Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1055 First Encounter

Chapter 1055 First Encounter
It was an old, dusty yard.

It was very large and spacious, but it looked desolate. There was an old dilapidated house in the yard. The corners of the window frames were covered with cobwebs, and the air was filled with dust, flying like smoke in the sunlight.

The courtyard is full of weeds, growing all the way to the moss-covered stone steps. Occasionally, a grasshopper jumps on the stone steps, jumping on a strand of black hair that is different from the weeds, and the grasshopper raises its head and stares at the yard. The only living thing other than bugs.

There are still living people in such a yard.

On the stone steps, sat a child with black hair and black eyes.

There was no vitality in the whole yard, the little boy was like a statue, sitting on the steps all day long.

His hair hadn't been cut since he was born, and it was long and dragged down the steps like a dragon's tail, mixed with weeds.

No one cares for him, he drags this hair every day, climbs out of the wooden bed covered with cobwebs in the morning, sits on the steps outside the house for a day, until the sun sets, and then returns to the empty house ,go to bed.

Week after week, day after day.

There is a dripper outside the house, and someone will come to add water regularly, but every time they dare not look at the child sitting on the steps, and leave in a hurry after adding water, as if the person sitting there is not a child, but some kind of scourge.

Every day, the little boy on the steps will only move when the hourglass reaches the time of Chen.

On this day, the hour of Chen is approaching. The little boy on the steps glanced at the scale on the hourglass, tightened his body, and waited for the arrival of the once-a-day test.

When the hourglass scale reached Chen, the little boy suddenly shrank into a ball, severe pain covered his whole body from the wrist, his teeth were clenched, and sweat slipped from his chin.

When he grew up, he realized that such pain was like torture for adults, but at that time, he only regarded it as a daily test.

After all, this kind of pain has been there since he can remember. When he was young, it was just a pain in his wrist every day, but as his body grew up, the pain became more severe. After he was five years old, the pain doubled, and his whole body was in unbearable pain.

An hour is neither long nor short, the sun rises, the hour is over, and the time has come, the little boy is soaked in sweat, but his muscles and bones are relaxed, and a trace of relaxation flashes in his black eyes.

He lifted his sleeves and watched as a green crack-like scar quickly receded on his wrist. It disappeared completely, declaring that today's test was completely over.

At this time, there was a slight sound outside the gate, and the little boy raised his head and looked at the courtyard gate, which was tightly locked by a big lock.

The door opened a gap, and the food delivery person came.

In the morning and in the evening, someone would bring him two meals, which would be placed on the ground outside the gate of the courtyard. After he had finished eating, he would send out an empty bowl, and someone would take the bowl away and lock the gate of the courtyard.

After a long time, the people who took care of him were sometimes careless and forgot to lock the door, but he never ran out.

He stayed in this yard as long as he could remember, and had no curiosity about the outside world.

When he was very young, there were old mothers who took care of him in daily life and taught him how to speak and read, but after the age of five, these people disappeared.

The boy stood up, walked to the door, and through the crack of the door, reached out to the wooden bowl of rice on the ground.

At this moment, a wide open light-colored eye suddenly appeared in the crack of the door.

Seeing him, that eye suddenly widened.



The little boy in the courtyard hadn't called yet, when suddenly there was a scream from outside the courtyard door, and a little boy in brocade clothes who looked in from the crack of the door leaned back, sat down on the ground, pointed at the crack of the door and screamed .

The little boy with black hair and black pupils was stunned for a moment, but he didn't think much about it. He bent down and took the bowl containing the food from the bottom of the courtyard door, walked slowly back to the steps, and began to eat with a calm expression.

"Hello!" A child's scream came from outside the door, and the chain on the door was rattled, and the next moment, a little boy in brocade clothes squeezed in through the crack of the door.

He was younger than the black-haired boy, and his stature was like a small glutinous rice dumpling, which could be squeezed in while lying on the ground.


Looking at the black-haired boy who was eating, Xiaotuanzi felt a little less afraid, and asked tremblingly.

"Can eat, you are a human, not a ghost?"

It was the first time in so many years that someone other than him appeared in the courtyard. The black-haired boy was a little surprised, looked at Xiaotuanzi in Jinyi, and nodded silently.

