Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 119 Fighting

Chapter 119 Fighting

On the top of the mountain, Zhao Guang looked at the huge explosion in the distant swamp and shouted!

In the overwhelming red light and black smoke, the boy's pupils dilated slightly, and it was hard to believe his eyes.

No one thought of it, no one could think of it.

Just when the carriage that was the target of public criticism was heavily surrounded, when countless practitioners climbed into that carriage, and just as the killers who were under siege gathered in one place, the carriage in the center suddenly exploded.

That's right, the carriage exploded!
It really exploded.

Flames splashed and there was a bang.

"Crazy, all crazy."

The fire light shone in his pupils, and Zhao Guang let go of Li Ji's hand in a daze. At the same time, he found that his brother was also as stiff as a rock, staring at the sea of ​​fire below the mountain, and the violent breath echoed around the man.

"She's crazy."

Zhao Guang looked at this scene and didn't know what to say.

Looking at the countless practitioners who were blasted away by the violent explosion, and hearing the screams that spread throughout the swamp, he only had this thought in his mind, that woman was indeed crazy.

Gathering so many practitioners by using their body as bait, and then blowing up the entire carriage in an instant, is this something human can do?No, can the person who did this still live?
"Is that woman crazy? With such a big impact, how can the people in the carriage survive!" Zhao Guang rushed to the cliff and shouted desperately. He staggered suddenly and almost fell off the cliff.

A hand grabbed his collar from behind, Zhao Guang knew who it was, but he didn't turn his head but stared blankly at the carriage blown to pieces down the mountain.

Even if the carriage is like this, one can imagine what will happen to the mortal body.Thinking of the woman he had seen who he thought was the weakest and only now realized how strong she was, Zhao Guang tasted blood in his mouth.

"Second brother, she..."

With her own life, she has severely injured countless high-level practitioners. This will be the most glorious battle in the history of cultivation, and it will also be the most tragic...


Zhao Guang's eyes flashed with water, but the water froze in his eyes.

"Zhao Guang." Li Ji's breathless voice came from behind him.

"Second brother." Zhao Guang looked down at the mountain and murmured, "Am I blind?"

"You didn't." Li Ji stared blankly at the huge black shadow erected in the center of the explosion trace where countless practitioners scattered and fell in the raging flames, unable to speak in a daze.

"What is that?" Even without the bamboo tube, Zhao Guang could still see this scene at this moment, this strange and unbelievable scene.

"That's her." Li Ji said in a daze.

That's her.

In such a violent suicide explosion that even high-level practitioners could hardly protect themselves from direct attacks, even he did not expect it.

"She's not dead." Li Ji said.

"What is that?" Zhao Guang continued to ask, what is that black thing on the ground?
she alive?She's behind that thing?
At this moment, he felt that the foundation of his practice had been impacted. How could a level ten survive such an explosion?
"That's a stone slab." Li Ji looked at the mountain and said in a daze.


Everyone thought that the woman was buried in the sea of ​​flames in the explosion, but the flames and black smoke dissipated, only to see a huge stone slab.

Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide, watching the huge square-shaped object on the bare ground being lifted, revealing the figures of two women.

In the violent explosion, only the two of them were unscathed under its protection.

So that's...


"No, it's not just the slate." Li Ji looked at the mountain and said in a daze, the slate could not withstand such a big explosion.

It was still a piece of iron.

The half of the woman's back is made of stone, and the outer half is made of iron.

The slate is heat-insulated, and the iron plate is explosion-proof.

This is a strong shield that the woman specially prepared for this explosion.

Li Ji stared blankly at the scene in front of him, as if waking up from a dream.

The horse ruts are deep because of this!

She really knew everything.

She had hidden one of these specially made slabs under the car from the beginning.

Li Ji looked at everything in front of him, recalling what happened just now, and was speechless.

This explosion was planned by her, but...

How on earth did she do it?
Routes, explosions, stone slabs, one ring after another, the girl set up a perfect trap all by herself, but no one knew how she did it.

How does a princess get these things?
You must know that gunpowder is the undisclosed secret of the army, and it will be controlled by the heavenly gods of various countries and will not be disclosed to the outside world!Even Ying Hanri couldn't get it out!
They watched her get into the car with only a dress and a pile of clay pots that the lady had brought from the dining room.

