Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 108 Yunmengze

Chapter 108 Yunmengze

It's him!

After countless years, Ying Baoyue raised her head in a daze in the rickety carriage of Qianqin driving towards Nanchu.

It's him.

The one she had only heard of before her death, but never met, was the new King Zhai of Xirong.

actually exists.


Ying Baoyue grabbed the clothes on her chest violently.

"Your Highness?" Lady Yao looked at Ying Baoyue in front of her and said in a daze, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine," Ying Baoyue clenched her clothes on her chest and raised her head to look at her. "Let me ask you, is there a new son of God at Xirong?"

"Son of God?" Mistress Yao was taken aback, "This... this..."

Why did you mention the Son of God?For her, second-level practitioners are all existences in the sky, she is really...

"So that's the case," Ying Baoyue looked at the woman in front of her with a clear expression. It seemed that at least there was no clear news.

"Haven't you heard of it?" She looked at Ms. Yao and asked.

Ms. Yao nodded quickly.

No new son of God was born, and it has been eight years since she died in her previous life, and now there are only five second-order surviving on the Shanhai Continent.

"The eight gods are still alive, are they the five?" Ying Baoyue asked lightly.

Lady Yao nodded, this is something that the people in the entire Shanhai Continent know, but for some reason, watching Her Highness the Princess in front of her say it herself, she always felt terrified when she heard it.

Are there five left?

Ying Baoyue's wrist felt severe pain again, but she stopped looking at her wrist.

"If you don't advance to the second rank, you can only live for one year."

The man's voice rang in her ears.

She is only ranked tenth now, and she can be crushed to death with just a single finger stretched out in front of the second-ranked God Son.


If the new King Zhai exists, what about the new Son of God?What happened to Xirong?What the hell is going on in this world?What kind of enemy, what kind of force, what kind of conspiracy took away such a powerful master back then?
Even if Xirong has a new son of God, how can the second rank defeat the human god of the first rank?Who else got involved?What kind of darkness is hidden here?
Where is my enemy?
Who is it?

Resisting the sharp pain in his wrist, Ying Baoyue took a deep breath.

She has one year to live.

This time is too short.

The obstacles standing in front of her are too strong.

Not to mention anything else, she might be the first to collide with the new young forces on this continent.

Will those six sons of the Warring States stand in her way?
She must first survive, first become stronger, first break through, and first...

Reached Nanchu alive.

Participate in the primary ceremony.

Ying Baoyue fastened the last belt on her body and opened the curtain.

The main road is far away, and further back, it is about to cut into a small road.



All the way to the south.

"Your Highness, Nanjun is ahead."

In the bumpy carriage, Miss Yao spoke palely to the girl who was quietly sitting at the other end of the carriage with her eyes closed.

ten days.

It's time to get here.

Are you finally here yet?

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes and looked at the haggard woman in front of her, "You can send an order for the convoy to slow down."

Ms. Yao breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, and then lifted the curtain of the car and shouted to a captain riding a horse outside, "Captain Lou, Your Highness said you can slow down a bit!"

The middle-aged soldier called Lou Xiaowei had a tanned face. He was the captain of the guard who was in charge of escorting the princess to get married this time.He is a sixth-rank cultivator, but at this moment when he is riding on a horse, his face is greasy. Hearing this, even his usually serious face has a gleam of joy.

"Brothers, you can walk slowly!"

It was heard that the sound of armor rubbing and soldiers breathing out came from outside the carriage.

"Thanks for your hard work." Officer Yao put down the curtain and put her body back into the car when she heard the girl sitting opposite say so.

"It's not hard work, I'm fine as a servant," Lady Yao looked at the girl who had been bumping around in the carriage for ten days and nights without changing her face, despite her aches and pains all over her body, "Your Highness... are you really all right?"

Is it really okay?
Ms. Yao asked what she had asked almost every day for the past ten days.

That's right, ten days.

Today, ten days have passed since Princess Heqin's convoy left Guiyang.

