Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 999

Chapter 999
Li Ji lowered his head in a daze, only to see a colorful little snake biting his palm, its tail flicking desperately in the water.

There is no shortage of sea snakes in the sea of ​​Soochow, and sea snakes are highly poisonous. Encountering snakes on the sea is extremely dangerous. The normal reaction of ordinary practitioners is to strangle them immediately. The pattern looks familiar.

It won't be...

There is not much difference in the appearance of poisonous snakes in the world. The more colorful they are, the more people will avoid them. But Li Ji happened to know that someone recently adopted such a snake and gave it a name.

Li Ji slowly raised his palm and looked at the snake whose tail was almost twitching. Although it bit him fiercely, the snake's two fangs did not inject venom.

Well, yes it is right.

Li Ji recognized it as the little snake that Ying Baoyue adopted after the Great Court Meeting and was originally used by Princess Changle to deal with her.

She seems to have named it after she got home... Little Flower?
Although a certain person's skill in naming people is not flattering, but seeing the little snake that suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Ji's heart moved, and he raised the snake to the same height as his own eyes, and looked at its snake eyes.

A man and a snake stare at each other at the bottom of the sea.

The little flower snake's black eyes met Li Ji's black eyes, and Li Ji saw the snake's eyes turn around, looking like he was about to cry.

"Where is she?"

Li Ji opened his mouth and spit out a string of bubbles. The silent sea bottom could not transmit any sound. Just when he was anxious, the little flower snake suddenly let go of his hand and swam his tail to swim in one direction.

Li Ji followed it and swam forward, passing through countless broken corpses, aquatic plants, fish and animals on the seabed, and finally saw that figure.

This is an extremely deep ravine in the sea, like an abyss under the sea, surrounded by countless huge corpses, and in that abyss, a slender figure is quietly sinking.

In the quiet and deep sea, she sank into the deep trench alone, and the fish schools around her drowned her like countless ghosts.

Li Ji's dark eyes stared at the figure quietly. In the sea water, he saw her originally radiant eyes were quietly closed, and one hand was slightly raised.

Who is she reaching out to?

He still remembered the last scene he saw on the sea, she pushed away Tuoba Xun's hand, and sank into the bottom of the sea alone.

The last thing she did was push someone's hand away when she was in danger.

Li Ji watched her quietly, with his chest heaving slightly, he followed the anxious little flower snake to her side, and he held that hand.

But the moment he held it, he immediately felt an unusual heat.

Li Ji's pupils shrank slightly. After soaking in the cold sea for so long, the body temperature of ordinary people would be extremely low. When he held her shoulder on the sea, he still remembered that her body was as cold as ice.

At this time, it was hot as fire.

This situation is even more dangerous.

At this moment, he didn't care about anything else, he wrapped his arms around her waist, clenched his teeth and floated up to the surface of the sea. In the chaotic sea, the little flower snake bit Ying Baoyue's skirt and floated up together.



In the northern sea area of ​​the Sea of ​​the Dead, there is a reef half exposed to the sea.

There was a lot of wind and rain on the sea, the sky was completely dark, and the waves kept beating the reef.

With a crash, a man in Tsing Yi emerged from the sea with a man on his back, and climbed onto the reef.

The man's footsteps were a bit heavy, and he was panting heavily. Only his shoulders did not move, as if he was afraid of bumping the person on his back. He walked step by step on the uneven reef until he came to a naturally formed dark cave.

Seeing this cave, Li Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He walked into the cave with Ying Baoyue on his back, touched a piece of dry ground, laid her flat against a rock, took out a flint wrapped in oiled paper and a small amount of dry firewood from his arms, and raised Start a bonfire.

The light of the fire rose, illuminating the pale cheeks of the young girl in the cave.

Li Ji walked up to her and knelt down, touching her forehead.

The scalding heat scorched his palm, Li Ji's eyes were fixed, he took a deep breath, turned around and walked outside the cave, looked at the stormy sea, and plunged in again.

In the empty cave, only the unconscious girl was left.

The bonfire was burning quietly, but at this moment, there was a figure in the figure reflected by the fire, but suddenly there was another person.



If there is a second person here, I'm afraid they will be startled by this scene.

But the only living person in the cave was falling into a deep sleep at this time, and no one could see this weird scene.

There seemed to be an inaudible sigh in the cave.

The bonfire on the ground flickered slightly.

A woman in black with vertical pupils appeared next to the girl lying on the ground.

She appeared in the cave as if out of thin air, without any sound of footsteps, only a gust of breeze.

In the empty cave, the woman in black stared fixedly at the girl sleeping by the campfire, walked up to her, leaned over and put her hand on Ying Baoyue's wet forehead.

When she felt the astonishing heat coming from the girl's forehead, the woman's vertical pupils flickered slightly, and finally sat down beside Ying Baoyue with her knees hugged, and sighed while looking at the faces of the people around her.

"Silly girl."

No matter how many years have passed.

Still such a speechless appearance.

The woman in black just quietly stared at the girl's pale cheeks on the ground. She had too many words to say, but in the end it could only become a sigh on her lips.

What a silly girl.

Besides her, who cares about the life of the gods?

The woman in black touched her bare back. In such a situation, no matter whether the gods can win or not, it is a person who will definitely drag the gods out to resist for a while, so why worry about whether the gods can win or die?

At least those sons of God who respectfully serve the Eight Beast Gods will not.

She is the only one who would be so stupid as a human being to actually want to protect the gods.

The woman in black stared fixedly at the girl on the ground, with anger in her eyes, but she put her palm on her forehead again.

But it is also because she and her master are so stupid that I want to protect them forever.

The beast god born in ancient times sighed faintly in the cave.

And at this moment, a drenched figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave, the vertical pupils of the woman in black flickered slightly, and the figure of Teng Snake beside Ying Baoyue disappeared suddenly.

Li Ji looked at the empty cave, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

Ying Baoyue on the ground was still sleeping peacefully by the campfire as before he left, and there was no one else in the cave except her.

Maybe it was his eyesight just now.

Li Ji threw the pile of wet things on his shoulders to the ground, strode up to Ying Baoyue, knelt down and touched her forehead.

The next moment, a surprised look appeared on the man's face.

The temperature on the girl's forehead had dropped.

(End of this chapter)

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