He wasn't too surprised, just a little surprised. He felt that the child had seen enough and would probably leave after satisfying his curiosity.

No one has ever stayed by his side for too long, and he never misses it.

"Your eyes are really dark," Jinyi Xiaotuanzi blinked, "Why do you look different from me?"

Maybe there is something wrong with your eyes, the black-haired boy silently stared at the light-colored eyes of the little boy under the sun, feeling a bit like the amber mentioned in the book.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Jinyi Xiaotuanzi continued to ask.

It was the first time he met someone who talked so much and was not afraid of him. The black-haired boy opened his mouth, looking a little confused.

"Why, are you dumb?" Jinyi Xiaotuanzi asked with unabated enthusiasm, expecting the other party to nod.

The black-haired boy shook his head. He hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time. His voice stuttered, and he said slowly, "No."

Jinyi Xiaotuanzi's eyes lit up, and he asked questions like a cannonball.

"Then what's your name? How old are you? Who are your parents? Why do you live here alone?"

The black-haired boy felt a little headache, looked at him and said, "I, don't have a name."

"Age...about ten years old."

"Ten years old? That's four years older than me!" Jinyi Xiaotuanzi's eyes widened, "Then why don't you have a name? Also, where are your parents?"

"My mother died when I was born, and I don't like the name my father chose," the black-haired boy said lightly, looking at the young man in brocade clothes who still wanted to ask something, he hurriedly asked the question.

"What's your name?"

"Me?" The young man in brocade clothes showed a silly smile, puffed up his chest and pointed to the sun in the sky, and said loudly, "My name is Zhao Guang!"

After speaking, he asked expectantly, "Isn't it nice?"


The black-haired boy was silent for a moment, then called out, "Zhao Guang."

"Hey!" The young boy in brocade clothes said excitedly, "You called me by my name, we are friends now, but you don't have a name, what should I call you?"

The black-haired boy looked around at himself and frowned, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"What's so scary about you? Isn't it just that your face is darker, and you are four years older than me?" The young boy in brocade clothes curled his lips, looked at him and said earnestly, "My father said that you don't have to feel inferior even if you are ugly. "

The black-haired boy fell silent.

His face was black and gray from not washing his face for many years, not his real skin color...

"By the way, you are older than me, so how about I call you big brother?" The young boy in brocade clothes patted his head, "By the way, no, I have big brother."

But the next moment he jumped up and said happily.

"Then I'll call you Second Brother!"



"Second brother, I..."

As the sand around him fell, Li Ji opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Guang whose eyes were light again.

"Are you sober?" Li Ji looked down at the red circle under his feet, looked at the examiner, and said calmly, "Master examiner, please announce the result."

"Oh, good," the examiner nodded blankly and waved his hand violently.

"The final battle in the second field, Soochow Zhao Guangsheng!"

There was an uproar all around, and no one expected that the final winner of the No. [-] field, which was full of masters, was actually Zhao Guang, the king of Dongling County who had been little-known before.

What is even more surprising is that he still won after defeating Mr. Zhaohua.

Hearing this result, Zhao Guang didn't have a trace of joy on his face. He suddenly widened his eyes, plopped, and fell forward with all his strength. hit the ground.

"Second brother, I..." Zhao Guang lay on Li Ji's stomach with a dazed expression. He looked at his blood-stained hands, his pupils constricted violently, "What have I done?"

"I didn't do anything, I just won normally," Li Ji turned over and sat up with his black eyes still calm.

"You won," Li Ji patted Zhao Guang's head and chuckled, "It's amazing."

"But..." Zhao Guang's voice trembled a little, and Ying Baoyue in the audience looked at this scene with a complicated expression.

However, at this moment, the seven bells announcing the end of the game sounded in the No. [-] field in the distance.

"The final battle in No. [-] is over, and Meng Shi of the Northern Wei Dynasty wins!"

The people outside the No. [-] court suddenly turned their heads when they heard the words, their expressions were filled with astonishment.

Field No. [-] has already finished the final battle?
Ying Baoyue also looked a little stunned.

just because...

After the group battle on the [-]th field, Meng Shi qualified, so this means.

Jiashu, he lost?

 Little Li Ji is too cute, and so is Zhao Guang, but Jiashu and Brother Ji, you all lost so badly
(End of this chapter)

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