Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1069

Chapter 1069
Seeing the herd of horses roaring towards them, the practitioners who came from afar stood on the ground in a daze, their expressions shocked and astonished.

"That is, the war horse?"

Chen Zichu and the others gasped.

The biggest difference between the cavalry and archery battle of the middle-level ceremony and the polo battle of the elementary ceremony is that the middle-level ceremony will use war horses.

For the children of the aristocratic family who are good at bowing horses since childhood, this rule has not attracted the attention of everyone before. In the eyes of the teenagers, any horse can be ridden. Could it be that a practitioner can't tame a horse?

Until this moment, feeling the gale blowing in the distance and the aura that seems to be able to run over everything, many practitioners' backs were dripping with cold sweat.


These horses are different.

The mid-level ceremony has not been held for six years. Many people have forgotten the scene of galloping horses in the riding and shooting battle, but some people still remember it.

Dong Wu Guoshi Dongfang Yi stood on the high platform used to watch the battle by the side of the racecourse and watched the group of black horses approaching from a distance.

These horses were once a symbol of the outstanding national strength of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Dongfang Yi stood in awe and waved towards the south.

The horse fence in the south was opened, and heavily armed soldiers riding the group of black horses galloped towards the practitioners on the north side.

There are nearly a thousand horses in this herd, but so many horses are neat and uniform together, and their hooves hit the ground step by step, making loud noises.

Practitioners with good eyesight opened their eyes wide and saw at a glance the reason why this group of horses were so powerful.

"Iron cavalry!"

someone exclaimed.

Every time they raise their hooves, the hard hoofs of the war horses are like sharp swords, piercing into the eyes of everyone.

Not all cavalry can be called cavalry.

It was the first time for many low-level practitioners to see horseshoes, and it was the first time they saw high-slung saddles and stirrups.

Standing in the wind and dust raised by the horses, Ying Baoyue quietly watched the scene.

This is the biggest difference between Daqin army horses and ordinary horses.

Horseshoes and saddle stirrups did not start out in this world.

The widespread implementation of horseshoes began in the Yuan Dynasty in that world, and the appearance of saddles and stirrups had to wait at least until the Han Dynasty.

Her master, Da Si Ming Lin Shubai, has advanced all this by hundreds of years.

"Is this the iron cavalry from the southern camp?" Ji Jiashu whispered as she stood beside her.

Although the world has slandered the woman who betrayed Nanchu a lot, it has to be admitted that that woman did change history.

Although he was the son of the Southern Chu State Master, it was the first time Ji Jiashu had seen a real cavalry.

20 years ago, Da Si Ming Lin Shubai introduced horseshoes and saddles and stirrups, turning the Daqin cavalry into iron cavalry.

The Daqin cavalry, whose riding skills were not outstanding among the six kingdoms, swept the entire mountain and sea continent for a while, opening up the situation of Emperor Taizu's unification war.

Xirong iron resources are scarce, and even if you master the technology, you can’t prepare a large number of horseshoes. After the war in the south, a large number of cavalry were transferred to the north and concentrated in the northern camp beside the Great Wall of Eternal Night, which became the strongest line of defense against Xirong’s invasion.

With so many iron cavalry at this time, where did the Soochow National Division come from?

"This group of war horses seems to be different from the ones I've seen before..." Chen Zichu, who was born as a general, looked at the bloody aura rushing towards his face from the group of horses, and murmured.

The Qin Empire used to have two largest barracks, one in the south and one in the north. The northern camp was all within the territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty. After the fall of the Great Qin, they all belonged to the Northern Wei Dynasty. The southern camp was divided between Southern Chu and Dongwu. In the barracks that Yan was in charge of, he had seen war horses from the Southern Camp.

At that time, the aura of that group of war horses had left an outstanding impression on him, but he did not expect that many of the war horses that appeared in front of everyone at this time were even more imposing than that group of horses!

"It's different," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "It's not all the war horses of the southern camp."

"There are also war horses from the northern camp."

She had worried about Dongfang Yi when she read the rules before, because after six years, there were so many participants in this mid-level ceremony, and the horses in the southern camp might not be enough, Ying Baoyue originally thought Dongfang Yi Zhao Muren will be asked to mobilize the horses of the imperial army or other troops hidden in Soochow.

But he didn't expect that Dongfang Yi used some means to transfer the horses from the northern battalion.

Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at Xu Canghai who was sitting on the high platform with Dongfang Yi from afar.

Is this the great gift from the Northern Wei State Teacher who came from afar?

As the group of iron riders approached, everyone also saw the difference in the approaching group of black horses.

Although the group of black horses are all black, some of them are scarred and have no fur in many places. It is no surprise that such horses are all old, but such horses all have extremely strong muscles and fierceness. Wild eyes.

It doesn't look like a horse, but a beast.

Just getting close, many low-level practitioners feel breathless.

Ying Baoyue quietly watched the group of guardians of the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

This is the most ferocious war horse in Daqin, and each horse kills more people than practitioners who have never been on the battlefield.

How could such a war horse be willing to be tamed by this group of young people?



With a bang, dust flew.

"Did it fall off again?"

The onlookers in the surrounding stands looked numb at the practitioner being carried out in front of the stable.

"This is already No. 30." Zhao Guang stood under the shed where the practitioners were waiting, and sighed watching this scene, "Except for practitioners above the Divine Dance Realm, no one would dare to choose the Northern Camp again." the horse."

Although the transfer of the war horses from the northern camp shocked the young practitioners, the blood of the young practitioners was boiling for a while.

But after the initial enthusiasm, everyone finally realized what it means to be bullied by a horse.

There are a total of about 500 practitioners left in this round, but there are a total of [-] horses transferred from Soochow. The examiners divided the candidates and the horses into ten groups, with fifty practitioners in each group .

In order to ensure relative fairness, as for the horse to be ridden on the field, each practitioner can freely choose from all the horses. For a total of fifteen minutes, one horse must be brought out regardless of whether the pairing is successful or not.

In the beginning, many ambitious young practitioners walked towards the scarred war horses, thinking that they could conquer these battle-tested war horses with their own outstanding true energy and courage.

But when they let the soldiers leading these well-trained military horses let go, and stretched out their hands to grab the dead rope, the teenagers discovered it.

This is purely their illusion.

No matter how much real energy they use to suppress them, these war horses seem to have steel and iron bones, they would rather bend than bend. There was a fierce howling on the horse field, and the black horses raised their iron hooves, and their muscles and muscles spurted away all the practitioners who wanted to climb on them. Come down and even want to step on it!
(End of this chapter)

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