Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

"Master Captain! Someone is chasing our car!"

Less than a quarter of an hour after the convoy slowed down, and when all the guards were about to relax, a practitioner shouted suddenly from outside the carriage.

Everyone was tense during the high-intensity trip, and with this shout, the entire team shook.

Lady Yao was shocked when she heard the words. She had always had a vague feeling that Her Highness the Princess was on guard, but when she heard the shouts from outside the carriage, she suddenly had a bad guess.

Chasing soldiers?assassin?
And she was not the only one who had this guess, Captain Lou's hoarse roar came from outside the carriage.

"Quick! Protect Your Highness!"

"Speed ​​up! Drive!"

The carriage slammed forward, and the wheels that had slowed down immediately began to roll violently. Whether it was a pursuer or an assassin, let's get rid of it first!

"My lord, that man is still chasing him!"

"My lord, it's not just one, it's two people!"

There was chaos outside, the guards continued to shout, and Captain Lou's voice became more and more angry.

"Have you seen who it is? Is it an assassin? Which country?"

"and many more……"

Facing Lieutenant Lou's angry questioning, for some reason, the soldier in charge of the investigation suddenly stuttered.

"Your Highness..." It was the first time Miss Yao encountered such a thing, and her heart was pounding. Could it be a killer that the guards couldn't detect?
She rushed in front of Ying Baoyue, making up her mind that if someone wanted to harm Her Highness the Princess, she would protect His Highness even if she used her body to block it.

However, at the moment she pounced, Ms. Yao's pupils shrank, and she looked at the calm expression of the girl who was close at hand.

There was a panic outside, and the grass and trees were all soldiers.

However, she just sat quietly in the car, as if no enemy could frighten her.

"Your Highness..."

Officer Yao spoke in a daze, and at this moment a soldier shouted in surprise from outside the car.

"Master Captain, it's two children!"

At this moment, Ms. Yao saw the girl's originally calm pupils suddenly shake violently.





The gusty wind with water vapor hit Gui Chen's eyelids, making him almost unable to open his eyes. The luggage on his body became extremely heavy, and the shoes under his feet had already been worn out. The continuous days of running around made all his bones tingle. Crying to fall apart.

He thought he couldn't walk anymore, let alone run.

Until I saw the carriage.

"My sister runs very fast."

Once upon a time, that little girl's voice echoed in his ears, and Gui Chen responded from the bottom of his heart.

Ah, very fast indeed.

It is not difficult to find out the whereabouts of the Heqin Princess convoy, but it is extremely difficult to keep up.

It's too fast.

Every time he got a message, before he arrived with his return, the location on the message appeared in another place.

The two horses they had hired were exhausted and could only walk at this time.

How did such a huge convoy move so fast?

If he and Gui Li hadn't set off early, and the two of them had little luggage and could keep taking trails, they would have been left far behind.

Even so, he felt that he had reached his limit and was about to give up in despair.

It was impossible for him to catch up with her.

But even though he has been aware of this from a very early age, every day when the morning sun shines into his eyes, he will drag his feet with bleeding blisters to get up and continue to chase.

The pair of small hands beside him clenched him tightly, making Gui Chen have to puff up his chest.

Gui Li's face was also completely pale, and her physical strength was even worse and more often she had to rely on him to pull her away, but even so she didn't say the last word to give up.

However, on the morning of the tenth day, looking at his younger sister whose lips had lost all color, Gui Chen clenched his lips in embarrassment. Just when he was about to ask Gui Li to rest, the younger sister beside him suddenly froze. Then his eyes lit up.

"Brother, look!"


Gui Li's hand suddenly pointed forward, and then Gui Chen saw what he had been thinking about all these days.

At the moment when the team slowed down, he finally caught up.

The moment he saw the carriage, he felt he could run.

"Brother, chase after!"

In an instant, Gui Chen ran out.



Seeing a pair of boys and girls rushing towards his convoy not far away, even Captain Lou, who has been on the battlefield several times, was stunned, without any aura of practitioners, as if he wanted to be a car with his arms.

