People rarely appear in her dreams, she wants to see the people she wants to see in the real world, and doesn't want to pin them on dreams, but this time in the vague dreams, she has seen many, many things for a long time.

Many, many people, many, many scenery.

She saw a large area of ​​lake water, which was the lake water of Lancang Sea, where she met Master and Teng Snake, but behind the large area of ​​lake water, she saw a large area of ​​greenery.

Shouldn't she be at the bottom of the sea?Why are there such dense forests?

This is where?Cloud forest?

In the clouds and snow, she saw a blurry figure, she wanted to catch up, but she didn't have the slightest strength in her body, she could feel that she was sinking, something was biting her skirt, desperately trying to push her up Pulling, but it didn't help, and eventually even that little pull disappeared from her.

She felt the bone-piercing cold first, and then the bone-piercing scalding.

It was as if an overwhelming flame rushed towards her, engulfing her soul.

She reached up blankly.

And amidst the scalding heat, she finally felt a bit of coolness.

Someone took her hand.

who is it?

Someone took her hand and led her to the surface.

The suffocation disappeared, but the burning sensation couldn't disappear, but just as she was burning inside, it seemed as if a cool spring water brushed over her forehead.

This coolness is so comfortable, it reminds her of the memory of lying on the huge body of the Soaring Snake to enjoy the coolness on a hot summer day, the cold scales pressed against her cheeks, making her drowsy from the comfort.

She really wanted to just lazily fall asleep like this, but there always seemed to be someone calling her name stubbornly in the distance.

But it's not like she's calling her name, it's like...

"elder sister!"

elder sister?

who is it?


Ying Baoyue resisted the drowsiness, took a deep breath, and opened her eyes slightly in a warm feeling.

The moment she woke up, Ying Baoyue knew that everything just now should be a dream.

Because besides the sound of burning firewood, there are only the sound of wind, rain and sea waves outside the cave.

Is it a cave?
Lying on the hard rock, Ying Baoyue quietly looked around and quickly sorted out her current situation.

Outside the cave, it was windy and windy, but inside it was as warm as spring.

She woke up with the sound of the bonfire burning. A blue-black figure was sitting in front of the bonfire, holding a bunch of wooden sticks in her hand, as if she was roasting something.

"Li Ji."

Ying Baoyue opened her mouth slightly and called out the person's name.

"Are you awake?" The man sitting by the fire turned his head and looked at her with black eyes flickering slightly, "Is there any discomfort in your body?"

"No." Ying Baoyue shook her head.

"Are you sure?" Li Ji stared at her face, "You had a fever before."

It seems that the flame in her dream is because of this, Ying Baoyue's gaze moved down slightly, and landed on a pile of wet aquatic plants beside Li Ji, she recognized it as a kind of seaweed called "sea vegetable". It is often used to make soup to treat wind-cold and reduce high fever.

"You ate this for me?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"I planned to give it to you," Li Ji said calmly, staring at her face, "but when I fished it back, I found that your fever had subsided."

"Really?" Ying Baoyue was also a little surprised. Although her recovery ability is not bad, the speed of fever reduction should not be so fast.

She was startled, turned her head to look at the wet ground, and asked softly, "Has anyone else been here?"

Li Ji shook his head, "I didn't see it."

"Really?" Ying Baoyue sat up slowly with her back against the rock, looking at the man sitting cross-legged quietly by the fire, "You fished me out of the water?"

Li Ji nodded.

"Thank you," Ying Baoyue thanked quickly, and she looked around, "Where is this?"

"The reef group in the north," Li Ji said, "there should be pictures on the map you got."

Ying Baoyue immediately understood their current location, but the next moment she looked at the half-burned firewood, she suddenly looked up at Li Ji, "How long has it been?"

If she remembers correctly, they are still in the mid-level ceremony, so it's not the time to sleep and have a barbecue!

"It's been about half an hour since Yinglong God escaped." Li Ji glanced at Ying Baoyue, "Don't worry, you haven't slept for long."

Half an hour is an hour, how long has it been called?

Ying Baoyue's heart tightened, and he looked up to the outside of the cave, "Where are Jiashu and the others?"

"They will not be chased and bitten by the gods. They swam eastward with the Xirong people before, and they must have landed on the island now," Li Ji turned around, continued to toast the wooden stick in his hand, and said quietly.

Ying Baoyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aren't you angry?" Li Ji asked, staring at the skewers in his hand when he heard the movement behind him.

"Why am I angry?" Ying Baoyue asked.

"My fiancé gave up looking for you and went first," Li Ji said quietly.

"If he can't figure it out, I'll be angry if he has to lead everyone into the sea," Ying Baoyue said quietly, looking at the back of the person in front of him with some doubts, "Why don't you go? Isn't every second counting on landing on the island? ?”

"If I go too, are you allowed to go to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish?" Li Ji said lightly while grilling the fish.

This... Ying Baoyue had a delicate expression. She remembered the memory of sinking into the bottom of the sea before, and said with a wry smile, "If you leave me alone, I will float up."

Remember, she has been a water mage all her life.

"Do you think you are an octopus? Can a broken foot grow back?" Li Ji turned around quietly, handed her the skewer in his hand, and pointed to the bandage around her collarbone, "These injuries on your body If it is not treated in time, it will fester.”

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at the bite marks on her arms and the scratches on her collarbone, which had already been covered with herbs and bandages.

"Did you cure me?" she asked softly.

"The one on the arm is," Li Ji said, "The one under the neck is not."

When he came back, he found that not only the temperature on her forehead had dropped, but also the scar on her collarbone had been treated.

Ying Baoyue was silent for a moment, and did not continue to ask, she had already guessed who had been here.

She reached out to take the skewer that Li Ji handed her, and found that it was wearing a small octopus with teeth and claws... It was really a grilled octopus.

"You call this an octopus?" She asked in a daze.

"Is there any problem?" Li Ji had already turned around.

Maybe the sea people on the beach have called it this way for a long time. Ying Baoyue put what looked like grilled squid into his mouth, and quietly stared at the back of the man by the fire.

"Li Ji."

She suddenly asked softly.

"Why do you want to save me?"

 Today is the thousandth chapter worth remembering!In order to celebrate the establishment of two groups of works, this is also the first time in my career as an author to create a group, no threshold group 646695375, VIP group 787098589 (fan value above 3000), if you are interested, please join
(End of this chapter)

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