Chapter 13
Facing the clear spring-like eyes of the girl under the tulle, the stench in the air seemed to be far away from Gui Chen in an instant.

In the space full of malice, her existence is the only exception.

It is also the existence that no one expected.

The usual scene of the Gui brothers and sisters being bullied did not appear, and the servants who were gloating and hiding aside to watch the excitement were at a loss at this time.

Gui Li, who had survived the catastrophe, looked pale and shocked, but the shock was not only because of the bucket of stinky water.

"Why?" She didn't look at the culprit who poured her stinky water, but just stared at the calm girl in front of her, as if nothing that happened just now had left a speck of dust in her heart, and murmured, "Why? ..."

Gui Chen at the side knew what his sister was surprised about.

The bucket of stinky water came without the slightest sign. Judging from the reactions of the servants around, it was known that it had been planned for a long time.

And... Gui Chen's eyes sank, as long as it was a prank that bastard wanted to do, there would be no failure.

Because everyone will help him succeed.

From childhood to adulthood, he and his younger sister suffered countless losses both openly and secretly, but they never escaped once.

This is the first time.

Gui Chen raised his head.

And everything is because of this woman in front of him.She looked calm, as if she just stretched out her hand naturally, but resolved the crisis of returning home.

Gui Li hadn't asked yet, but someone was angrier and more impatient than her. A little boy in a brocade robe jumped up from the wall with a bang, followed by a maid yelling "Second Young Master, slow down".

The little boy stepped on the shoulders of the thick servant, and stared viciously at the strange girl under the wall with his small eyes, but it was a pity that he could only see the top of a veiled hat from his angle.

The broken gong's voice exploded on the top of the wall.

"Where is that wild woman! Dare to destroy my good deed!"

"How do you know that the young master is going to splash water? Huh?"

Ying Baoyue turned to look at Gui Chen, and said softly, "Your concubine brother?"

Gui Chen could see clearly that the girl didn't look up at all, but she meant what she said.

Gui Chen nodded, "His name is Gui Rong, he is ten years old this year, he is..." The boy paused, and Gui Li said in disgust, "He is the son of my father and that woman."

The darling of Great Sima Guichang and Chu Ji, the little overlord of Sima Mansion, Gui Rong.

He is also Gui Li's lifelong enemy.

I see, Ying Baoyue nodded.

Gui Chen was still thinking about how this girl would treat Gui Rong, but she never thought that her interest in Gui Rong seemed to end there.

The boys on the wall were swearing and swearing like rain, but the girl under the wall turned a deaf ear and turned around, "Let's go."

"What?" Gui Li asked in a daze, "Let's go?"

"Aren't you going to see your father?" Ying Baoyue looked at her strangely, and then at the servants on both sides, "Aren't you leaving?"

"Oh, let's go..." The servants on both sides finally came to their senses.

If it was normal, when the eldest lady and the eldest young master were in a state of distress, nothing would happen and everyone would be unaccustomed to it.

Including Guichen and Guili.

Of course, this time the stinky water was more severe than any other time, I really splashed it but I couldn't walk away, Gui Li looked at the stains on the ground with hatred and fear.

The girl's fingernails dug into her palm, and she was about to raise her head to scold angrily, but seeing the calm back of the woman in front of her, Gui Li's clenched fist slowly lowered.

Gui Li was a little stunned, her lungs would explode normally, but the image of that woman's back was magical, and for the first time a strange feeling appeared in her heart.

Gui Chen unexpectedly looked at his younger sister who calmed down inexplicably, and suddenly lost interest in haggling with the younger brother who was cursing at the wall.

"Okay, let's go..."

However, in the next second, a black shadow suddenly exploded!
"I want to go, I want to be beautiful, I want to die...huh?"

There was a cracking sound, and Guichen Guili was shocked, and saw a piece of tile flying towards Ying Baoyue in front!

If you hit the head, it will kill you!


The next moment, the Gui brothers and sisters clearly saw what they hadn't seen just now because of their panic.

