Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005
Everything was as Li Ji expected.

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, the rain stopped.

The lowest tide of the ebb and flow of the tide has also receded, leaving only small and thin waves rolling towards the coast a little bit.

With a crash, two heads popped out from the sea in the center of the sea. Ying Baoyue and Li Ji swam from the sea to the beach, stepped on the gravel to the shore of the island, and left two pairs of wet footprints.

"here it is……"

What greeted them was not a peaceful beach. There were trampled footprints all over the coast, with mixed shades and extremely messy.

The footprints are surrounded by countless gravels that have been split by the sword energy. The large stones are covered with sword marks and dripping blood.

The smell of blood filled the air.

All these traces indicate that a fierce battle took place here.

Ying Baoyue's fingers brushed over the sword mark on a large bluestone, looked at the scorched edge of the sword mark, and looked back at Li Ji, "This is Jiashu's sword!"

The width is half an inch and three centimeters, which is the trace left by the blade of Chunlei Sword.

Li Ji stepped forward, looked at the other side, his eyes were slightly cold, "This is Helianyan's."

The man took a deep breath, "It seems that they really fought each other."

Looking at the bloodstains on the beach, Ying Baoyue's face was also a bit ugly, but fortunately, only bloodstains were left on the beach, and no corpse was seen.

"Looking at the footprints and traces, Jiashu and the others should have landed first, but the Xirong people chased them up, and Jiashu and the others tried to intercept them by using the rocks on the shore." Ying Baoyue said while identifying the traces on the ground.

Under the numerous sword marks, she seemed to have seen the fierce battle on the coast.

Although the Xirong people swam ahead, as Li Ji expected, they arrived just in time for the ebb tide on the coast. Ji Jiashu and the others went ashore first instead of avoiding the water.

Ji Jiashu, who was usually calm, chose to attack the Xirong people first this time, but the Xirong people resisted and finally landed on the island. They had a hand-to-hand fight with Ji Jiashu and the others on the beach. Later, practitioners from other countries followed suit. to, and then...

Ying Baoyue followed the footprints on the beach all the way, and found that the messy footprints diverged into two lines, reunited outside the woods on the island, but disappeared suddenly.

"This is……"

She could tell what happened on the beach, but she couldn't understand the direction of the footprints.

Because the two rows of footprints didn't disappear in the forest, but disappeared a foot away from the forest.

"What's going on here? Did Jiashu and the others enter the forest?" Ying Baoyue frowned and looked at the footprints on the ground after finishing his speculation.

Li Ji didn't expect that she would feel as if she was in the beach fight just now by relying on the traces. He and Ying Baoyue had roughly the same guess about what happened on the beach, but he also felt a little weird about the end of the beach fight.

"Looking at the footprints, it seems that they are divided into two groups and run," he said, looking at the two rows of footprints converging towards the forest in front of him.

One row obviously had a large number of people. It is estimated that scattered practitioners from the six countries followed Ji Jiashu and the others, and the Xirong people ran in a group in the other direction, and there were Beihan Pavilion disciples in a group beside them. Their footsteps go forward.

Looking intently at the footprints on the ground, Li Ji bent down and touched the footprints on the edge of the beach.

"The footprints are still wet, and they haven't left for a long time. Where are they?"

The outermost footprints still have sea water, which proves that someone stepped on them not long ago.

But here comes the problem.

Why is there no one on the beach at this time?In the woods that didn't look too deep, there was no movement at all.

Looking at the footprints, the two teams should have planned to fight again at the edge of the forest, but when they reached the edge of the forest...

Both rows of footprints came to an abrupt end.

Under the moonlight, the two messy rows of footprints revealed a trace of inexplicable strangeness.

And all of this happened outside the forest as far as the eye can see on Xiaoyao Island.

Ying Baoyue and Li Ji raised their heads, silently looking at the sea-like forest in front of them.

Before getting close to Xiaoyao Island, Ying Baoyue discovered the unusualness of this forest.

80.00% of the land on this island is covered by this forest. It can be said that this island exists for this forest.

Xiaoyao Island on the Sea of ​​the Dead, Forest of the Dead on Xiaoyao Island.

The token symbolizing the victory of the middle-level ceremony water battle is hidden in the forest of the dead.
This forest is the most important purpose of their trip.

Before arriving, Ying Baoyue originally guessed that the Forest of the Dead was a miscellaneous forest with a relatively complicated terrain, but after arriving, he realized that the forest was not messy and looked neat.

The lush trees are scattered and gathered into countless barriers, like a labyrinth of roads, coupled with shrubs and flowers, it is like a naturally formed labyrinth.

When Ying Baoyue approached this island, what he saw was such a "maze".

The Forest of the Dead is a typical subtropical broad-leaved forest. It is almost late autumn at this time, and the leaves on the trees have not yet fallen. They have been beaten into light yellow and deep red by the frost. From a distance, it looks like a sea of ​​fire.

"Jiashu and the others, did they get lost in the forest of the dead?" Ying Baoyue murmured.

"I don't know, but..." Li Ji took a deep breath and walked forward.

Ying Baoyue and he walked almost at the same time, across the beach, towards the fiery red forest.

All of them knew that this forest was extraordinary, and the disappearance of Ji Jiashu and others revealed something completely wrong, but knowing this, they couldn't help but go.

After all, entering the forest of the dead is their mission.

But at this moment, both of them were very careful, and approached a little bit. When they reached the place where the footprints disappeared, they looked around, but nothing happened.

Both of them were a little surprised. At this time, there was a sound of exclamation in the distance. Ying Baoyue looked up and saw practitioners coming ashore on the other side of the island. At this time, he also walked to the edge of the forest and was admiring the flowers under the tree.

"Are there so many flowers growing under this tree?" A red light flashed in front of Ying Baoyue's eyes, and she also opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Only then did she realize that the flaming red she had just seen was not just leaves. There were actually a lot of flowers blooming under every tree in the forest, and large areas were covered with crimson flowers. The blooming red flowers were like flowing magma, flowing like a prairie fire. Open, as if to drown people's knees.

"This flower..." Li Ji was stunned as he looked at the sea of ​​scarlet flowers. For some reason, he felt that the flower looked familiar.

"Be careful, this flower looks like..." He stared at the flower closely and said a word to remind him, but no one around him responded, his pupils shrank, and suddenly he found that there was no other person's breath around him!
"Embracing the moon?" He turned his head abruptly, looking at his empty side in amazement.

In an instant, the girl who was standing beside him.


(End of this chapter)

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