Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 15 Curse

Chapter 15 Curse
The woman's voice echoed throughout the life extension center, it wasn't loud, but the madness in the words was enough to make people get goose bumps all over their bodies.

The originally glamorous concubine now looks more like a crazy witch.

"Husband... madam..."

Even Gui Li was dumbfounded, he gasped and grabbed Gui Chen's arm tightly.

But Gui Chen was more terrified by the meaning of Chu Ji's words.

After all, he had never seen such a terrifying appearance of this woman.

Back then, she was also playing tricks like this, and falsely accused her mother as an ominous person in front of her father, which would ruin the fortune of the Sima Mansion. At that time, when Guili was young, her mother hugged her tightly and covered her eyes.

And that eight-year-old boy, no one sheltered him.

He saw clearly.

The boy clenched his fists tightly.

However, the distorted appearance of Chu Ji in front of him is more permeating than Gui Chen's memory, and even carries a terrible meaning.

like a prophecy.

What did she just say?

Although he has never been able to become a practitioner, Gui Chen has been in contact with the knowledge of the practice world for a long time. From Chu Ji's crazy words, Gui Chen heard something ominous.

If, as he guessed, the curse Chu Ji mentioned really refers to the curse of the cultivation world...

Gui Chen turned his head to look at the silent girl wearing a veil behind her.

It was obviously a bad word aimed at her, but she stood upright without shaking at all.

The skin slightly exposed on the wrist is as white as jade.

Wait... Jade?

Ruby Curse?

Gui Chen's heart skipped a beat suddenly.

Just now Chu Ji's voice was hoarse and vague, he hadn't heard clearly what the pronunciation of the words before the curse corresponded to, but now when he thought of jade, Gui Chen's face suddenly changed.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Gui Li felt his elder brother's body stiff, shook him suspiciously, bit his lip and asked, "What is a curse?"

Chu Ji slowly stood upright like a doll on a string, with a crazy smile still remaining on the corner of her mouth, she just looked at the boys and girls below.

Ying Baoyue clenched her left hand and stared into her eyes.

Gui Chen stared at the two women who were staring at each other in a strange atmosphere, and spoke stiffly.

"Curse is a technique used by practitioners to kill people."

No, it's not accurate to say that, because the existence of curses is far older than practitioners.

"Practitioner..." Guili's big eyes were full of disgust, but then he looked at Chu Ji on the high platform, and it turned into deep fear.

As if wanting to embolden himself, Gui Li took a deep breath and curled his lips, "If you want to kill, kill it directly, what's so great about not daring to kill directly."

"Li'er has grown up," Chu Ji on the high platform seemed to have regained her consciousness, and showed an inscrutable smile, "I can make sense now."

Ying Baoyue stared at her face, only to see Chu Ji looked down at her body, and the moment she looked up, a trace of fear flashed away in her eyes.

It seemed that she was also terrified of her reaction just now, unable to control her body.

But the next moment, the woman continued to chuckle, and looked at Gui Li who was being protected by Gui Chen like a poisonous snake, "It's not that simple to curse and kill."

"Besides, there are different levels of curses." Chu Ji sneered, "Even the lowest level of curses can make people suffer the most terrible pain in this world."

Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank slightly.

"This woman... What crazy things are you talking about..." Gui Li's hair was about to explode from Chu Ji's stare, and he hid behind Huichen, "Brother, she must be lying again..."

No, the part about the curse didn't lie.

Gui Chen took a deep breath.

Because cursing is indeed the most vicious way of killing people in the practice world.

It will go deep into the bone marrow little by little, and finally kill the person performing the surgery.

An overly intense curse would also cause death on the spot, and the death would be extremely painful.

Even the lowest bronze level can make ordinary people change their colors.

The level of curse is no secret.

Gui Chen raised his head bluntly, looking at Chu Ji who was staring at the girl named Mingyue by him.




Further up is jade.

It is obviously a vicious and twisted sorcery, but it is named the level of this world's treasure, revealing full madness.

The curse of the gold level can already scare the immortals, it exists in legends, and the jade level above that, Guichen has always regarded it as a legend in books and unofficial history.

Even above legend.

After all, it is said that only the gold-level curse was used for the death of the last emperor of the Xia Dynasty in the former Xia Dynasty.

The curse of jade, just in the fabricated stories among practitioners, is also the existence that can stop children from crying.

The curse of the highest position.

The worst curse ever.

As for the so-called "Red Jade Class", Gui Chen has never even heard of it, what is it...


Ying Baoyue repeated in a low voice, then suddenly raised her hand and pressed it to her chest.

She may not remember more about the curse than Gui Chen.

She could instinctively feel that something was wrong with the scar on her left wrist, but she didn't know what it was.

Ruby Curse?
Although she didn't have this name in her memory, Ying Baoyue almost immediately thought of the red jade on her neck when she heard this statement.

The piece of ruby ​​that came along with her time travel.

She wondered if the piece of ruby ​​had a name.

But on the surface, it is a ruby.

Ying Baoyue stroked the piece of jade on her chest, and looked at the beloved concubine who had returned to normal with a complicated expression.

She inexplicably made such a prophecy to herself, as if she was being caught by something.

All of this reveals a strangeness. If it is really the curse of jade, how could a little Sima Chongji know about it?

Chu Ji has her influence in this house, but she is not up to the level in the face of the deepest darkness in the practice world.

Believe it or not, though.

The Ruby Curse.

And the ruby ​​on her body.

Is all this a coincidence?
"You are still so calm when you hear that your life is not long. It seems that you don't believe what my concubine said?"

After looking at Ying Baoyue for a while, Chu Ji saw that the girl below did not scream and question the panicked girl as she expected, and a crack appeared on her perfect face.

"Your words are not trustworthy." To Ying Baoyue's surprise, before she could answer, Gui Chen suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

I don't know if he wanted to comfort her, but the boy in front of him looked back at Ying Baoyue, "No one will believe your words except father."

The young man's mouth was piercingly disgusted, and he said every word, "The words of the female practitioner are all nonsense."

female ascetic.

Seeing the hatred in the eyes of Gui's brothers and sisters, Ying Baoyue moved her fingers slightly.

Guichen Guili hated female practitioners so much, not only because it was a rumor in the world.

Ying Baoyue understood from the first second she saw Chu Ji.

There are more immediate reasons.

Because Da Sima Guichang's favored concubine, Chu Concubine who persecuted Sima's wife and son-in-law without any scruples.

It is a female practitioner.

"Does no one believe the words of female practitioners..." Faced with Gui Chen's disdainful words, Chu Ji chuckled, "I am born with a rank of [-], but I am just a little girl of rank [-], but I can't enter The witches."

A born practitioner.

Ying Baoyue moved her fingers slightly.

"Bah!" Gui Li finally responded.

The smile on Chu Ji's face subsided.

She cast a cold glance at Gui Li, but finally her eyes fell on Ying Baoyue again.

Chu Ji's voice became hoarse and treacherous again, dragging on for a long time.

"It is true that women cannot cultivate, but the curse of ruby ​​in their bodies did not kill them instantly, so what the hell are you?"

The whites of the woman's eyes appeared again, and Ying Baoyue suddenly felt a sharp pain in her spirit, as if something was invading her body!

"Let me take a look at your memory."

The woman on the high platform showed a sweet and twisted smile to Ying Baoyue.

(End of this chapter)

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