Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 16 The Truth

Chapter 16 The Truth

Guichen's shout resounded throughout the Yanshou Residence.

Everything happens in just a split second.

Seeing Chu Ji's smile, Gui Chen felt chills all over his body, and the next moment he turned around, he saw Ying Baoyue clutching his temple and clenching his lips tightly!

Gui Chen had only seen Chu Ji's smile like this once.

After that one time, he and his mother and sister were swept out of the house.

This is the real smile on behalf of that woman.

Once she showed that smile, no one could stop what she was about to do.

If she wants to be detrimental to people, she will make people unable to survive or die.

Neither her mother's status as a direct lady from a first-class family nor her father's childhood sweetheart friendship can't stop her.

What can a girl who is only fourteen or fifteen years old do?
Even if Chu Ji killed her on the spot, no one would care!

The nightmare of that year came back to Gui Chen. At the age of eight, he could do nothing but watch the most important person being hurt. At the age of 15, he was still unable to do anything.

Chu Ji's winning smile corroded Gui Chen's heart like venom.

Despair and regret flooded the boy's heart in an instant.

It’s over.

He should have stopped this girl, no, she shouldn't have met him in the first place.

If he hadn't picked her up, she wouldn't have encountered such a thing.

Even though he was in prison, he still acted recklessly, so that this unidentified girl was implicated.

No, I named her myself.


In the boy's shouts.

Ying Baoyue had a severe headache and clutched her head, her vision was blurred.

In the sight full of blood, she raised her head to look at the proud smile of the woman on the high platform, a black shadow flashed past her in a blur, and at the next moment, it seemed as if a hand had penetrated into her chest, Want to dig out her heart.

Cut open her body as Ying Baoyue and touch the deepest things.

Little by little, poke in.

An excited smile appeared on Chu Ji's face, and the five fingers of her raised hand slowly tightened, her divine sense stretched out her hand towards the girl's deep memory...

In a very short moment.

It's like slow motion.

Chu Ji smiled triumphantly.

Ying Baoyue covered her head and bent down.

Gui Chen turned around and rushed towards Ying Baoyue.

Gui Li couldn't bear to close his eyes.

The next moment, an extremely tragic cry soared into the sky.

Gui Chen's heart beat so fast that he even wanted to close his eyes.

Because he was afraid that what he saw the next moment would be the scene of the girl like morning dew falling to the ground.

Just like the mother who fainted here back then.

The figure of the girl wearing her mother's old clothes overlapped with the figure of her mother in memory, and the boy gasped for breath and sweated profusely...

"elder brother!"

Gui Li's sharp voice awakened Gui Chen from his nightmare, and the next moment he suddenly opened his eyes, and was shocked on the spot.

The wind gently brushed the girl's veil.

Beads of sweat trickled down her face drop by drop.

And those eyes, which are more crystal clear than everything in the world, are staring at him.

"Guichen, I'm fine." Ying Baoyue raised her head amidst panting violently, and smiled at Guichen.

The girl's face was covered with sweat, but she still stood.

She is not a mother.

Gui Chen stared blankly at the picture.

She actually...

Wait, that scream just now was...

Gui Chen turned his head suddenly, his pupils shrank.

On the high platform, Chu Ji, who was originally aloof, was bleeding from all seven orifices, and her whole body twitched!
How is this going?


Trembling violently, Chu Ji raised her finger and pointed at Ying Baoyue, staring at her with terrifying eyes bleeding from the corners of her eyes, but she avoided it the next moment.

The emotion in her eyes rolled violently, as if she saw something most terrifying.

No, it's better to say that she doesn't remember seeing anything at all.

The moment her consciousness came into contact with the girl's memory, her consciousness broke.

The endless viscous darkness surged up, and the huge waves hit her head, as if to swallow her up!
what!Chu Ji screamed.

Her consciousness blocked what she saw in order to protect herself.

Something completely unbearable.

"If you don't have that mental capacity, I suggest you not to try it casually." Chu Ji looked at the girl who was slowly straightening up and looked up at her, and spoke to her lightly.

Chu Ji trembled all over, looking at the girl not far away, it was like looking at an abyss.

If it was normal, if a little girl dared to speak so boldly to her, I would let her experience the fear from body to heart.

However, at this time, he looked at the young girl below.

She couldn't even restrain the urge to back away.

That terrifying feeling still lingered in every part of her body, causing Chu Ji to feel pain like needles all over her body, making her heart even more frightened.

What has this girl been through?
She just glanced at it lightly, and almost couldn't bear it, and this girl...

Chu Ji's body twitched again, and the blood flowed more fiercely from the corners of her eyes. The backlash from the blow just now caused great damage to her.

"This lady..."

Seeing Guichen Guili's astonished eyes, Ying Baoyue raised her hand with a wry smile, "I didn't do anything to her."

It was this woman who insisted on touching her memory.

She didn't even know what exactly Chu Ji saw and was turned into this.

What exactly is her memory?
Amnesia is really inconvenient.

But looking at Chu Ji's appearance, if something really happened... Ying Baoyue felt a headache.

This is in Sima Mansion.

But the next moment, Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide.

Because Chu Ji on the high platform suddenly struggled to get up, twisted her body, and took a strange step.

This is?

The blood in the woman's eyes flowed even more, dripping to the ground, but Chu Ji slid out the second step stepping on her own blood.

This is……

she is dancing

Following Chu Ji's weird dance steps, the blood on her face gradually stopped, and her convulsions also eased.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes.

After regaining her composure, Chu Ji slid back to her seat, took out a towel and wiped the blood on her face, while looking up at Guichen off the stage.

"That's all for today."

Chu Ji seemed to be avoiding something, she stopped looking at Ying Baoyue, her voice was weak as if nothing had happened before.

"I'm tired, step back."

She didn't know who she was talking to, she looked at the mid-air and opened her mouth lightly.

"You can do it yourself."

"What the hell is this..." Gui Li was confused, his eyes turned around the others, "You haven't explained what the curse is, and it's not long before fate is..."

However, before he finished speaking, Gui Chen suddenly covered her mouth, half pushing and half pulling her out.

At the same time, the boy grabbed Ying Baoyue's sleeve with his other hand and spoke abruptly.

"I'm waiting to retire."

Ying Baoyue took a look at Gui Chen's eyes that were as deep as ink, and followed him around.

The door of Yanshouju closed slowly behind them as if being manipulated.

Ying Baoyue turned her head and took a last look at the woman in the depths.

Chu Ji's face was hidden in the darkness, she no longer looked at them, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

With a click, the door closed tightly.



"Why does that woman feel that her mind is getting more and more abnormal?"

The setting sun hit the three boys and girls walking side by side.

On the way back, Gui Li finally couldn't bear the silence and spoke loudly.

"The devil knows." Facing his sister's question, Gui Chen was a little absent-minded, and replied lazily.

"Why did that woman target you today? Is there really a curse on you? Who are you?" Gui Li took a deep breath and stared at Ying Baoyue, who was ignoring him.

"Okay, what do you have to ask one by one." Gui Chen finally raised his head and glared at Gui Li, then silently looked at Ying Baoyue with a calm expression.

"I have to follow, you should understand now, right?" Gui Chen recalled his aunt who was neither human nor ghost sneered at Ying Baoyue, "My aunt is that kind of person, from now on you..."

"Alone?" Unexpectedly, at this moment Ying Baoyue suddenly raised his head and looked at Gui's brothers and sisters.

"What's wrong?" Gui Chen frowned.

"It's nothing," Ying Baoyue smiled, and the next moment she spoke softly.

"Aren't there two people who sat on it in the room just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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