In front of them is already a county at the southernmost tip of the former Qin Dynasty.

South County.

Arriving in Nanjun means that half of the journey to get married has been completed.

Nan County is the most extensive county in the entire Shanhai Continent. It borders the northern part of Southern Chu, densely covered with mountains and forests, and the largest lake in the Shanhai Continent, Yunmengze, is located in it.

Yunmengze, known as "the largest sea in the inland", is the dividing line between the former Qin Dynasty and the Southern Chu Dynasty.

It is not accurate to say that the boundary line is actually too big, and the boundary line between the former Qin Dynasty and the Southern Chu Dynasty is also criss-crossed.

30 years ago, Nanjun was actually bigger. It was still the land of Chu 30 years ago. After Emperor Taizu unified the six kingdoms, most of its northern area was included in Wangji. The small half of the area became Beijun, the northern county of Southern Chu.

Yunmengze is also divided into two parts by the border between the two countries. The swamp lake to the north belongs to Nanjun and is still called Yunmengze, while the vast water surface to the south belongs to Beijun. Because of its huge and magnificent water surface, it is also called Lan by Chu people. sea.

The largest lake in the world, Yunmengze.

Before entering South County, Ms. Yao seemed to feel the overwhelming water vapor.

As a woman who grew up in the north, she originally wanted to appreciate the unique scenery of the southern mountains, forests and water villages, but let alone appreciate it at this time, if she did not have the order of the princess, she would not even have the strength to raise her hand.

From the former Qin Dynasty to the Southern Chu, it took at least a month to travel with light vehicles.

But now it's only ten days, half of the trip is already over.

And they are also a wedding convoy full of luggage.

Listening to the gasping of the guards and soldiers outside, Ms. Yao sighed heavily in her heart.

That's right, the fact that he was able to reach Nanjun in ten days was the result of speeding up the journey under the orders of one person.

Looking at the girl sitting in the carriage with a calm expression, Ms. Yao couldn't combine her with the desperate Sanniang who forced everyone to go on the road these days.

That's right, it was Her Royal Highness who ordered the entire convoy to rush day and night.

After leaving Guiyang City and turning from the fast road to the small road, Ying Baoyue gave the death order.Order the entire convoy to speed up, without stopping to rest at night, and head to Nanjun at the fastest speed.

The school lieutenant who originally guarded thought that His Highness was just acting on a whim. After all, he had to speed up even if he was traveling all night. No matter how hard the golden branches and jade leaves could bear, he followed for a while, but he didn't expect that the woman's order really lasted for ten days.

She followed them, and never left the carriage except for eating and washing. At night, she could hear her urging them to go on the road, as if there was a whip on everyone.

Hurry at full speed, eager to spark.

Everyone wants to ask, Your Highness, this is...

What is this for?
But Her Highness the Princess didn't tell anyone the reason, and her attitude was extremely tough. Xiaowei Lou, who originally thought he was the one who decided to go out, couldn't persuade him, and couldn't contradict the princess in the open. As a result, the girl really relied on her extremely firm opinion. Urging everyone to arrive in Nanjun within ten days.

The people on the way were exhausted, and the soldiers around them lost the strength to ask the reason. Anyway, Nanjun was in front, and the order to slow down was finally issued, and they could finally rest.

"Your Highness, are you really alright?" Lady Yao asked again.

"I'm fine." Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, then patted the blanket beside her, "You don't look well, do you want to lie down for a while?"

Lady Yao's eyes widened when she heard this, and she shook her head violently, "No, no, slaves are not tired."

The master didn't rest, how could she rest?
"Your Highness..." Looking at the girl who looked as calm as ever, Lady Yao tentatively said, "Nanjun is almost here, can you tell the servant, why are you leaving so fast?"

After all, the marriage period is one and a half months, and the convoy only needs to arrive within one and a half months, so why is there such a hurry?

When His Highness asked her questions before, he said that he would tell her when he arrived in South County.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, and was about to say, "This is because..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the guards suddenly shouted from outside the car.


(End of this chapter)

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