Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054
The sand and soil all over the ground rose violently, with a bang!
Everyone outside the arena opened their eyes wide, looking at the two people who slammed into each other in the arena.

Ying Baoyue also opened her eyes wide. This time she finally saw Li Ji's movements, but her attention was completely attracted by another person.

"Zhao Guang...he..."

As the dust fell, everyone gasped when they saw the scene on the field.

Tick, tick, blood fell on the sand.

This is Zhao Guang's blood.

Along with the blood floating around, there are strands of cloth.

The bodies of Zhao Guang and Li Ji collided fiercely. Li Ji looked unscathed, just like an ordinary collision, but in that blow just now, almost all of Zhao Guang's shirt was smashed into ragged cloth. The strips were hung on his body, and the flesh under the strips was cracked inch by inch, dripping with blood.

But even so, Zhao Guang stared straight at Li Ji like a wild bull, without taking a step back.

"Ah!" A woman's exclamation sounded in the distance, and Ying Baoyue recognized that it was Ji Ange's voice, took a deep breath and clenched her hands tightly into fists.

"Is Zhao Guang crazy? Head-to-head with Li Ji?"

Chen Zichu spoke on the side, looking at the scene on the stage in amazement.

"Shouldn't normal people hide?"

Li Ji's actions were not noticed by everyone before, but this time it was exposed in front of everyone, not because Zhao Guang was superior, but because only Zhao Guang chose to fight head-on as if he was out of his wits.

"If he had hidden just now, he would probably have been tripped by Mr. Zhaohua and thrown to the ground," Jiang Yuanyuan said.

But this does not mean that Zhao Guang's choice is very wise.

If you don't hide the problem, it will be bigger.

Looking at the fierceness in the eyes of the young man on the sand, Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly understood what Song Qian meant when he said that Zhao Guang was not quite right.

Within the red circle, the blood under Zhao Guang's feet had gathered into a small puddle, but there was no fear in his eyes, but he looked quite excited, holding Li Ji's waist tightly, as if he wanted to overthrow him.

Even though his whole body was covered in blood and bleeding profusely, looking at Li Ji who was controlling him with one hand, Zhao Guang's eyes were actually eager to try.

Only when he heard Ji Ange's voice outside the arena, Zhao Guangfa's straight eyes flickered slightly.

"Ah Guang, you..."

Li Ji fixedly looked at him, took a deep breath, "Stop fighting, you are not my opponent."

Zhao Guang was dazed, staring at Li Ji's black eyes, but the next moment he came back to his senses and rushed towards him.

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at Zhao Guang who was surrounded by the red circle, his body was bursting with true energy, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

This was not the Zhao Guang they knew.

Everyone outside the venue looked a little strange.

"Anyway, with Li Ji's strength, it should only be a matter of time before Zhao Guang is defeated," Song Qian frowned as he looked at the screen on stage, "Hurry up and end it."

Although I don't know what went wrong with Zhao Guang, but wrestling can't be won by just being ruthless.

However, Zhao Guang's ruthlessness exceeded everyone's imagination.

With a bang, Li Ji threw Zhao Guang onto the sand. Seeing the grains of sand embedded in Zhao Guang's wounds, Chen Zichu and others outside the field all had goosebumps.

How painful must this be?Normal people can't get up, right?
According to the rules, as long as Zhao Guang lay on the ground for more than three seconds, Li Ji would win, but the next moment Zhao Guang roared like a wounded beast, jumped up and rushed towards Li Ji again.

"This..." Everyone looked at this scene in astonishment.

"Has Zhao Guang been possessed by something?" Chen Zichu's eyes twitched violently, "Is he dying?"

Not afraid of pain, not afraid of blood, the more he bleeds, the more excited he is. At this time, Zhao Guang seems to be aroused with blood, like a fighting machine, and even more like a monster.

Ji Ange, who was standing outside the arena, watched this scene intently. Li Ji and Zhao Guang were flipping around on the arena. The next moment she saw Zhao Guang's face.

The eyes that had always been smiling at her carelessly, now only remained fierce. Zhao Guang seemed to have only one thought left in his mind, which was to tear the person in front of him to pieces.

She had never seen the cruelty in those light-colored eyes.

what happened to him?
Ji Ange trembled all over.

