Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 110 The Oath

Chapter 110 The Oath
Amid the violent wind, the hands of the boy and the girl got closer and closer, while Captain Lou on the side suddenly clenched the hilt of his sword.

"Your Highness! Go back!"

"Stop." But before he swung his sword at the boy, a slender arm was right in front of his sword.

"Your Highness!" Colonel Lou shouted, but the girl glanced at him, "Since you don't stop, then I..."

She, what can she do?
With a thud, the rut fell into a puddle, the carriage tilted, Gui Chen slipped on the sole of his foot, bent his knees and fell forward suddenly!
"Brother!" Gui Li's voice rang in his ears.

Gui Chen watched helplessly as his hands staggered away from hers, and he was about to fall headlong into the water and swamp.

Is he still out of reach?

That was just a very short moment.

The fishy smell of mud and rain wafted through his nostrils.

However, just as he was about to plunge into the mud, in just a very short moment, there was a crashing sound next to his ear.

The next moment, a pair of hands supported him.

Gui Chen lowered his head in a daze, looking at the moon-white skirt soaked in mud, he slowly raised his eyes, and looked at the girl who was half kneeling in the swamp but still smiling at him.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

Gui Li, who was lying on his back and closed his eyes tightly because of fear, opened them in a daze, looking at the person who was far away in the sky but close at Chi Chi.

"I want to see her again."

A month is not a long time, but there are so many things separating them, even if they are close at hand, they should not be able to touch each other.

She and her elder brother were heading towards her, but at the last moment, it was she who came in front of them.

She jumped out of the carriage and came to them.

The staggering carriage ahead stopped, and Captain Lou, who rushed out, reined in his horse in astonishment, looking at the girl covered in mud behind him.

"Since I don't stop, then I..."

Should I just jump out of the car?
The man who had experienced vicissitudes of life opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and couldn't believe what he had just seen.

Just now, just after Ying Baoyue finished saying that, when the boy's hand missed her, the girl jumped out of the car window all of a sudden!

Jumping out of the high-speed carriage and rolling in the mud, he was able to immediately support the fallen boy.

What kind of woman is this?
"Your Highness!" Ms. Yao gasped as she lay on the empty carriage window, the thrilling scene just now remained in her eyes, and her heart almost jumped out. She never thought that one day she would see someone jumping out of the carriage window. !
"You..." Gui Chen stared blankly at the girl covered in mud, finally realized what she had just done, and a rush of blood rushed straight to his forehead.

"You actually jumped out of the car! What are you thinking, how dangerous..."

However, ignoring what his elder brother had to say, and staring at the girl in front of him, Gui Li stretched out his arms to Ying Baoyue.

"elder sister……"

The boy's words were interrupted by the voice and actions of his sister on his back, and the next moment he froze suddenly and couldn't say a word anymore.

Because he has been embraced into a warm embrace.

No, it has nothing to do with him, Ying Baoyue hugs Gui Li into his arms through him.

"Thanks for your hard work." He heard the girl whispering to his sister above his head, "I didn't expect to see you again. It's a good thing you managed to catch up here."

Gui Chen felt a warm liquid flow to the top of his head, and his sister was in tears, but he was stuck in the clothes on the woman's waist, at a loss.

Being caught between these two women was overwhelmed.

Should it be said that he should be glad that this position is next to him?Or is it better to rely on a little bit higher?
As if aware of his embarrassment, the woman let go of Gui Li with a smile and stood up.

"You..." Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue and opened his mouth in a daze, and at this moment the girl stretched out her hand to him.

"How long are you going to nest on the ground, if you don't get up again, you will be sick."

Gui Chen looked at the palm stretched out in front of him, and also stretched out his hand, but just as he was about to hold it, a man's roar came from behind Ying Baoyue again.

"Your Highness!"

Just now, looking at Ying Baoyue who was hugging the two siblings in front of him, Colonel Lou recovered from the shock, dismounted suddenly and strode over, reaching out to grab Gui Chen's shoulder, but the girl in front of her stretched out her other hand in an instant. A hand came out sideways to block him.

"Your Highness, please don't obstruct this minister from carrying out his official duties, this minister..."

"Go back."

The voice like cutting gold and jade made the man in armor stunned.

Along the way, even if it was arguing that the girl was gentle and polite to the guards, her voice was still calm at this time, but he felt that it was indisputable.

"Lieutenant Lou, if you act rashly again, I will..."

Looking at the earrings on the girl's ears, the man's heart trembled.

He didn't take the words of the vase princess seriously at first, and before he set off, Da Sima gave him thousands of instructions, not to obey the princess' orders at critical moments in order to protect the princess' safety, but at this time he was a little afraid of the woman's words.

Because he finally found out, the woman walks the talk.

She said that if she had to travel for ten days without rest, she would really be able to go without rest.

She said that if he didn't stop, she would really dare to jump out of the car.

He really couldn't let her say anything this time.Be soft first.

"Your Highness, I ask you not to embarrass me..."

"Lieutenant Lou," but the girl in front of him spoke quietly in front of him.

"You have your responsibilities, I understand, but you are not qualified to prevent the royal family from appointing iron guards."

iron guard.

Captain Lou's pupils shrank, and he looked at the woman in front of him in astonishment, "Your Highness, do you really want to..."

Ying Baoyue didn't look at him, but just stared intently at the young man in front of him, maintaining the gesture of reaching out to him.

"Guichen, what you just said..."

Gui Chen was startled, and then grabbed Ying Baoyue's hand suddenly.

Ying Baoyue pulled him up from the mud while he watched her eyes open.

"I was serious."

He looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes seriously, "I have made an oath, and the world will bear witness to it."

"Your Highness, Your Royal Highness Princess Ying."

Guichen put down Guili, bowed to Ying Baoyue, then knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and performed the most solemn etiquette of the family.

"Are you willing to accept the oath of the grass people?"

Ying Baoyue looked at him fixedly, and then said, "Okay, I accept."

Gui Chen's eyes lit up, but the next moment he heard the girl in front of him quietly say, "But I don't accept living and dying together."

"Ah?" Gui Chen was taken aback, while Gui Li and the other soldiers around him also looked at the girl in the center of the crowd in a daze.

Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen and said, "I am willing to accept you as my iron guard, but I do not accept the oath of living and dying together."

The royal family's iron guards live and die together, and the guards must die with the lord.

Although the Ying family is no longer considered a royal family, the tradition remains the same.

If something happens to the lord, the iron guard must commit suicide.

"But..." Gui Chen said in a daze, "Your Highness, I just swore..."

"You made the oath as the eldest son of Qin Dasima," Ying Baoyue interrupted him, "but your mother and your father are reconciling, and you are no longer the descendants of returning home, so the oath just now does not count. "

Gui Li's eyes widened in astonishment.

Can you do this?

(End of this chapter)

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