Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 12 Dangerous

Chapter 12 Dangerous
If it is said that a person can be invincible in the world if he can achieve the peak of one thing, then in a sense, the current former Qin Da Sima Guichang is also invincible in the world.

Of course, this great Sima, who relied on his ancestral shadow to ascend to the position of first-rank minister, was no more accomplished than his ancestors.

On the contrary, he has achieved another thing to the extreme.

That is spoiling concubines and destroying wives.

The morning of the first day of June in the seventh year of the Warring States Period.

Ying Baoyue, who was following behind the mourning Gui brothers and sisters, turned her head and glanced thoughtfully at the dilapidated courtyard going away behind her.

The roars of the people in the Sima Mansion's mansion were still echoing in the air. Looking at the heavy footsteps of the Gui brothers and sisters, Ying Baoyue finally solved a question in his heart.

That is the mystery of the situation of the Gui brothers and sisters.

Gui Chen didn't lie to her, the young man she met by chance was indeed the legitimate son of former Qin Da Sima.

A well-behaved young master.

However, I am afraid that he is the most down-and-out son in the entire former Qin Dynasty.

After learning about what happened to Gui's siblings and their mother, even the well-informed Ying Baoyue couldn't help sighing.

It's too bad, it's really too bad.

I didn't expect that I would encounter such a bizarre life experience if I was picked up by someone casually in the wild.

Ying Baoyue has been wondering why Da Sima's legitimate son and wife live in such a small farmyard.

What Gui Li said about "being driven to this place" is even more unusual.

Now all mysteries are solved.

Gui's siblings and their mother were indeed driven out.

And it was not someone else who drove them out of Sima Mansion.It is the husband of the Mu family, the biological father of Guichen Guili, the master of Sima's family, former Qin Da Sima Guichang.

It's just that the master in Sima Mansion's mouth is indeed Guichang, but the wife in their mouth is not Mu Shi.

It's Da Sima Guichang's favorite concubine, Guichen Guili's aunt, Chuji.

Doting on concubines and destroying wives.

This is a bridge that happens in every family, but this Da Sima really belongs to another level.

Ordinary people are at best secretly eccentric, but they can pass on face.But for the sake of his concubine and concubine, this great Sima actually drove the first wife and the first son and daughter out of the mansion and forced them to live in a side courtyard.

This is not over yet, he also asked his son-in-law to go to the mansion to pay respects to that aunt on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year.

It is truly extraordinary.

It is simply a fighter in spoiling concubines and destroying wives.

The servants of Sima's mansion who kicked open the door to Gui's house this morning called the young master, and their attitude towards Gui Chen was not at all a master.

Through the fluttering tulle on the veiled hat, Ying Baoyue looked at the backs of the young girls in front of them who had lost their energy. The servants of the Sima Mansion on both sides squinted at them like prisoners, their faces full of disdain .

Now she can finally understand why Gui Chen and Gui Li have such prickly personalities.

It is unbearable for any boy or girl to be humiliated despite being born in a noble family.

These two children can barely maintain their minds from being swallowed by hatred, which is probably related to the kind and steady heart of their mother Mu.

That woman is a real lady.

"Why, isn't it an eye-opener?" Gui Li, who was walking beside Ying Baoyue, suddenly said in a low voice.

Ying Baoyue glanced at her, not knowing what to say, after all, the brothers and sisters were the ones with such a father, and...

Ying Baoyue's eyes became serious.

When she was alive back then, doting on concubines and destroying wives was against the laws of Qin, not to mention that court officials would be accused of damaging their personal morality if they made a big fuss.

Such things exist in broad daylight today, which means that the current imperial court...

Ying Baoyue clenched her fists under her sleeves quietly.

"What, are you scared?" Seeing that the woman beside him was silent, Gui Li thought it was because of the situation.After all, for any young lady, kicking the door and insulting her is like hell.

This woman is exquisite in every way, and she looks like a pampered young lady. This situation must be unheard of. She has not said a word since she went on the road. Maybe she was scared out of her wits?

"I told you not to be brave enough to follow," Gui Chen also frowned and looked at the girl beside him.

When the door was kicked open early in the morning, under his mother's persuasion, he dragged the girl onto the bed and covered her with a quilt, intending to pretend that she was still awake.But he didn't expect that the picker just kicked the picker when he asked the woman where he picked up, and the man's head stuck out of the door frame.

Wearing a veiled hat that she didn't know where to find, she walked into the yard and said without any tension, "I'll go with you."

Thinking about it, Gui Chen was speechless, whether this person knew he was afraid or not.

The mansion is full of monsters that eat people and don't spit out their bones. If it wasn't for his mother's kindness to protect her, he wouldn't bother to care about her!

"I want to go and have a look," Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen and smiled, "Since someone wants me to go, let's go together."

She is not only curious about the "big house" that the Gui brothers and sisters regarded as a scourge, but also the Sima Mansion of the former Qin Yipin Gongqing.

Curious about the favorite concubine who can make the former Qin Da Sima drive out all the legitimate children.

It is even more necessary to understand the present world.

Seeing this woman's ignorant appearance, Gui Li became annoyed, "This is just the beginning, there are more eye-opening things waiting for me in the future!"

"Ah Li's words are not nice, but she is right," Gui Chen on the side agreed with his sister's words for the first time, "When it's time, don't talk nonsense, just follow us honestly, don't cause trouble for us, you know ?"

The young man spoke harshly to Ying Baoyue.

After all, once they got there, they couldn't protect themselves. Who would have thought that this woman who can speak and act casually would...

"You're going to get caught and cause trouble. Don't blame us for not being able to save you." Gui Li strode forward and said without looking back. Gui Chen nodded while looking at his sister and the people around him. Girl, what my sister said is a bit serious, he has to beware of what this girl will do again...

At this moment, the girl beside her suddenly stopped.

"You..." Gui Chen frowned and was about to reprimand him, but he saw the girl next to him suddenly stretch out her hand, grabbed Gui Li's clothes in front of her and pulled her sister back violently!
After Gui Li staggered, his eyes were full of shock and anger, "You..."

A clatter.

Before the little girl could curse out, a bucket of stinky water suddenly fell from the sky, splashing all over where Gui Li was standing!

Gui Li looked at everything in front of him in astonishment.

The black-yellow liquid on the ground splashed onto her feet, emitting an incomparably stench. One could imagine what would happen if she was poured over her head.

Accompanied by the bucket of stinky water, there are children's piercing laughter.

"Hahaha, throw this bastard to death!"

"Let her have a good taste of the recipe made by the young master this time, huh? She avoided it? It's impossible!"

Protruding from the top of the wall was the head of a little boy wearing a purple gold crown, grinning triumphantly, but when he saw clearly what was going on under the wall, the laughter stopped suddenly.

And the servants who were dodging on both sides looked at Gui Li who had escaped a catastrophe, with strange expressions.

Everyone froze.

The scene was very quiet for a while.

"It turns out that it is indeed very dangerous."

In the dead silence, only a young girl's voice broke the silence.

Ying Baoyue let go of Guili's clothes, smiled and said.

Then she gently lifted her foot to step over the puddle of smelly water on the ground, and continued to walk forward.

After walking two steps and realizing that no one else was moving, Ying Baoyue turned around and looked at the Gui brothers and sisters behind him.

"Why don't you go?"

(End of this chapter)

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