Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 14 Chu Ji

Chapter 14 Chu Ji
pat, pat.

The dark green tea dripped drop by drop from the seat.

Like thick blood.

Gui Chen's front foot had already stepped on the threshold, and the sudden drastic change made the soles of his feet freeze in mid-air. Also stiff was the expression on the young man's face as he entered the door.

Gui Li followed behind him, and finally couldn't restrain the fear in his heart just before entering the door, he lowered his head and grabbed the hem of his brother's clothes.

As a result, with a bang, she lowered her head and bumped into the back of the stopped Gui Chen.

"Ouch!" The little girl raised her head with a scream, and Gui Chen, who was standing on one foot, wobbled and nearly fell.

The next moment, a slender hand stretched out from behind and grabbed his arm.

"Be careful." Ying Baoyue said.

In the end what happened?
Gui Chen listened to the cool voice of the girl behind him, and stared at the scene in the room in astonishment.

What was broken was the teacup.

The servants in the room who were always proud in Guichen's memory were also in a panic at this time.

"Oh, madam, be careful! You didn't cut your hand, did you?"

"You little hoof, why do you serve Madam!"

Just at this time.

"Okay, Ms. Wang, I just broke a teacup. I'm fine. Don't make such a fuss."

Outside the threshold, Ying Baoyue, who was holding Gui Chen's arm, raised his head.

The woman's voice sounded out amidst the noise, but it was very clear and rational, with the power to calm people's hearts.

It was as if she wasn't the one who lost her composure and fell to pieces as soon as the door was opened with the teacup in her hand.

This is not the same as ordinary people's impression of pet concubine Jiao Didi.

Ying Baoyue stared at the beautiful woman in the head seat, but her eyes were as deep as the sea.

She was also the woman who made up for her gaffe with just one sentence, and made the room quiet again.

Yes, gaffe.

Gui Chen stared blankly at the woman in the room who brought too much darkness to him when he was a child. Of course he knew that this woman's appearance was very different from the bad woman in the world, otherwise it would be impossible to deceive so many people.

And he knew even more that the scariest thing about this woman was her tightness.

She won't say a wrong word, don't do a wrong thing, and won't reveal a flaw.

But just now, he clearly saw that the woman raised her head and looked outside the door, then shook her hand and dropped the teacup for the first time.

Looking out the door?

What did she just see?
Gui Chen suddenly turned his head, his face was buried in softness head-on.

It is the veil on the veil.

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue raised her veil slightly and smiled at him.

"'s nothing," Gui Chen took a deep breath and turned around.

Probably not.The boy's heart beat a little faster.

But besides Guili, there is only that mysterious girl behind him.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Chen'er and Li'er are here, come in quickly." The devil's call interrupted Gui Chen's conjecture, and Gui Chen felt his younger sister's hand tightening on the corner of his clothes behind him.

Gui Chen clenched his fists.

Yes, now is not the time for him to think about anything else.

The young man raised his head with cold eyes, and the woman on the high platform in the house smiled sweetly, she had two children early tomorrow, but she still looked like a [-]-year-old girl.

This is the woman Gui Chen and Gui Li hate the most in this world.

The favorite concubine of Guichang, the chief commander, and the actual mistress of Sima Mansion, Chu Ji.

Chu Ji looked at her husband's son-in-law, the smile on her face remained unchanged, and the people around her breathed a sigh of relief. What happened just now was really just an accident, probably just the madam's slippery hand.

Only Chu Ji glanced over the blurry figure behind Guichen Guili, glanced at her right hand without showing any emotion, put it back in her sleeve and clenched it tightly, piercing her nails into the palm of her hand.

"Okay, come in quickly."

Gui Li's hands gripping the corner of Gui Chen's clothes became tighter, even his calves trembled.

Something is not right.

Ying Baoyue looked at the Gui brothers and sisters in front of her and her heart moved slightly.

Although I can understand Chu Ji's harm to the siblings, but just entering the door, the physical reactions of the siblings are a little too strange.

Ying Baoyue frowned suddenly, looked up at the roof of the house, and then lightly stepped on the ground with his feet.

Such a resplendent and resplendent house has a very tacky name on the plaque hanging above it.

Longevity Residence.

Usually only the houses of the elderly will be called such names.It really doesn't fit the image of Da Sima Chongji.

