Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1251 Master and Disciple

Chapter 1251 Master and Disciple
Being led by the black tiger soldiers to walk in the silent barracks, Meng Shi only felt trembling.

The atmosphere of the Black Tiger Army and the Silver Cicada Guard is completely different. Compared with the relaxed atmosphere of the Silver Cicada Guard, the interior of the Black Tiger Army is much more serious. There is not even a sound in the huge barracks, only the sound of uniform training from a distance. Inexplicably nervous.

This is the first army of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Black Tiger Army.

Meng Shi tightened her younger sister's hand, never expecting that she would enter the First Army of Great Qin this day.

And thinking of the person she was going to meet next, she became more and more nervous.

Commander-in-Chief, Lin Shubai.

Even people born in the most remote villages in the Shanhai Continent have heard her name.

Such a legendary woman who has nothing to do with a commoner like her actually wants to meet her?
As the soldiers leading the way passed through the long corridor, Meng Shi walked into the big tent in trepidation. If it wasn't for Meng Ge who was still beside her and holding her hand, she felt that her legs were going weak.

For the master of Princess Zhaoyang, Meng Shi and the children of Shanhaiguan have imagined the appearance of this female God of War countless times. Seeing the curtain getting closer and closer, Meng Shi's curiosity reached the extreme.

"Master National Teacher, people brought it."

The curtain in front opened, revealing a hideous bronze mask.


Meng Ge screamed and sat down on the ground with a plop.

Meng Shi knelt down and hugged her sister tightly, her eyes widened in astonishment.

"Ah, sorry, did I scare you?"

However, at the next moment, an extremely gentle female voice came out from behind that ferocious mask.

Meng Shi raised her head in a daze, and a woman sitting by the desk took off the bronze mask on her face and looked at her quietly, "Hello, we meet again."

What does meet again mean?
Meng Shi didn't understand, but she didn't have the time to think about the meaning of this sentence, she just stared blankly at the woman sitting in the big tent, and even forgot to speak.

Sitting in the big tent was a woman who seemed to be in her early 20s. She didn't wear any armor, but only a white dress. Her black hair was draped softly behind her, and she didn't have any accessories on her body.

It was the first time Meng Shi met Da Si Ming, but after seeing him, she understood that this person was Lin Shubai.

The woman in front of her had a look and aura very similar to Princess Zhaoyang's.

But Meng Shi never imagined that this famous goddess of war in the mainland would look like this.

There is no majesty and iron blood as guessed by the children on the border, let alone supercilious.

The woman sitting in front of the desk has a gentle temperament reminiscent of the Jiangnan Water Village, her skin is as white as snow, and her figure is slender. If it weren't for the hideous mask in her hand and the military map spread out in front of her, Meng Shi would have thought she was I saw the eldest lady who was hidden in the deep boudoir of the aristocratic family.

"Why, doesn't my appearance match your imagination?" asked the woman beside the desk.

"No, I..." Only then did Meng Shi realize how disrespectful her behavior was just now, and she slammed her sister's head on the cold ground.

"The untouchables have seen the master of the country."

The person in front of her is the national teacher of Daqin.

Even though the emperor has changed to another person, this person is still the most honorable person in Daqin except the emperor.

What's more, this person is still a god in the practice world, a true uncrowned king.

The act of looking up at the national teacher so unscrupulously just now is enough to have her eyes gouged out.

"It doesn't matter," the woman sitting by the desk smiled, "I don't care about these formalities, besides, I scared you to come before me just now, get up."

"I'm Chief Commander Lin Shubai, but you should guess who I am."

Meng Shi raised her body slightly from the ground, and found that this woman of incomparable status hadn't even called herself. She had seen sesame-sized officials at the border who would call themselves "my official," but this woman kept saying "I", It seems that he is not used to calling himself by other identities at all.

This was exactly the same as the girl she knew.

Meng Shi's vision blurred, she raised her head, staring blankly at the noble woman sitting on top.

It doesn't matter even if her eyes are gouged out, as long as she can see the shadow of that girl again, she is willing to do anything.

The woman sitting at the top also looked at her quietly, and it was at this moment that Meng Shi realized something was wrong.

She and Meng Ge entered the big tent at the same time, because the twins wore the same clothes today, and they were exactly the same in appearance and shape, but from the moment she and Meng Ge entered the big tent, Da Si Ming looked at himself.

The adoptive parents who took care of them for four years sometimes couldn't tell Meng Ge from herself. Why did this person recognize her in an instant?

If it was relying on the aura of a practitioner, Meng Ge had just awakened, and the aura on his body was stronger than hers.

Why did this man recognize her?
Only then did Meng Shi remember what Lin Shubai said when they came in.

"We meet again."

"Master Guoshi, you said we met again..." Meng Shi raised her head and asked boldly.

"We met three days ago, didn't we?" Lin Shubai looked at the little girl under the seat and said calmly, "When the city is broken, you should be under the city."

If it was just speculation before, Meng Shi was really shocked this time.

When the city was broken, so many people crowded around the city, why did this person recognize her at a glance?
No, first of all this person will know her?
She is just a pariah, and even had a slave status before, so she has nothing to do with the noble national teacher.

Thinking of a possibility, Meng Shi trembled all over.

"Master National Teacher, you, why did you..."

"Why do I know you?" Lin Shubai's face was a little pale, but his voice was still gentle, "Do you know a person named Lin Baoyue?"

Meng Shi felt that the blood in her body was congealed.

"It seems that you still remember," said the woman who seemed to be in the clouds in Meng Shi's eyes, "I'm looking for you because she entrusted me with something before she left the border."

"She said she promised a child that she would listen to her choice on that child's birthday this year."

"The reason why I can recognize you is because you have a part of her in your body, isn't that the restriction she set?"

"Before she left, she told me that if she has no chance to return to the border, please trouble me to complete the agreement on her behalf."

Meng Shi could no longer see the face of the woman in that seat, Lin Shubai's voice was calm, but every word hit her heart.

"She said she made an appointment to let you choose by yourself. Although it's three days late, have you made your choice now?"

Have you chosen yet?

Meng Shi stared blankly at the woman in front of her, and suddenly the girl's gentle voice sounded in her ears.

"We have a date."

"Let you choose."

She remembers.

She always remembers this agreement.

Lin Shubai stared at the little girl under the seat, his eyes suddenly froze slightly.

Because the little girl who walked up to her with her younger sister and had a stubborn expression had already burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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