Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1006 Illusion

Chapter 1006 Illusion
Looking at the empty side around him, Li Ji was stunned.

He is in his early twenties this year, and he grew up in the most dangerous and treacherous cloud forest in the Shanhai Continent. After he came out of the cloud forest, he was no longer afraid of any forest.

If Forest of the Dead is a small maze, then Cloud Forest is a big one.Even in the dense fog of the cloud forest, he could find his way with ease, but he never expected that before he stepped into the forest of the dead, the people around him disappeared completely.

Everything was like being in a dream. He obviously didn't step into the forest of the dead, but the sea of ​​scarlet flowers had already flowed down to his knees. Li Ji looked down at the flowers with tentacles entwined as if they wanted to climb on him, and finally remembered this The name of the flower.

He saw the name of this flower in the Pharmacopoeia of Beihan Pavilion.

The color is dark red, and the flowers are like dragon claws. It blooms in July of the lunar calendar, grows longer than summer, and bears flowers in autumn.This flower first blooms and then grows leaves. The leaves do not fall in winter, but dormant in summer. The flowers and leaves never meet, so it is called "ruthless and unjust" flower.

There are many names for this kind of flower. Before seeing the Pharmacopoeia, Li Ji once heard people call it Wuyi grass in the countryside, and because its petals curl up like dragon claws, he called it dragon claw flower. What else is there? , Mountain Crow Poison, Ghost Umbrella and other names.

But what impressed Li Ji the most was the handwritten name on the Pharmacopoeia.

The other side flower.

The master of "Pharmacopia" called it Bianhua.

Li Ji didn't know who wrote the Pharmacopoeia, but he was sure of one thing, that was definitely not Xu Bingqing.

He went to Beihan Pavilion to read the manuscript of "Pharmacopia", and finally got his wish with great effort, but he saw the original and found that the "Pharmacopia" on the market was simply a deleted version.

The original wording of "Pharmacopia" is actually very plain and casual, but it is very rigorous when recording the drug records. Li Ji thinks that the author should be a very quiet woman.

The man wrote in the "Pharmacopia" that the three days before and after the vernal equinox are called the spring, and the three days before and after the autumnal equinox are called the autumn. This flower blooms very punctually during the autumn, so it is called the flower.

But next to the regular description of medicine and form, there is a line of small characters written.

"This is what the author heard from my master. It's not enough to be tested. Throughout the ages, this flower is quite mysterious. It is said that it is a flower that grows by the Santu River. The fragrance of the flower has magical powers and can evoke the memory of the dead."

This narration came to Li Ji's mind, he looked around slowly in the sea of ​​flowers, and murmured, "Are you picking up the flower?"

Flowers that grow on the other side.

He is not a superstitious person. Although he realized that the disappearance of Ji Jiashu, Ying Baoyue and others was inseparable from the sea of ​​flowers, he felt that not all of them were playing tricks on the flowers.

He looked around and saw no one.

The practitioners who landed on the other side of the island that he and Ying Baoyue had seen before were gone. He took a deep breath and stepped back twenty steps, but the scenery around him was still exactly the same.

If it is calculated based on the distance before he saw the sea of ​​flowers, these twenty steps are enough for him to retreat back into the sea.

But at this time, the sea of ​​flowers in the sky seems to have no boundaries, and it flows to the sky without bounds. No matter whether he goes forward, back, left or right, the surroundings are surrounded by the same sea of ​​flowers.

"Is that so?" Li Ji looked at his palm with finger marks, and carefully stared at the sea of ​​flowers on the ground.

He bent down to separate clusters of Bana flowers, and he saw rows of ravines converging into patterns at the root system, as if a kind of vines were entangled.

It really is a formation.

The entire cloud forest is shrouded in a large formation, which traps ferocious beasts and weakens the realm of high-level practitioners who enter it. It was thanks to this formation that Ying Baoyue and He Lianyan were in it, as half of the cloud forest. As a master, Li Ji is very familiar with this kind of formation that can be set up in the forest.

"Hua Rong Road."

Li Ji fixedly looked at the ravines on the ground. These Bianhua flowers were planted on this formation. This formation is a formation that can make people lose their way. With these red flowers that can confuse people's hearts, people who go deep into it seem to be in the in illusion.

Now he understood why the footprints of Ji Jiashu and others suddenly disappeared at the edge of the forest of the dead.

That place was obviously the entrance of Huarong Road, and after Ji Jiashu and others, he and Ying Baoyue also fell into it.

This formation is inevitable, because the entire forest of the dead is a huge formation, and the token they want to bring back is probably hidden in the formation.

Li Ji took a deep breath and walked forward along the ravine on the ground.

If he is now at the heaven rank, he must be able to see the flaws of this formation at a glance, but he is now at the fourth rank, so he can only explore a little bit.

I don't know what happened to that girl now.

But based on her understanding of the formation, maybe she has found the token and walked out of the formation now.

Before Ying Baoyue, he had never seen such a practitioner with a beast-like intuition in the formation.

No, there is another one.

Relying on the experience accumulated in the cloud forest, Li Ji carefully walked through the sea of ​​flowers step by step.He has experience, and when he can see other people, he will not be far from getting out of this formation.

The key to breaking this formation is to find other people.

The sea of ​​flowers around him became more and more bright red, almost scorching his eyes. Li Ji knew that this flower was magical, so he tried not to look at it, but he had to touch it to identify the path. Every time he touched the soft petals, he would I felt as if I had blood on my hands.

He hated the feeling so much.

As the number of times accumulated, a chill rose from the bottom of his heart, and his eyes became blurred. Li Ji raised his head and wanted to clear his mind, but the next moment he looked at the figure in front of him, he felt as if he had been hit hard.

Bloody clouds rose suddenly.

It was the cabin in the forest he was familiar with in the clouds and mist, but it was not the empty appearance he had been familiar with for eight years.

A woman in Tsing Yi was sitting on the steps peeling the pods in her hands, a sword was placed beside her, which was actually placed with a broom, and a white cat was flicking its tail beside her. When she heard footsteps, she raised her head, Looking at him standing outside the fence.

"A Ji, you are back, what did you fight today?"

Standing in the sea of ​​flowers, Li Ji's chest heaved violently.

At some point, he was no longer what he is now, but a child with a bow and arrows on his back.

"I..." A sense of suffocation enveloped Li Ji, watching this scene, his eyes gradually turned red.

He reached out to push the fence in front of him, but at this moment, a sharp sword suddenly passed through the chest of the woman on the steps, and a figure stood behind the woman in Tsing Yi, who instantly fell into a pool of blood.


The boy's mournful cry pierced the sky.



Ying Baoyue didn't hear Li Ji's voice, because she was standing in front of the fork in the road, staring blankly at the person in front of her.

It was a young man with a tall body, sitting quietly on the bluestone, holding a book in his hand, as if he was waiting for someone.

After walking in, I realized that what he was sitting on was not a bluestone, but a brick of the Great Wall.Sitting next to him was an unparalleled young Liao boy who was talking to him.

Seeing her coming, the two raised their heads at the same time.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the two of them.

Seeing her standing still, the gentle and jade-like young master raised his head with a book in his hand, and spoke softly with a smile.

"Little Ayue, what are you looking at? Why don't you come over, don't you recognize me?"

 Oh my goosebumps are coming out
(End of this chapter)

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