Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

With Li Ji's skill, it is true that he will not be injured in a fight with an ordinary opponent.

Ying Baoyue played back the scene of Zhao Guang pushing Li Ji out of the red circle. Most people, including Zhao Guang, probably didn't know what happened at that time.

Rather than saying that Zhao Guang pushed Li Ji out, it is better that Li Ji took a step back.

Zhao Guang was on the verge of losing his mind at the time. The way of wrestling is to hurt others first and hurt himself first. If he had used the last trick, Zhao Guang's tendons would probably burst.

And at that moment, it was Li Ji who silently took a step back, directing all Zhao Guang's attacks on himself and others on himself.

He helped Zhao Guang bear most of the injuries without saying a word.

Ying Baoyue stared at the quiet eyes of the person in front of her. She knew before that he was not as indifferent as he usually showed, but today she found that the heart under this hard mask may be softer than she imagined.

"It's not a big deal to me," Li Ji's eyes moved slightly, "Don't tell him."

"Of course," Ying Baoyue is not a troublesome person, she naturally knows who he is, "then you are not allowed to say."

She looked down at her left hand.

"I know," Li Ji said, the curse on her body was intricate, and now he suspects that there may be a bigger conspiracy behind it, naturally the fewer people who know, the safer.

Ying Baoyue looked up at his shoulder, "Wait a minute, it's better to go to the hot spring to soak."

Even though it's not a big deal to the body of a heavenly cultivator, it doesn't mean that he won't be in pain. With her current state, she still can't see how much he can hurt.

She is about to break through as soon as possible.

Li Ji nodded, but looked at her right hand again the next moment, "stretch out your hand."

This person hasn't given up yet...

"It's hard to go to the hot spring if your wound doesn't heal," Li Ji said lightly, "If you let me go, you have to go too."

Ying Baoyue didn't quite understand this kind of logic, and he didn't want to go to the hot spring with her, "My wound will heal tomorrow morning."

In fact, there was no bleeding anymore. If it wasn't for fear of scaring Ji Ange and the others, she would have gone with them.

Li Ji frowned, and was about to reach out his hand again, when footsteps sounded from the distance beside the two of them.

Li Ji is worthy of being a master of heaven, he stopped very quickly, leaving no trace.

"elder sister……"

Both of them had sensed the aura in advance, turned their heads, and looked at Ji Ange, Gui Li, and Li Jinniang standing on the steps of the lobby without any surprise, looking at them both in a daze.

It came just in time.

"An Ge, you are here," Ying Baoyue laughed, and waved to the three little girls who were standing still.

Ying Baoyue waved to Li Ji, "Don't worry, I'll go soak right away."

Rather than scaring Ji Ange and the others, she should heal the wound sooner.

Seeing that she had figured it out, Li Ji nodded, "Rest early."

"Well," Ying Baoyue smiled, "You too."

After finishing speaking, she walked towards Ji Ange and the three of them who were stunned, "You came here so early?"

"I didn't find you in the room." Gui Li shook the pile of clothes in his hands, "I guess sister, you came to soak in the hot spring first, and brother just forgot to bring a change of clothes, so I came down first. "

"That's it," Ying Baoyue pretended not to see the bucket she brought down by the curtain of the bath, "Jiashu and the others should be almost finished soaking, let's go in together later."

Ji Ange nodded, and glanced over where Ying Baoyue and Li Ji had stood before, "Did Mr. Zhaohua ask you for something?"

"Ask about this year's wrestling," Ying Baoyue said, "He is very concerned about the tactics of the Xirong people today."

When mentioning the Xirong people, the girls also looked a little frightened.

"Tomorrow is the riding and shooting battle." Ji Ange took a deep breath, "Sister, do you have enough real energy?"

No way, another person who wants to give her real money?

"An Ge, what do you want to do?" Ying Baoyue looked at her warily.

"I don't have much else, but I seem to have a lot of real energy." Ji Ange looked at his palm, "I wonder if I can transfer some to you."

After all, she was born at the seventh level, but she has never practiced, so she can't use up all the real energy, so she thought it was just right to give it to Ying Baoyue.

This is really the trouble of genius.

If it was another practitioner standing in front of Ji Ange at this time, I'm afraid she might think that she was seeking hatred.

"No need," Ying Baoyue smiled, "You haven't asked your elder brother about this, have you?"

If what Ji Ange said was so easy to do, the first person she couldn't stop would be Ji Qingyuan.

He would definitely want to give her all his true energy.

"That's right, I made my own decision," Ji Ange was taken aback, "How do you know I didn't ask Brother."

"Because he knows it can't be done," Ying Baoyue said.

"Although you were born with true energy, you haven't mastered the method of breath adjustment, let alone choose the sword sect," Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "I appreciate your kindness, but there is no way to transfer your true energy to me." .”

And generally speaking, only the true essence of high-level practitioners is useful to low-level practitioners, and the lower-level true essence is not pure enough for higher-level practitioners.

In a sense, Li Ji was indeed the most suitable candidate for her.

But she couldn't accept it.

"Don't think about crossing the true essence," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "This is not the right way, I don't want to cheat."

No matter what the reason is, borrowing strength is borrowing strength. If she accepts other people's true essence, how is it different from the Beihan Pavilion disciple who swallows other people's souls with the Breaking Realm Pill?
"Now I can be resurrected with full blood after soaking in a hot spring," Ying Baoyue smiled, and patted the door of the bath curtain.

In the bathtub, Ji Jiashu and the others jumped up immediately.



The warm breath of the hot spring was still reverberating all over the body, but the cold wind by the side of Yulong Racecourse became more bitter the next day.

"Looking at the weather, why does it seem like it's going to rain today?"

Ying Baoyue and the others came to the side of the racecourse among the dark crowd. Looking at the dark clouds above the vast racecourse, Chen Zichu put up a pergola and said worriedly.

The moon and stars were thin last night, and everyone thought the next day would be a sunny day, but they didn't expect that in the early morning, dark clouds suddenly floated in the sky.

The dark sky is getting closer and closer to the grass field, which makes people feel a little chilled.

Riding a horse in the rain can be quite dangerous.

"It's useless to worry about God's affairs," Ji Jiashu comforted him, "Why don't you get out of the rain if you finish riding earlier?"

"It's useless to worry about it." Compared with the weather, Ying Baoyue was more concerned about the crowd who came, and another group of creatures they had to deal with today.

Horse farms and horse farms are naturally more horses.

The Yulong Racecourse itself domesticated a large number of horses belonging to the Soochow royal family, and there were many stables in the north, but Ying Baoyue was looking to the south at this time.

At this time, practitioners with higher realms felt the huge aura, and the teenagers in the crowd raised their heads one by one, looking at another dark cloud in the south, with astonishment in their eyes.

This is the real dark cloud.

Puffs of smoke and dust rose from the south, and iron hooves beat the ground.

Thousands of horses galloping.

"Look," Ying Baoyue pointed south with a whip in his hand.

"The horses from the southern camp are here."

(End of this chapter)

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