Who is this?What is this for?
No one would run after such a huge convoy even if they were escaping. Looking at the young man who seemed to be trying his best to catch up with them, he yelled.

"We are the princess's driver, and you will retreat quickly and do not disturb!"

The other soldiers shouted after him, which was enough to make any common people back away, but upon hearing their warning, the young man in the lead showed joy on his face, and ran even faster instead of retreating!
"You are not allowed to get any closer, and if you get any closer, it will be regarded as harassing the princess, and you will be shot!"

Captain Lou shouted again, but at this moment, he heard the boy in the lead open his mouth and shout something.

The boy's voice came downwind.


what is this?Xiaowei Lou frowned and was about to let the archer around him bow, but at this moment, the window of the carriage beside him suddenly opened with a snap, and an unexpected figure appeared in front of the window the next moment.

"Your Highness!"

The female officer's terrified cry came from inside the carriage, Xiaowei Lou looked at the girl who leaned out of the carriage with most of her body, dumbfounded.

"Your Highness? What are you doing, it's dangerous!"

Your Highness...

Gui Chen, who was running desperately behind the convoy, vaguely seemed to hear something, and his eyes widened against the wind and waves, and the next moment, his pupils shrank slightly.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

During these days of running around, what made him feel the most exhausted was not the fatigue of the journey, but the self-doubt in the dead of night.

Impulsively, he took his sister to chase after her, but what if the woman didn't want to have anything to do with him at all?
For a princess of a country, she may have forgotten about that barren courtyard long ago, so what is the point of his wishful thinking and looking for trouble.

He continued to torture himself like this, until in the air full of southern moisture...

He saw a moon-white cloud pattern.

A pattern that he was so familiar with that he could never forget it.

In the strong wind, Gui Chen opened his eyes wide, watching the woman who had been away for a month appear at the window of the royal carriage wearing the dress he bought, and leaned out towards him.

"Your Highness!" Captain Lou beside the carriage pressed Ying Baoyue's shoulder, "What are you doing!"

Ying Baoyue turned her head to look at him, "That's someone I know, stop the car and let them come over."

Colonel Lou was taken aback for a moment, and then flatly refused, "No! Your Highness, forgive me for not obeying your orders. Your Majesty has an order that no suspicious person is allowed to approach His Highness along the way!"

Then the man turned his head abruptly, "Listen, comer, if you come closer, you will be killed without mercy!"

The voice of the sixth-level cultivator spread throughout the convoy, but the footsteps of the young man behind the convoy did not stop.

Gui Chen glanced at Gui Li who was behind him who was barely keeping up, "It's too slow, come up!"

Gui Li looked into his brother's eyes and nodded, then took a step forward, Gui Chen carried him on his back and continued to run towards the convoy.

Captain Lou looked at the boy who ignored the warning, and shouted with veins floating on his forehead.

"Archer ready!"

Ying Baoyue, who leaned out of the carriage, shrank her pupils and reached for the arrowhead in her ear. However, at this moment, the young man suddenly yelled loudly.

"I am Guichen, the eldest son of the former Qin Da Sima's first line!"

"I will swear an oath here to become the strong shield of the Ying family!"

The officers and soldiers who originally stretched their bows let go of their bowstrings in astonishment. This is...

Captain Lou was shocked, and looked at the boy running towards him in disbelief.

In Daqin, there is an ancient tradition that there is a situation that no guard can stop a type of person from approaching the royal family.

That is when the children of the aristocratic family took the oath to become the iron guards of the royal family.

Tiewei, a dead warrior that only the sons of the family can swear to become, lives and dies with the royal family, and only protects one person for life.

After making such an oath, the life of the family member will no longer belong to his family.

Only for that person.

"I will entrust my entire life to the sword that protects the princess, and regard it as my only master. I will live and die together, and never be separated."

Gui Chen paused word by word, finished all the oaths in the strong wind, and made his last oath at this moment.

"Do our best to protect the glory of the princess!"

Ying Baoyue was in the carriage, reaching out to him.

Watching him carrying his sister on his back and running towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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