Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 17 Master

Chapter 17 Master
Isn't it two people?

The girl smiled and spoke, speaking the thoughtful and frightening words very naturally and without any psychological burden.

The three of them fell into dead silence.


A cold wind blows.

Gui Chen and Gui Li were terrified.

Gui Li's big out-of-focus eyes moved away from Ying Baoyue's body stiffly, and the next moment, the little girl's screams soared into the sky.


Gui Li suddenly hid behind Gui Chen, pointed at Ying Baoyue and shouted, "Brother, I don't want to live in the same room with her tonight!"

If you don't live in the same house with her, do you want me to live with her?

Guichen's brain was a little stagnant, and he didn't know what to think for a while, so he thought about it blankly.

After all, there are only two bedrooms in Guijia courtyard, one for Guili and Mu, and one for him alone.

Mingyue slept with Mu Guili last night.

Gui Li doesn't want her. Could it be that she... sleeps with him tonight?

The boy's ears turned red quickly, and his heart beat like a drum, but the next moment, Ying Baoyue, who hadn't waited for a response, looked over at him.

There was a hint of doubt in the girl's spring-like eyes, like a basin of cold water pouring Gui Chen from head to toe.

Wait, what am I thinking?
Gui Chen came to his senses, wishing he could slap himself.

But the next moment he realized his abnormality.

He was ashamed of his mind-wandering just now, but once he woke up, he knew that he was subconsciously afraid of what Ying Baoyue said, so he would let his mind go blank and think wildly.

"What's wrong? Could it be that what I said... what I said was correct." Ying Baoyue looked at him with a smile and said.

It is normal to ask here if what I said is wrong!

She obviously didn't take Gui Li's screams seriously.

It all comes back to that scary topic.

Gui Chen put away his shame, and stared coldly at the normal-looking girl in front of him.

"Two people? What do you mean?"

The sun hasn't set yet, although she has too many secrets, Gui Chen doesn't think this woman will be so boring as to tell ghost stories to scare people.

Although she was actually telling a ghost story.

At that time in Yanshou Residence, Chu Ji sent out all the servants, and she was the only one sitting at the top.

However, the girl said that there were two people sitting on it?
Combined with Chu Ji's terrifying reaction, it really made people crawl all over with goosebumps.

This thing sounds scary at first.

Ying Baoyue glanced at the boy's tightly clenched fists, and spoke quietly.

"It's literally."

"What nonsense are you talking about! We're not blind, so can't that woman still be separated?"

Gui Xin's sense of absurdity overwhelmed his fear, poked his head out and stared at Ying Baoyue and spoke loudly.


Gui Chen suddenly trembled all over.

The young man stretched out a hand to block the younger sister who was about to speak, looked up at Ying Baoyue, and slowly spit out a word.


Ying Baoyue looked at him and nodded.


Gui Chen twitched and took a step back, looking at her in disbelief, only shocked in his heart.

"It's actually like this..." The young man muttered to himself as if he had been greatly shocked.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? What is possessed? What's going on?"

Gui Li, who didn't understand, shook Gui Chen, it took him a long time to realize, and he stared blankly at his sister.

Because of Chu Ji's persecution, she almost changed someone's sister.

Gui Chen has always regarded Chu Ji as his biggest enemy.

However, only now did he realize that there was actually another person who harmed their brother and sister.

And it can be seen that it is the first time seeing Chu Ji... this girl.

Gui Chen grabbed his younger sister's hand and looked at Ying Baoyue with a complicated expression.

"What exactly did you see?"

"What kind of thing is attached to it, can you carefully... No, please tell us carefully."

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Gui Li realized something was wrong, and looked at Ying Baoyue in astonishment, "That woman..."

"In short, there is someone attached to your aunt." Ying Baoyue looked at the siblings in front of her and said quietly.

The girl's voice was calm, but to the Gui brothers and sisters, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"Still attached to...a person?" Gui Li murmured.


This is what Ying Baoyue discovered, the biggest secret of the great Sima's beloved concubine, Chu Ji.

Chu Ji's state performance is very abnormal with her whole person, and the internal and external discrepancies are very obvious.

But looking at the reaction of the siblings in front of him, Ying Baoyue knew that no one had noticed this before.

Or... no one would think in that direction.

After all, for normal people, it is hard to believe that Duoshe, not to mention that Chu Ji is different from Duoshe and still retains her own personality, which is extremely abnormal.

But for a person like her who has traveled through rebirth, mere possession is not uncommon.

Ying Baoyue smiled from the bottom of her heart.

A peerless expert possesses the protagonist, which is a common plot in novels.

But judging by the way that person behaves, he doesn't look like a peerless grandpa, but rather a...

Possessing an old lady?
After all, even a peerless male master wouldn't even specialize in fighting for favor in the house.

This is a bit new.Ying Baoyue said from the bottom of her heart.

"What the hell is that possessed?" Gui Chen, who was overly shocked, even forgot to ask why Ying Baoyue knew, and asked hastily.

"It's not a thing." Ying Baoyue smiled, her eyes darkened.

"Should be a practitioner of at least the ground level or above."

It's also very likely that...

A female monk.

But Ying Baoyue felt that it was better not to tell the Gui brothers and sisters about this speculation.

"Ground floor?" Gui Chen asked in a daze.

There was a burst of despair in the boy's eyes.

Since the disappearance of Shao Siming and Da Siming, in order to eliminate its remnants, the practice world has undergone a major cleansing.

The immortal officials asserted that this would bring new vitality to the practice world, but as a result, a large number of high-level practitioners were severely injured, and the speed at which new talents emerged slowed down for some reason.

When Da Si Ming was alive, earth-level practitioners were only considered middle-level, but now, it is enough to boast that high-level practitioners are highly sought after.

After all, it is difficult for even natural practitioners to enter the ground level nowadays.

For Gui Chen, who is an ordinary person, the seventh level of the peak of the human level is already the existence of the sky.

After all, he is still stuck at the tenth level and has nowhere to go.

But for him, there is still hope for at least tenth rank.

He originally thought that Chu Ji was just a tenth-rank genius doctor, so he used some tricks to confuse his father. As long as he didn't give up and become a tenth-rank genius doctor one day, he would be able to expose her conspiracy and avenge his revenge.

Now, tell him that Chu Ji has an earth-level cultivator on her body?
How can he not despair?
Seeing the despair in Gui Chen's eyes, Ying Baoyue was a little puzzled.

In fact, what she said just now was a conservative statement. After all, she has lost her memory and dare not speak nonsense.

Manipulating other people's bodies can do such a thing. Ying Baoyue speculates that the old woman in Chu Ji's body may have been close to the third-level strength before her death.

Rank three may be a little rare in the current former Qin Dynasty, Ying Baoyue can understand, but she obviously didn't say that...

"Do you know?" Seeing the puzzlement in the girl's eyes, Gui Chen suddenly spoke.

"I really hope that what you said is not true, even if it is the peak of the seventh or eighth human rank..."

"No," the young man laughed at himself in the next moment, "Even if the peak of the human rank is now a master in the world, what can I do as an ordinary person..."

The young man's voice was dismal, but Ying Baoyue, who was at the side, was stunned when he heard the words.

Rank seven or eight...

Is it a master in the world?
(End of this chapter)

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