Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 117 Explosion

Chapter 117 Explosion
In front of the carriage, riding on the horse led by the school captain with a cold face, Gui Chen looked at the setting sun that was gradually sinking into the horizon.

"elder brother?"

Gui Li, who was holding his waist behind the rider, poked his head out, holding an unlit torch in his hand.

"You haven't forgotten the location of Ludang that sister said, have you?"

Gui Chen frowned, "How could that be!"

Although the place Ying Baoyue mentioned was twists and turns, he had memorized the location she pointed to in his mind verbatim.

"Then hurry up," Gui Li patted him on the shoulder, "If you don't catch ducks until dawn, we won't be able to catch up with His Highness."

How could he not find such a clear route, Gui Chen frowned again, and...

The young man clenched his fists, since she said she would let him be her bodyguard, she would never break her promise.

Mother said that she is a person who keeps what she says, and at this time, Gui Chen is not worried about her abandoning them.

She never misses a word.

She said that if there are ducks in the reed pond, there must be ducks.


"I was just thinking..." Gui Chen murmured but didn't continue.

He was just thinking, why did that woman know the terrain of this swamp so well?

It is said that Princess Baoyue seldom shows up, and she should seldom go out.And the calm look on the woman's face when she told him the reed route to catch ducks, he always felt familiar.

"What is it..."

"It's getting dark and looking for trouble," the captain in front of him let go of the rein and stared at him coldly at this moment, "Hurry up and hurry back!"

He didn't expect that he would have to divide his forces to find the two children!
Still in such an easily ambushed terrain.Xiaowei Lou thought of the princess's waywardness, and his face became very ugly.

Gui Chen frowned when he heard the words and tightened his grip on the reins.




The Gui brothers and sisters left the carriage like this.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhao Guang stared wide-eyed, listening to his brother's narration without any emotion.

Li Ji led him to move several hills, but the sunlight gradually dimmed, and even with the bamboo tube, it was difficult for him to see the situation below, so he could only listen to his brother's dictation.

"Is she..." the boy murmured.

After Li Ji made that astonishing inference, he wanted to find reasons to refute it countless times, and the woman still stayed in the carriage as if she didn't realize the crisis, just when he thought everything was Li Ji's over-speculation. Time……

As dusk fell, the woman made another move.

"It should be what they were instructed to do," Li Ji said calmly looking at the mountain, but added, "The woman pointed to a hunting path without practitioners."

There are no moves for enemy pawns.

The two guests who joined temporarily were sent out of the battle intact.

Li Ji stared at the criss-crossing paths down the mountain.

He really wanted to take everything as a coincidence.

He looked up at the setting sun that was about to sink, "It's about time."

"When?" Zhao Guang, whose heart was already cold, was shocked when he heard this.

"When the devil meets."

Li Ji said quietly, "When Emperor Taizu created the cultivation system, he mentioned this moment countless times."

This is the most suitable time for ambushes and assassinations to start, and it is also...the time when the commander-in-chief is best at using troops.

"But, second brother, I still haven't figured it out." Zhao Guang stood beside Li Ji, looking at the setting sun in the distance, and suddenly spoke quietly.

Li Ji looked sideways at him, "What don't you understand?"

By this time, there was no surprise.Zhao Guang didn't want to admit that Li Ji's speculation was not for some boring man's self-esteem.

Zhao Guang clenched his fists.

Just for sheer fact.

He is not a genius like his second brother, everything he has so far is based on solid intelligence.

As his second brother said.

The way of heaven is always.

"Even if this woman wants to lure the enemy to go deep and catch them all," Zhao Guang looked into Li Ji's eyes and said quietly, "but the question is, how will she deal with so many practitioners?"

The young man who was laughing and cursing at first, now his eyes were piercingly cold.

The so-called lure the enemy to go deep and catch them all in one go is based on the fact that one's own side has ambushes!
But where is the woman's ambush?
This is also the most unexplainable point in Princess Baoyue's series of unreasonable behaviors.

Even if Li Ji's conjecture was fully admitted, Zhao Guang could understand that she reduced the number of ordinary guards, but if she didn't have peerless masters as hidden guards, if there weren't thousands of troops ambushing under the mud of the Ludang swamp.


This so-called luring the enemy is his nonsense!