Clay pot?

Li Ji's eyes shook violently.

At this moment, Officer Yao, who was buzzing in her ears, opened her eyes, and looked at the girl reflected in the firelight with her scattered eyes.

With a bang, the girl lifted the stone slab on her back, stood up amidst the burning fire on the grass, and stretched out her hand to her.

Slate, Miss Yao blinked, she remembered.

It was His Highness who asked her to pick it up from the broken secret passage of the Taishi Temple. She was still surprised how there were such neatly cut stone slabs, and they were double-layered.

It took her a pair of jewelry to get the guards to help her into the carriage overnight. At that time, she thought it was just His Highness wanting to use it as a stepping stone.

Ying Baoyue looked at the smooth stone slabs on the ground and smiled.

The secret path of the Taishi Temple was built by the master, using double-layer iron-clad stone slabs, which cannot be broken easily, thanks to the practitioner assassin who used fine wire to help her cut it so beautifully.

Although it is a bit heavier, I still want to thank the enemy for the explosion-proof shield provided by the friendship.Otherwise, she would not have dared to carry out such a bold plan.

As soon as the gunpowder exploded the wagon, she was able to survive by lifting the slate that had been hidden in the bottom of the wagon at first.

"Your Highness, are those clay pots..." Miss Yao, who was limp on the ground, looked at her and asked in a daze.

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled.

At the same time, she looked around, looking at her guards who were separated by the killer and were almost untouched by the bomb, and the peripheral killer who was shocked by the explosion just now and buried in the crowd.

That day Ying Baoyue asked Lady Yao to go to the imperial dining room before getting into the car.

A nitrosulfan three charcoal.

Saltpeter is used as medicine, steamed buns are smoked with sulfur, and charcoal is everywhere.

Medicinal reconciliation is also the specialization of a tenth-level genius doctor. The reconciliation method of gunpowder originally existed when a page of the pharmacopoeia was torn out, which is the so-called taboo reconciliation method.

I am not allowed to use cold weapons, so I have to use hot weapons.

Who told me to wear clothes all my life?
She gently stroked the arrowhead next to her ear.

She is not allowed to use cold weapons.

She can also use heat weapons.

Looking at the practitioners who stood up staggeringly not far away, Ying Baoyue's eyes lit up.

The cultivator couldn't be killed, but at this moment, the person next to the carriage had already collapsed with blood and meridians cut off, and it was impossible to get up again.

The explosion just now has already eliminated at least [-]% of the combat power, so it must be very painful.

But this is her war.

Officer Yao looked at the killers who were surrounding them again, and opened her eyes wide in despair, but the next moment she heard the girl in front of her put her fingers into her lips and blew a clear whistle, and a bay red horse struggled to get out of the pile of collapsed killers. climb out!
At the moment when the carriage exploded before, Miss Yao saw the woman kick the edge of the already broken carriage!
The horses that were originally pulling the cart rushed in front of them, but in the next moment, Lady Yao felt her whole body vacated, and the woman got on the horse in an instant and pulled her onto the horse's back as well.

"Hold me tight!" Officer Yao only heard the woman shout, and she instinctively hugged the slender waist of the girl in front of her.

It was such a slender body, but the next moment the voice belonging to this slender body rushed to the sky.

This is the voice of a practitioner.

"From now on, disband the wedding team!"

"Listen up, all former Qin soldiers! Immediately, I will go to Southern Chu by myself, and you will only have to fight for your own life from now on!"

"Excuse me and other innocence documents before leaving, this palace has been placed under the seat of the Lord of the Taishi Palace, and you can declare it to Your Majesty when you return to the palace!"

The brothers on the mountain, the brothers and sisters of the Gui family in the distance, the soldiers in a panic, and the remaining killers with cruel faces and blood all over their bodies.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

However, the next moment, the woman's horse had already rushed out of the encirclement.

This is her own war.

"Aren't you going to start a war?"

Officer Yao looked at the girl in front of her and looked back at the killers who were surrounding her again, and loosened the ribbon around her neck.

"Then come on."

(End of this chapter)

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