The moment before the tiles arrived, Ying Baoyue took a step back.

The veil in front of the girl fluttered slightly.

"Ah!" A servant screamed in the next moment, and Gui Rong had slammed into Ying Baoyue's tiles, and the tulle on Ying Baoyue's veil brushed past, and suddenly hit a servant on the other side. thigh.

The sound of bones breaking could be seen from the strength of the tile just now.


If once can be said to be accidental, twice is abnormal.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the girl who seemed to be able to predict the future.

"How do you know..." Gui Chen rubbed his eyes and his back felt cold, this woman acted as if she could perfectly predict the danger.

But he was sure she was an ordinary person!
Although Gui Rong was only ten years old, Gui Chang and Chu Ji gave him countless miraculous medicines, and he possessed supernatural powers at such a young age.

As for the girl in front of him, Gui Chen clearly remembered that she couldn't even walk steadily yesterday!

"I don't know either, it's probably just a feeling," Ying Baoyue looked back at Gui Chen, and said with a smile.

The servant's screams interrupted the conversation between the two. The boy who was hit was rolling all over the ground with his legs in his arms and twitched all over his body. Everyone's face was ugly.

Gui Rong on the wall grabbed another tile angrily, at this moment, a wrinkled hand grabbed his wrist.

"Butler Li!" Gui Rong stared at the old butler with wide eyes, "Old man, let me go!"

Gui Chen's eyes were cold, he and Gui Li had been bullied so many times, the old butler of Sima Mansion never showed up, let alone stopped them.

This time it appeared.

It's really rare.

The old housekeeper stood on the ladder, frowned and glanced at the seriously injured servant who was rolling outside the wall, and then looked at Gui Rong.

Although being insulted, Butler Li's wrinkled old face was full of respect, but there was something indescribable in this respect.

"Second young master, the master and wife are still waiting for the young master and miss to pay their respects, don't make the master and madam wait, let's play later."

Butler Li's old hand was full of veins, but it was like cast iron, Gui Rong struggled desperately but couldn't break free.

The corner of Ying Baoyue's eyes froze slightly.

Are you a practitioner...

"You bastards, wait for me, I will kill you next time!" Gui Rong struggled to no avail, and was finally half pushed and half dragged off the ladder and disappeared on the wall.

The Gui brothers and sisters breathed a sigh of relief, the seriously injured servant was carried away, everything seemed to be calm again, and the group started on the road again.

However, the closer they got to the gate of Sima Mansion, Ying Baoyue saw that the hairs all over the Gui family's brothers and sisters were about to stand on end.

The huge house gate finally appeared in front of everyone, of course only the corner gate was opened to Gui Chen and others.

The plaque of Da Sima's Mansion hangs high, staring coldly at the boys and girls passing through.

Ying Baoyue and Gui's brothers and sisters stood in the yard, she raised her head, under the scorching sun, Gui Chen blocked her and Gui Li behind her, using her body to shade them.

Beads of sweat continued to seep from the boy's neck and dripped onto the ground.

But both Guichen and Guili no longer feel this pain.

They'd rather stand outside than go in.

Half an hour later, that Butler Li appeared.

The old man's cloudy eyes moved slowly over the three people in the yard, for some reason they stopped on Ying Baoyue, but then quickly moved away as if they were scalded.

He coughed before watching Gui Chengui leave his mouth, "Master was called out urgently by His Majesty, you go to pay your respects to Madam alone."

His Majesty.

Urgent call.

Ying Baoyue moved her fingers slightly.

Putting aside her thoughts, the news of Guichang's absence made Guichen Guili somewhat relieved.

The three of them were led to a luxurious courtyard. The main house was as extravagant as a small palace.

Gui Chen and Gui Li clenched their fists tightly, and there was a strong sense of alertness in their eyes.

Standing outside the threshold, Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at the woman sitting on the highest place deep in the room.

Is that Chu Ji, the favorite concubine of Da Sima Guichang?

However, before she could see the woman's figure clearly, there was a crisp cracking sound in the room!

(End of this chapter)

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