Zhao Guang's chest rose and fell, and he couldn't understand it.

If he didn't have Li Ji by his side, he could still have delusional thoughts, but Li Ji himself had already affirmed that there would not be any masters lurking by her side, from the heavenly ranks to the earthly ranks.

Even if it is a breath-holding talisman, it is impossible for such a long time without a trace.

and so.

That girl has only herself.

Oh, and there is a female official who is as thin as a bamboo pole.

No one could have imagined how this woman could die and survive.

He also couldn't answer his brother's questioning.

Li Ji stared at the carriage surrounded by night.

What this woman does is always the opposite.

The carriage had deep ruts, but it was empty inside.

No one and nothing.

He couldn't imagine what a tenth-level cultivator could do.

Impossible to do.

It is impossible to break through this impasse.

The sunset put away the last ray of light, and at the moment when the darkness fell, countless torches lit up in an instant in the originally silent mountains and fields!

Like the fire of hell, the horn of harvest sounded.

Brother Li Ji stood on the mountain and watched the wedding procession surrounded by countless torches.

it has started.

"Come out in full force, then the next hit is sure to hit." Zhao Guang murmured.

They can't help her.

Such a huge wedding team still carries a lot of weight, there is no chance of breaking the game.

Li Ji looked at the carriage surrounded by flames.

Did he guess wrong?

Why not desperately bring more people?Why not give it a final struggle?
True Qi surged in the man's body.

Did you really... know this was going to happen?



"What?" Gui Chen, who was pounced on a duck in the middle of the reed, turned his head to look at his sister who was standing by and chatting with him, "What did you say?"

Gui Li blinked, "I'm talking, my sister is obviously a princess, so there are really few people and things to take with you when you go out."

Gui Chen wiped the sweat from his brow, recalled the carriage that was as empty as a snow cave, and nodded doubtfully, "It's quite a few."

"It almost makes me disillusioned with the life of the royal family." Gui Li Fu forehead said, "I only brought a palace man and a makeup box with me."

Gui Li recalled the scene she saw in the carriage. There was nothing of the resplendent and exquisite things she imagined, only a wooden box containing many clay pots, which she thought should be rouge and gouache.

"Oh, and the dress you bought bro." Gui Li said.

"Maybe she doesn't like extravagance." Gui Chen said, "But..."

There was still something special about that carriage.

He was pulled into the carriage, and when he got into the carriage, he seemed to have stepped on something.

"The bottom of the carriage," the young man said slowly, "seems to be paved with a stone slab."

Gui Chen frowned, saying that the slate was not quite right, there seemed to be something else.After becoming a cultivator, he can feel something.

"Okay, hurry up and grab the duck back..."

Gui Chen wiped his sweat and said, but the next moment his pupils shrank!
In the distant reeds, countless torches suddenly lit up, and the direction was actually...

Countless wild ducks flew up.

The boy's voice echoed in the reeds.



"Your Highness!"

The soldiers' mournful yells resounded throughout the swamp, Captain Lou looked at the blade that was slashing his head, and his mind was torn apart.

How could this be... no no no no!

In the terrified eyes of all soldiers, they saw the worst nightmare of their lives.

All that happened in just a short moment.

The moment the sun sank below the horizon.

The lights of hell are on.

Originally, there was a dead silence without even breathing, and countless torches suddenly lit up like ghosts, and in the next moment, countless hidden weapons and blades rushed like rain!

From nothing to existence, from life to death, the danger is like an egg, and it will be overturned in an instant.

Practitioners pouring in from countless small roads instantly overwhelmed the convoy.

Zhao Guang hugged his elder brother tightly on the top of the mountain. In the firelight, the young man saw this cruel and terrifying scene that made his scalp tingle.

The surrounding guards were separated in an instant, and they were as fragile as paper, so that it was unbearable to read, while countless practitioners climbed into the carriage in the center, and devoured it densely!

"Second brother, don't move, you can't..."

However, at this moment, Zhao Guang found that Li Ji's body froze suddenly.

What's wrong?However, before Zhao Guang could react, the world suddenly changed.

A loud bang!
A red light soared into the sky from the boy's stunned pupils.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, blood and flesh splattered.

In the night, the carriage was surrounded by the dense crowd like this.



(End of this chapter)

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