"Here... come in."

Gui Chen's deep voice sounded, and Ying Baoyue raised her head to watch the two siblings hold their breaths and slowly step into the door in great resistance.

And at the moment of entering the door, the air flow seems to have undergone a subtle change.

No one else in the house noticed.

It turned out to be the case.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes slightly.

"The girl in the back is the one brought back by Chen'er, so hurry up and let the concubine take a look."

Chu Ji looked at the only girl standing outside the threshold, and smiled lightly.

Ying Baoyue didn't move.

"Why don't you come in? Don't be afraid, I won't eat you." Chu Ji narrowed her beautiful eyes, and Gui Chen turned to look at the girl outside the threshold.

"What's the matter with you?" The young man said in a low voice, frowning tightly.

She was the one who insisted on following, and it was her who came and refused to enter the door. What kind of tricks does this woman want to play? Does she really want their siblings...

"You really won't eat me." At this moment, Ying Baoyue finally spoke.

However, she looked around the whole room, smiled and said, "But this room is hard to say."

What do you mean?
Gui Chen opened his eyes wide and was confused.

The other servants also seemed to hear crazy words.

"What's going on? Did the young master pick up a fool?"

"Birds of a feather really flock together..."

"What audacity! See how madam doesn't take off the veil, what kind of impertinence!"

Gui Li frowned in disgust, feeling very ashamed, as expected, this woman couldn't spit out anything...

"She sees it." An old voice echoed in someone's heart.

"who are you?"

Just then, a piercing voice pierced the air.

Gui Li was shocked and looked up in astonishment, only to see Chu Ji's eyes turning cold inch by inch.

This is the first time Gui Li sees this kind of expression on this woman who is usually the most able to control everything.

"Ma'am?" The old nanny named Wang Mama looked at Chu Ji.

"You all go out." Chu Ji was slightly taken aback, and then she returned a gentle and perfect smile on her face again, "I want to talk to Chen'er, Li'er and this guest."

The people in Yanshouju were a little surprised, but they were obviously well-trained, and they left quickly. In an instant, there were only Gui's brother and sister Ying Baoyue and Chu Ji left.

"Who are you?" Chu Ji stared at the girl outside the threshold with great interest, "What do you see in my room?"

She looked at the girl wearing the veiled hat contemptuously, "I was so scared that I didn't even dare to enter..."

Chu Ji didn't finish her sentence.

Because the next moment, the skirt of the girl outside the threshold lifted slightly and stepped into the room.

There was no hesitation, no fear.

She walked up to Gui Chen and gave a slight salute to Chu Ji.

"This is impossible……"

Looking at the girl's body that didn't shake or tremble at all, Chu Ji seemed to see the most impossible picture, "Why are you..."

"Not afraid?" Ying Baoyue straightened her body and smiled at her, then continued, "Not affected by the spirit veins?"


With a click, the handle of the wooden chair beside Chu Ji cracked.

Ying Baoyue stared at her quietly through the veil on the hood.

This house is built on the spiritual vein, its existence is a kind of magic technique, and the function of the magic technique is...


This Chu Ji probably used this method to intimidate the Gui brothers and sisters, making them instinctively fear her from the bottom of their hearts.

Sure enough, she is not an ordinary concubine.

It's just that being able to do something like this means...

"I didn't expect that there are still people who can see it, let me see what you are..."

At this moment, Chu Ji, who was at the top, suddenly let out a hoarse laugh, which was so weird that it was frightening.

Gui Li screamed and covered his mouth.

Ying Baoyue frowned, the gorgeous young woman above her seemed to have mutated in an instant.

Those eyes, which had an indescribable sense of dissonance with her appearance, suddenly turned white, and the whites of the eyes turned upward, indescribably weird and frightening.

Those eyes with more white than pupils moved slowly on Ying Baoyue's body.

And the next moment it stayed on Ying Baoyue's left wrist, a shrill scream suddenly came from inside the room!

Guichen Guili and Ying Baoyue opened their eyes wide.

I saw Chu Ji rolled her eyes, blood was dripping from the corner of her eyes, she covered her eyes and fell back!

"It's actually a ruby-level curse!"

The woman's screams were also mixed with clear laughter.

"So you're going to die soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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