Ji Qingyuan stared fixedly at Zhao Guang, his eyes resting on Zhao Guang's chest, which was rolling in the sand, showing coldness.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand and covered the eyes of his sister beside him.

"Brother... brother?" Ji Ange asked tremblingly.

"It's okay, don't be afraid," Ji Qingyuan stared fixedly at the people on the wrestling ring, "He is still him, but if he can't find himself, he can die."

The courage of the Soochow royal family is too great.

"King of Eastern Wu?" At this time, the screams of practitioners came from outside, Ying Baoyue raised his head suddenly, and found that Zhao Muren, who was supposed to appear in the last round of the battle, appeared in the dragon robe at this time. On the examiner's platform.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were slightly focused, Zhao Muren was wearing the court clothes of the upper court, as if he came in a hurry.

However, he did not step off the high platform, but sat down next to Dongfang Yi, and fixedly looked in the direction of the No. [-] court.

"Your Majesty, why don't you just take a look?" Dongfang Yi bowed beside Zhao Muren and asked, "His Royal Highness..."

"This kid is still unable to stand up to provocations as always," Zhao Muren shook his head, his face expressionless, "What's the matter with the widow that he caused the trouble himself?"

"The widow is just coming to the court to take a look," Zhao Muren said with the coldness of a king on his face, "I didn't expect to see this kid playing wild, it's really embarrassing."

Dongfang Yi looked at the King of Soochow who was speaking wrongly in front of him, and sighed from the bottom of her heart.

"Your Majesty, since you're here, why don't you go and have a look? What if..." Dongfang Yi hesitated to speak.

Zhao Muren looked at Li Ji who was resisting Zhao Guang's attack in the red circle with a complicated expression, and took a deep breath, "I believe in Zhaohua."

If anyone can solve this situation, that person is also Li Ji, not his elder brother.

However, the situation on the field at this time was on the verge of getting out of control.

"Go to hell!"

Just when Zhao Guang realized that he couldn't beat Li Ji no matter what, not only did he not give up, but his offensive became even more frenzied, almost wandering on the verge of fouling.

Every time Li Ji fell down, he would continue to get up with his whole body bruised and bruised. As he got up more times, his expression became more and more gloomy.

The practitioners outside the arena watched the battle intently, and they were all out of breath.

Li Ji was wearing a mask, and Ying Baoyue couldn't see his expression clearly, but the black eyes under the man's mask became more and more like an abyss.

The next moment, only two slight clicks were heard, and drops of blood dripped from the edge of the bronze mask.

"Mr. Zhaohua is injured?" Chen Zichu looked at the scene and said in astonishment.

Seeing blood dripping from under Li Ji's mask, Zhao Guang's eyes were in a daze for a moment, but the next moment his eyes sank, and he rushed towards Li Ji desperately again.

Although Li Ji was injured, Zhao Guang was also driven to the end of his life by him.

"If you're at level six, your physical strength is at its limit," Chen Zichu gasped, "This is probably Zhao Guang's final blow!"

But the last blow was quite heavy. With a bang, Li Ji was pushed above the red circle by Zhao Guang!
There were screams from the sidelines, and everyone held their breath. As long as Li Ji took one step back and passed the red circle, he would lose.

Zhao Guang's eyes widened suddenly, but his body seemed to be at its limit, unable to push Li Ji one step further.

Everyone outside the arena breathed a sigh of relief, but just when they thought Zhao Guang was about to admit defeat, there was a sudden howl in the arena, and the black pupils under Li Ji's mask shrank.

Just when his body reached the limit, Zhao Guang's eyes were turning red, every inch of his pupils was filled with blood, as if there was a force hidden in his body, and it was about to burst out of the ground!

"Can't lose..."

"If you lose... you will die..."

Zhao Guang was trembling all over, and there was only one thought in his mind. He pushed forward with his broken hand. He felt very light and hot all over, and he would break any boundaries.

However, at this moment, Zhao Guang suddenly felt light in front of him.

Li Ji looked at him intently, closed his eyes, and heard a slight sound at the next moment, Li Ji's heel broke through the red circle.

There was silence all around, and everyone watched this scene in astonishment.

The bell rang for the end.

Zhao Guang pushed Li Ji out of the red circle.

 Li Ji
(End of this chapter)

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