Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007
The night was dark, and the fire lingered on the coast.

"Your Majesty, you should take a break."

Several torches were burning on the coast, and Zhao Muren sat on the altar, deaf to the persuasion of the surrounding officials, and stared at the sea with piercing eyes.

The sea was empty, only a few practitioners who gave up the game and were rescued to the shore sat on the beach and looked at the sea under the night sky absently.

The officials couldn't persuade Zhao Muren, so they could only turn their attention back to the sea.

"It seems that there should be no practitioners coming back tonight."

Standing beside Dongfang Yi, Wang Jiuyuan stared at the sea where no one was struggling, "The practitioners who have not given up at this time should have already landed on Xiaoyao Island, right?"

"That's right," Dongfang Yi said, "There are quite a lot of people going to the island this year. Counting the time, the first batch of people have already landed on the island for almost two hours."

"Really?" Wang Jiuyuan was a little surprised, "Is it time to find the token after so long? Why hasn't anyone come back yet?"

He remembered that the area of ​​Xiaoyao Island was not that big. According to the size on the map, one hour was enough for a practitioner to turn it upside down.

Qian Bofang was not so optimistic. He looked at Dongfang Yi who was standing aside and silently watching the sea, and his heart tightened.

The placement of the keepsake was entirely arranged by Dongfang Yi, even the deputy chief examiner didn't know much about the island.

"My lord," he stared at the side face of the white-haired old man, "is there anything on that island, in that forest?"

If it's just a simple treasure hunt in the dense forest, it won't take so much time for a practitioner with five senses.

"Is there anything?" Dongfang Yi repeated, looking at the calm sea with her old eyes.

This year's practitioners crossing the sea was extremely thrilling, but in his opinion, the test in the forest of the dead was more difficult and dangerous than crossing the sea.

In the forest of the dead, there are a few formations left by Emperor Taizu. The formation itself is not considered powerful, but the higher the level of practitioners, the harder it is to get out of the formation.

Just because what everyone has to fight against in that forest is their own memory.

The voice of the old man slowly sounded on the altar.

"On the sea they are facing the power of heaven and earth, but in the forest of the dead, what each practitioner has to face is his own heart."



The sound from the sea could not be heard in the forest. In the sea of ​​flowers all over the sky, Ying Baoyue stood at the intersection, just staring blankly at the person who called her with a smile.

"Little Ah Yue? Why don't you come over? Are you worried about something?"

Seeing her standing still, the man was not annoyed, but just looked at her with a smile, as if waiting for her to make a decision.

It was indeed him.

He never forced her to do anything.

Looking at the man sitting on the bluestone, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and quietly walked to his side.

The sea of ​​flowers around her disappeared and turned into the beacon tower of the Great Wall still stained with blood. Her figure also became taller, turning into a girl of sixteen or seventeen.

"I told you, don't call me that."

The man's voice was gentle, but the girl's voice was very calm, even a little cold.

"Hey, Your Highness has been running for three days and three nights to see..." The young Houliao boy sitting next to the man frowned, but before he could finish speaking, the man holding the scroll covered his mouth.

"I know, only your master can call that, right?" The man looked at her and smiled, then shrugged his shoulders mockingly, "Oh, in your heart, no one can compare with Master Guoshi."

Hearing the word master, Ying Baoyue was startled, as if she remembered something, but before she could say anything, the scene in front of her suddenly disappeared.

In a blink of an eye, the beacon fire on the Great Wall had disappeared, and with a snap, a book slipped from her hand.

Ying Baoyue raised her head in surprise, only to realize that she had dozed off sitting in front of a desk.

"here it is……"

She raised her head in a daze, looking at the flickering candlestick in front of her eyes. The bronze candlestick had exquisite snake patterns on it. She got up and picked up the book on the ground. Turning it over, she found two large characters on the book, Pharmacopoeia.

Ying Baoyue clenched the book in her hand, looked around in astonishment, and found that this was actually the library of the former Qin Yuxi Province.

No, maybe at this time it should be called the Imperial Prayer Province of Daqin.

"A Fang Palace..."

Looking at the familiar scenery around her, Ying Baoyue murmured, her heart beating faster for some reason.

She returned to the Efang Palace.

How old is she now?

She looked down at the title page of the book in her hand. There was a line of small characters written on it, and the ink was still wet.

"Ah Yue's 17th birthday is a gift to Master."

17 is old.

Ying Baoyue clenched the book in her hand little by little, when a man's gentle voice came from outside the library.

"Ayue, are you there? Can you get me some medicine?"

Ying Baoyue opened the door of the library.

A man in only unlined clothes stood outside the door and saw her open the door with a smile on his face.

"You came from the secret passage?" Ying Baoyue looked at him and asked softly, "What's the matter? Did you have asthma again?"

Looking at the man standing outside the door, she hesitated and called out his name.

"Ying Su."

Hearing her say these two words, the young master standing outside the door was startled, and then a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Are you finally willing to call me by my name?" Ying Su's usual gentle and polite smile was a little more genuinely joyful, and he couldn't help laughing out loud, "It seems that this marriage contract was not wronged."

She didn't resist when he called her Ah Yue, and it was even more strange today, she no longer called him His Highness coldly.

It's a pity that it only yelled once.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you?" Ying Baoyue looked at the man standing at the door and sighed, "Forget it, I'll call you back, otherwise I won't be able to change my words in the future, and the ceremonial mother will beat me to death. "

"When were you afraid of those people?" Ying Su laughed, but after the laugh, he seemed to cough again because of his mood swings.

"It really is asthma again?" Ying Baoyue walked out of the library, pointed to the low couch by the side of the room, "Sit there, I'll get the medicine."

"Ahem, I didn't come to you because of this..."

Ying Su said while coughing, and walked helplessly to the familiar low couch by the side of the room.

I don't know if their relationship has changed, but he looked at this low couch tonight and suddenly felt a little emotional.

Ying Su quietly stared at the focused profile of the girl who was busy opening the medicine box, and did not look away for a while.

On countless nights that he couldn't count, on the side of this low couch, this young girl helped him countless times when he was in a mess.

From the age of ten to 17, he watched her grow up little by little, but he didn't expect that he would really marry her one day.

But no matter how old she is, she treats him as always.

"Come on, open your mouth," Ying Baoyue came over with a self-made spray, skillfully helping Ying Su deal with her asthma attack.

"It's not because of this, so what are you looking for me tonight?"

Ying Su swallowed the liquid medicine, calmed his breath, and said with a smile.

"I'm going to go hunting in the garden with Ying Hao tomorrow, so I want to ask you to get some medicine in advance."

 here comes the day

(End of this chapter)

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