Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 118 Dazzling

Chapter 118 Dazzling
"what do you want?"

Ying Baoyue clearly remembered that shortly after she woke up in this life, the boy looked at her and asked.

And she spoke without thinking.

"I want a sword."

Why did she want a sword then?
Countless will-o'-the-wisps lighted up outside, Captain Lou's heart-piercing shouts sounded outside, the carriage suddenly stopped and shook violently, the roof of the car heard the loud noise of countless practitioners' feet stepping down, and the next moment countless killer's swords When passing through the carriage, Ying Baoyue sat quietly in the carriage, but suddenly remembered this incident.

In fact, she herself didn't know why she wanted a sword at that time.

Let alone swordsmanship and swordsmanship, she doesn't even have the memory of holding a sword in her mind.

But as soon as she said it, as soon as she noticed the unnatural void in her memory, she understood.

Her sword was taken away.

In her previous life, she was probably a practitioner who used a sword.

However, in this life, all of these, together with her memories of cultivation, disappeared completely.

Feeling the dangling arrowhead next to her ear, Ying Baoyue remembered the military ban that Gui Chen had said.

Receive the soldiers of the world and weaken the people of the world.

However, the sword she used was not taken away by the military ban, but was given to someone by her. She didn't remember who it was given to, but she had a vague impression of this, but since she has the impression, it means this Memory has nothing to do with practice.

What was taken away from her was the more important sword.

There is nothing crueler than having all memories of using a sword taken away from a swordsman.

But she was lost just like that, and she didn't even know who took it away.

And without the sword, she became extremely weak.

She is weak.

Weaker than any moment she had left in her memory.

In the palace, she couldn't even deal with an assassin, so she had to run for her life in a hurry. It was conceivable that if there were a few more such assassins on the road to marriage, even if they were not ranked fifth, they would be enough to exhaust her to death.

She is weak.

She was a rank tenth who had just broken through, surrounded by impromptu guards with no strict organization, and was not allowed to possess even a sword in her hand.

She is weak.

Everyone thought that she was carrying an invincible spell, but she was the only one who knew that this spell had completely disappeared, and died together with the owner of this body.

If she is killed, she will die.

Even if she wasn't killed, the curse in her hand would kill her sooner or later.

She is weak.

She knows her opponent is strong.

He can easily sneak into the princess and kill the princess, he can mobilize countless high-level practitioners, he can find out all the information about the princess and his relatives, and he may even be able to sneak into the guards.

What's even more frightening is that no one else knows about the crisis she is in, and no one from the former Qin Dynasty will believe it.

She is weak.

So she has long been tired of meaningless disputes.I don't want to watch some people play tricks and deal with assassinations again and again.

So she has to kill most of the opponents at once.

She is weak.

Amidst the scorching fire and the cold sharp blade, the girl raised her face and looked at the thin and frightened female officer beside her, her eyes lit up like lights.

and so.

She can't bring too many people.

She is weak.

She can't keep anything, at most.

Only one person can be saved.

"Your Highness!"

The moment the torch was lit outside the window, Ms. Yao felt dragged into a bizarre world.Fire light, knife light, sword light, and the smell of blood, Ms. Yao has only seen such a scene once, and that was when Afang Palace was forced into the palace by the multinational coalition forces.

But even that time, because His Majesty quickly surrendered, no army entered the palace in the end, and even though she was bullied in the palace, she only realized at this time that life and death were always far away from her.

At the moment when the torch was lit, she thought it was just a simple assassination, Lord Lou and the others would definitely be able to solve it, after all, this is the convoy of the Princess and Princess, protected by His Majesty's personal guards, with...

"Your Highness, don't be afraid, Lord Lou and the others will take good care of you..."

Lady Yao suddenly inhaled to calm her beating heart. In such a scene, as the only person beside the princess, she must remain calm and let His Highness...

"Miss Yao."

Ms. Yao's pupils narrowed slightly, and she looked at the calm girl in front of her and spoke quietly.

"No matter what happens later, remember to hold on to me."

What, what is His Highness talking about?
Lady Yao's head was in a state of confusion, she knew she had to stay calm, and she wanted to protect Her Royal Highness with all her might, but the next moment there was a bang, and the carriage sank suddenly.Ms. Yao only felt that the blood all over her body was congealed.

It’s over.

There is only one voice in the woman's mind.

Listening to the dense climbing sound in her ears, Ms. Yao's eyes showed despair.

She knows better than anyone what it means for a princess to be so close by an assassin. The assassin's close guard means that she exists in name only.

Accompanied by the sound of clicking one after another, more than a dozen swords stabbed straight into the carriage. Officer Yao's pupils dilated and suddenly let out a shrill cry, and rushed in the direction of Ying Baoyue.

Even with flesh and blood, she would stand in front of His Highness and prevent His Highness from being humiliated.

However, at the next moment, when the carriage was on fire and the carriage was filled with swords, Lady Yao felt that someone was holding onto her shoulders.

The next moment, someone pushed her, bullied her, pushed her under the sword and pushed her straight to the corner of the car.

Ms. Yao stared wide-eyed, looking at the face of the girl who was close at hand.


Lady Officer Yao saw the raging flames rushing up behind the girl. In the tiny triangular space in the carriage that was not pierced by a sword, she was supposed to rush towards the princess, but at this moment she found that the girl's slender arms were wrapping her around her. Enter it and arrive at the corner of the carriage.

Before Ms. Yao could react, the carriage sank again, and the car curtain was chopped off, revealing the face of a blood-stained hideous man.


Numerous people crowded their faces and wanted to crawl into the car, and Ms. Yao was so distracted that she thought she would go crazy, but at this moment, a scene in the small space left caught her attention.

In this life-or-death desperate situation, she saw the girl in front of her bow her head and suddenly smiled.

In the sea of ​​swords and flames, Ms. Yao could hardly believe her eyes.

She is laughing.

The girl laughed a lot.

But there has never been a smile that is more beautiful than the one in this sea of ​​flames.

As if this was her original posture.

In this small space where she was pushed against the corner, Ms. Yao seemed to be acquainted with this woman for the first time, and the next moment she heard Ying Baoyue say softly with a smile.

"Sorry, Aunt Yao, I may die later, don't be afraid."

What is Your Highness going to do? !Ms. Yao's mind went blank, but before she could react, the killer by the window was trying to squeeze into the carriage, and the leading man with a savage face showed a sinister smile and slashed at the girl's back.

Officer Yao saw the girl in front of her pull the makeup box full of clay pots and push it into the fire!

A loud bang!
Ms. Yao's ears also beeped, and then she couldn't hear anything for a very short time, only seeing flames splashing everywhere. She didn't know what it was but knew that she was about to be blown to pieces.

At this time, the huge carriage is like bamboo thrown into the fire during the New Year, bursting in all directions, and those who want to rush into the carriage are also like snowflakes, and I think I will also...

However, at this moment, Lady Yao in the silent world opened her eyes wide, looking at the smile on the corner of the girl's mouth in the burning hell.

In the violent explosion, Ying Baoyue threw herself down, and at this moment.

A huge figure rose slowly from behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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